Thanks for supporting the Bungie Foundation. We're glad the iPads for Kids program was able to help out your little one!
Thanks for supporting the Bungie Foundation. We're glad the iPads for Kids program was able to help out your little one!
It's been so much fun to watch this place grow over the years. 1,000,000 is far more than I ever imagined when this place was getting up and running. I still love visiting every day as part of my patrol of the Destiny community. Big thanks to the amazing mod team that keeps this place going and to all of you who post amazing content every day. Also, big thanks to those of you who shitpost as well.
See you at 2 million, be brave.
I almost forgot.
Happy birthday /u/Norsefenrir! It's really amazing this happened on the same day you were born.
It's been so much fun to watch this place grow over the years. 1,000,000 is far more than I ever imagined when this place was getting up and running. I still love visiting every day as part of my patrol of the Destiny community. Big thanks to the amazing mod team that keeps this place going and to all of you who post amazing content every day. Also, big thanks to those of you who sh*tpost as well.
See you at 2 million, be brave.
Plot twist, we are playing on mouse and keyboard.
Are you saying I'm the sh*t, hot sh*t, or just regular sh*t?
Read moreSimply one bug, and one bug only:
When loading into areas, you're kicked out of your menus. It was fixed in D2 vanilla, but broke again in Foresaken.
In D1 it was a major issues. You'd get booted once, twice, three or four times. When it was fixed in D2 there was quite a few people excited about it, but since it has came back(thankfully in a less frustrating way) there has been no mention.
If it's intentional as some people have said, to alert the player they've loaded, then that's fine. Just say so.
Whilst I have your ear though - thanks for taking the time to respond. In D1 I had several issues and reached out on the Bungie Help Forums(as per your official guidelines for support), but never received a response. For awhile I checked back and would browse unanswered posts littered about and it was very disheartening hitting stuff that nobody else has issues with and the people that can help you don't reply.
I guess what I'm getting as is tha...
I'm pretty sure we pull you out once to let you know the activity is loaded so you aren't still messing with your gear. I can give feedback that you would like that changed.
Debug shenanigans. It allows us to check Shaxx, Xur, etc when testing.
What in the f**k
News to me.
He meansMaybe he means the glitch in comp where you don't spawn in, and a way you can maybe spawn in if you go into pursuits menu and hand in a bounty. If it doesn't work, then you're stuck spectating your teammates :(
I don't think so since I answered that question in the comment he replied to.
Will give the full details on Solstice of Heroes and the armor you will be earning next week.
Still no word about menus though. Vastly disappointing.
But I know, I know, you're listening.
You have been for years.
EDIT: Cozmo has responded. Thank you all for helping me hit this milestone.
EDIT2: His response.
What about menus?
Any word on the invisibility glitch/other crucible bugs?
We are targeting a fix in the next update on 7/30.
Some men just want to watch the world burn.
One day, I saw a child playing with a Jubilant Rune the size of a tangerine. The bandit had been throwing them away.
I still can't believe you made my trainwreck of a doodle into something cool. True talent.
"Dmg04 is always reloading energy bread. We hope to stop him soon"
Nailed it. He's on his way to become more bread than man! u/dmg04
We hope to stop him soon.
Is crosssave a one time thing, or will our saves constantly update on all platforms?
We are testing some stuff to make sure it's ready for primetime. Want to make sure we iron out any weirdness before inviting you all to join in.
No word about player models and weapons going invisible randomly during Crucible matches?
We think we have figured out the cause and are working on a fix.
First person to get 100,000 Baryon Boughs on your account gets a Collectors Edition of Shadowkeep. To prove you have completed this feat, reply to this comment with your account name and I’ll check it out.