Writing this down to pass along “players upset Umbral decoder doesn’t say “Om nom nom nom nom” anymore” pls fix”
Writing this down to pass along “players upset Umbral decoder doesn’t say “Om nom nom nom nom” anymore” pls fix”
We did try to save some things for you to discover. It’s always a balance of making sure we communicate the things you need to know, showcase some things you want to know, and then save some surprises.
Feedback is always welcome so we can improve in the future.
You sure as hell notice the sub machine gun recoil on console though. It feels soooooo much better
The goal was to make them both feel good. Thanks for the feedback!
Especially since it was a highlight that Rockets got buffed...even Exotics
I’ll look into it.
Maybe someone from bungie can clarify this, but will we be able to get adept mods from GMs to go with our adept weapons or is trials going to be the only way to earn adept mods for the near future.
Yes! Adept mods will also drop from the Grand Master Nightfalls.
We appreciate you reporting this issue. We will make sure these missing shaders are made available in a future season.
Appreciate the feedback. It does feel pretty badass to take down something like a Dungeon solo. We will let the team know you are enjoying things like Solo Lost Sectors and would like to see more activities like that in the future.
Add guilding for raid titles with flawless requirement pls
I can give that feedback. Eager to see how this is received by the community and then we can see how it can evolve.
You seriously won't even address sunsetting? Not even the usual bs about acknowledging it soon, yada yada?
wow, that's quite a new level of ignoring your customers. Impressive.
Sunsetting is definitely one of the community concerns I was referring to in the outro. Like Joe said, we are taking some time to validate plans and will share out a State of Destiny 2021 next season.
Are you sure about that? Because these two sentences seem to be conflicting.
**You may see other anomalies involving Crow in Season 13... --
** Season 13 should avoid these rough edges **
EDIT: Well ok then. It's still a confusing construction, grammatically.
Yea that is fair. Rewrote that several times so I internalized the difference between "S12 stuff in Season 13" and "Season 13 stuff going forward."
Nope, this is stating that any vendors (aside from the crow) or things introduced in season 13 shouldn’t have any weirdness moving forward as they were designed with that new model in mind.
You got it.
Am I the first?
Checking in a bit...
Edit: Yes, it's fixed.
Yea looks like this note was missed but it was fixed. I'm adding it now.
Same for me. Nez Sin Helmet is still not working for Deafening Whisper. /u/cozmo23
I looked into this. Looks like this note was included in error and the fix is coming in a few weeks when Season 13 starts.
Fixing the patch notes now.
Lets hope the huge fps difference from shadowkeep is minimized
Please let us know how your perf is after you take the update. Thanks.
As their list of aspirational activities are trials, raids and dungeons, I believe that the intended one for this season that they consider to be the aspirational armour set would be the deep stone crypt raid set. As it was introduced this season. These armour sets do not need to be tied directly to the season, we saw this with prophecy where the dungeon was free to play, yet was their example of aspirational armour.
Correct. We defined "Aspirational Activities" a little further down in that TWAB as (Raids, Trials, Dungeons)
It's totally fine though to give feedback that you would like to see more armor sets outside of the cited commitment and we will pass along that feedback.
Cozmo sought mod pre-approval of this contest post, just like a normal user, and obtained it!
This post has received The Mod Seal of Approval.
I am a normal user though.
EDIT: The winners have all been contacted so check your PMs if you haven't already! Thanks!
The Dawning has us in the mood for gifting. Since it's pretty difficult to send out freshly baked cookies, we thought giving out 20 Beyond Light Digital Deluxe Editions would spread some cheer.
You can enter to get one for yourself or to gift it to a friend. Just reply to this post below. Make sure you only reply once as a parent comment though as anyone replying more than once will be disqualified.
That's it. You have until 10AM Pacific tomorrow(12/22/2020) to reply to be eligible. I'll pick winners at random and DM them asking what platform they would like. So keep an eye on your inbox tomorrow around that time!
Hope you are enjoying the Dawning and have a great rest of your year!
External link →He's our son and we love him.
I can't express how loud I laughed when I saw him.