

20 Nov


Thanks for the feedback. It’s still early in the season and we will continue to monitor but it’s good to hear players are enjoying the weapon changes so far. If you do have any specific feedback let me know!

19 Nov


I'll share this feedback, thanks! Let us know how the new changes feel as we are not done making changes to Stasis this season.


They said I could be anything...


Originally posted by DrNick1221

  • Remove all legendary weapons that hit their infusion cap at the end of this season
  • Add all of the Seventh Seraph weapons from Season 10
  • Add all of the Season 11 seasonal and planetary reprisal weapons
  • Weight drop chances so the newer an item is, the more likely it is to drop.

That is most certainly a start. But the main thing that bothers me is how You still have to pay for Shadowkeep/Forsaken, yet the base gear from them is Capped. What I hope to see in the future is the Sunsetting undone for the moon/Dreaming city gear at the very least.

The feedback on Shadowkeep and Forsaken rewards being power capped is something the team is aware of. Appreciate the feedback on this, we will keep passing it along.


Originally posted by MrEousTranger

Exodus crash has been re-enabled.

NO, f**k!

But now you can use Witherhoard on Thaviks... the Depraved.


Originally posted by [deleted]

We can wish 'em all the luck in the world, but as CoO and Warmind has taught anyone who's been here for long enough to know where this is going, bet they're just gonna hype up the raid, maybe talk about the next IB, and then post somebody's glorified AMV or frag video at the end of it.

Then ignore the eruption. Y'all won't hear from them on anything of note or weight until after Christmas, bet.

EDIT: And we f**kin' called it!

We got a hotfix to talk about with some small tuning to Stasis.


We are currently investigating this. We will update when we know more.

18 Nov


Originally posted by HashtagNobuff

u/Cozmo23 Do we have any news on this matter, to be clear I have not missed any steps I have run the full route as ask to by the ghost. Cosmodrone tutorial/Campaign, tower tutorial, Main Campaign Ect.

This is the same story on all three characters. I'm new to the game and loving it, its a great time. look great runs great. Gun play awesome. Never getting Exotics game breaking for me. If one character had it I would not be here, but I have none.

I've gotten over the fact Its going to take a lot longer to reach cap than it could of due to the lack of prime engram drops, that's fine. But hitting level cap and never being able to farm a god roll exotic or any exotic in general is a killer. BIG time!! I may be speaking for myself here but its no good man.

Thanks a lot for the reply before, any any future help on the matter. I understand u guys are going to be really busy with the fresh launch etc. Please make some time to fix this Please...

Read more

Just issued a fix let me know if this is resolved for you.

17 Nov


Thanks for the feedback on this change. I'll let the team know you are enjoying it.

15 Nov


Originally posted by hand0z

I'm 1215+ on two characters. I've never seen a prime engram and I don't have prime attunement, ever. Rahool has nothing for me. There are several posts on the help forums. Could we please get some visibility on this /u/Cozmo23? Missing out on a lot of light for lots of players because of this bug.

We will investigate, thanks for reporting.

14 Nov


Originally posted by 7ejk

Definitely a bug that will be fixed.

Yea it’s a known issue and we are investigating.


We will bring this suggestion up with the rewards team. I know that we want to keep Ascendant shards valuable where it feels good to earn them. I’ll ask if we can consider adding one that’s more easily obtained by solo play on a weekly cadence - thanks for the feedback.

13 Nov


Originally posted by SteelElite426

Why did they remove Heir Apparent?

Heir Apperant was not intended to be available through the kiosk. Current plan is to have this exotic available during a future event for players to earn. Stay tuned for announcements of availability.

12 Nov


Originally posted by BlackPlague1235

I honestly didn't expect anything on the current complaints and suggestions for stasis and loot pool as it's only three days after launch.

Yea we are definitely sharing everyone's feedback on world pool, max power levels, stasis, and other hot topics we are seeing with the rest of the team.

It is early in the launch and we will share more info as soon as we can.


This is good feedback. Team is definitely monitoring the community's response to Stasis and will also keep an eye on the data is it comes in to inform future tuning to the new abilities.

10 Nov


Seeing a lot of people in and playing but we are still working on background maintenance which has been extended until 4PM PST.

Thanks for being patient while we work through some day 1 issues.

Stay tuned to BungieHelp for mor e updates.

09 Nov


Originally posted by DredgenZeta

Oh? You're a D1 vet?

Name every gun

I named them all "Steve."


slowly raises hand

05 Nov


Originally posted by nventure

Any updates about catalysts that won't be obtainable or completable? i.e. Worldline Zero, Telesto

We'll add them back in a future season.


Originally posted by ruisranne

any word if it is safe to keep our stuff in the postmaster when the update comes?

Postmaster isn't storage so keep things in there at your own risk, but no plans to actively wipe it out in the update.