

14 Jun


Originally posted by ImMoray

it doesn't mean you'll be useable, it will likley be disabled similar to how wavesplitter on pc is

They will usable.

13 Jun


Originally posted by Azurephoenix99

Yo, /u/Cozmo23, /u/dmg04, any chance we could get this?

I'll let the dev team know that this was requested. Thanks.


Originally posted by dmg04

Cozmo's working on a fix. Apologies!

It's fixed now! Can we all agree that this was dmg's fault somehow?


Originally posted by DrBones1129

Watch them make it bright red instead of the dark theme everyone asks for lol.

Nah that would be cruel, we'll make it a nice shade of yellow.

For real though, the team is aware of this feedback. I figured the change would be to simply replace whitescreen.jpg with blackscreen.jpg. But it's actually more in depth than that and requires some additional work. We'll be sure to let you know if we make a change.


Who all purchased Gjally week 2?

12 Jun


Originally posted by Supreme_Math_Debater

Thank you! I tried using the search bar first, I promise, but there was a lot to search through.

No worries. There is a lot to keep track of. :)


Originally posted by adaenis

Out of curiosity, as a PC player, will my PS4, Destiny 1 content be effected by selecting PC as my main Destiny 2 account?

D1 will not be affected in any way.


Originally posted by Supreme_Math_Debater

/u/dmg04 /u/cozmo23 Please say you will/have pass(ed) this along. We've been begging for months.

Yea, the team knows that the community wants to see Titans get some tuning.

11 Jun


Thanks for the feedback! I'll let the team know you are enjoying them.


Originally posted by Nanashi_Salad

Will I be able to transfer my account from to Steam?



Originally posted by urkmcgurk

Feeling better after some rest, ice, and lots of ibuprofen. Thanks for asking!

Did you try putting some essential oils on it?


Cross Save will be fully supported on Stadia and all other platforms. You will choose one account that will share its progression consistently across all linked accounts on other platforms.

10 Jun


Originally posted by spinto1

u/Cozmo23 got solo Shattered Throne done second, so I'm going with u/dmg04


09 Jun


Originally posted by TerseHickory1

u/cozmo23 and u/dmg04 This needs to be looked at, I like this raid and don't want it to decrease in quality

Weird. I’ll let the team know. Thanks for the report.

08 Jun


Originally posted by KingofPaladins

Are you implying my tried and true sword battle tactics don't work? Because I assure you, they do. Death is a small price to pay for slaying a Shrieker with a sword.

You’re the hero we deserve.


I will let ask about this. Seen it requested several times.


Guys I got a sword! I’ll use it to take out the Shrieker!

Guardian down.