

11 Jul


I'll pass along the feedback and thanks.

We try to create different challenges and moods with some activities rewarding teamwork, while others test your grit even when no one is backing you up.


Originally posted by dmg04

I'm not edgy enough. That title's for /u/cozmo23.

I'm going unbroken this season.

It's true, I really want this title.

09 Jul


Originally posted by dmg04

That's the hope. If you encounter any other issues that prevent flawless execution, let us know.

And sorry, your friend dying because they walked out of the swapper too early... that's not a bug that we can fix.

I am encountering an issue where you keep dying. It’s preventing flawless execution.

08 Jul


Thanks for the report. The team is currently investigating this issue.

07 Jul


Happy Bungie day everyone! Thanks for continuing to be the best community ever.

02 Jul


Originally posted by MVPVisionZ

Thanks, now I have to vault it

We've decided to remove it from the game.


We have passed along the feedback on buffing Scout rifles to the dev team. Thanks for breaking down your thoughts here.

01 Jul


Originally posted by Riese_God

/u/Cozmo23 /u/dmg04 about the codes from donating. I received an email for one of them. However I donated two times. Once for 10 and another for 50. I only received the code for the 10 dollar donation. How do i go about getting my other code?

We are still working on getting all of the emblems out.

27 Jun


Originally posted by nosut

5 Hours early. Give them a hand for that.

EDIT: Maintenance continues hold off on that.

EDIT 2: Now please give them a hand. There may have been a hiccup but it was still far sooner then predicted!

We had some things fall into place far better than we could have predicted. Give it up for the the services and deployment teams for a job well done!


Originally posted by [deleted]


We will send out emails soon.

26 Jun


EDIT: We have made our choice. Thanks everyone for volunteering!

Greetings DTG Reddit,

We are inviting a few guests from the community to the studio in a few weeks to check out what we’re working on for this fall and give us some feedback. We have done this in the past, but this time we wanted to offer a couple of spots to players in the community who may not be as well known by us. If you are available from July 8 to July 11, reply below with 100 words on why you would like to visit Bungie and give your feedback on Destiny 2. Don't include any personal information, but let us know what region you live in.

We aren’t looking for the hardest core player, or most hours played, just give us your honest thoughts. We have one spot for reddit so this is more or less a Wonka style golden ticket. If chosen, we will cover your travel, hotel, and feed you some bread while you’re here.

This post will stay up for the next 24 hours and then we will chose someone....

Read more External link →

Originally posted by TheWickedX

To anyone saying it’s cuz they’re preorder exclusives, they were but now they’re not and available to all players. They have been for awhile. While we’re on the subject u/Cozmo23 u/dmg04 I’m having issues reclaiming traitors fate( this issue has been unsolved for 7 months cuz I deleted it after collections came out) and I own the collectors edition in which it came but I can no longer reclaim it. That is my favorite sword and I’ve been unable to use it for 7 months please send help. I’ve maybe several posts on here and bungie forums and I’ve yet to get any help.

Cayde's Duds not being available in Collections is currently being investigated. Thanks for the reports.


We updated the Nightfall strikes to the following:

💠 Lake of Shadows

💠 Inverted Spire

💠 Insight Terminus

25 Jun


Originally posted by ghoststa1ker

Yea... could we please get this looked at pleaseee... u/cozmo23 u/dmg04

The team has been made aware. Thanks!

24 Jun

23 Jun


Originally posted by FXcheerios69

Doesn’t that mean they actually can disable weapons on specific platforms contrary to what Cozmo said above?

No, we changed Wavespltter with a patch. That is different than turning off an item with a server flag.

21 Jun


Originally posted by c14rk0

Can't you just disable the "release the wolves" perk/ability until a more permanent change could be made? It'd largely function the same in most activities while being at least somewhat less insane in pvp. You were able to quickly disable the set bonus on the Sentinel Gambit Prime armor set, is this that much different?

We didn't disable the Sentinel Gambit Prime set bonus, we disabled the armor. We can't just target the perk or we would.


Originally posted by YoGoobs

If they were going to, they would have. At least we know they don't care about Comp at all now.

We care about Comp. But we can't turn it off for a certain activity or platform so taking it away from everyone until the fix goes out is weighing heavily into our calculus. As Luke said, we will continue to monitor and let you know if anything changes.

20 Jun


Originally posted by Captain_Ellie

If we have an Eververse armour on us, as an actual armour we use, will we lose it when it gets converted to ornaments, or will we keep the actual pieces we have? I've invested a good amount of resources bringing some Eververse sets up to par and I do not want that to be wasted.

Your current Eververse armor will still be there to use if you like.