

05 Nov


Originally posted by robolettox

Since nothing was directly said in previous TWAB and neither on this, can we assume bounty stacking is ok? No bounties (other than those from or related to vaulted content) will be removed?

Dylan talked about this a few TWABs ago.

Most of your bounties will stay intact, but any bounties tied to specific Seasonal activities or content entering the DCV will be removed on November 10. Examples would include Black Armory, Gambit Prime, or Festival of the Lost bounties. Additionally, any bounties that grant progression towards Infamy/Valor may negatively impact your powerful rewards, as they will be limited to Season of Arrivals Power Levels. Our recommendation is to go ahead and claim your bounties, just to make sure you don’t miss out on any XP or Glimmer.


Originally posted by YieldingSweetblade

We’re also introducing a currency, Spoils of Conquest, which can only be acquired when completing raids. This currency will be required for Exotics previously tied to Vaulted raids.

Exactly what I wanted to hear, thanks.

Got to raid to get the raid Exotics.


Originally posted by matthewdude2345

I’m unnecessarily angry that they are called orbs of power now

Embrace the darkness.

29 Oct


Originally posted by Astro4545

Why take the coupon away? Also should’ve mentioned the transmog update.

Yea that went an hour ago so it was a little for the TWAB sorry. :)

23 Oct


Twas the Night Before the "Twas the Night Before Beyond Light" posts.

16 Oct


Originally posted by GianID

Warframe's community team needs to be mentioned

Yes, they are awesome!

15 Oct


Originally posted by riddlemore

So is the first day emblem available until 11/22 9am or 11/22 10am?

10 AM.


Originally posted by nickbuck14

Im guessing probably a typo, they did the same thing last week with the launch time for beyons light

Reset will be 9AM by then, but the raid launches at 10am Pacific (1800 UTC).


Originally posted by Tseven8

Hi, can you elaborate on the Next-Generation Upgrade Free? Are you saying that if we purchased beyond light on ps4, we won't be able to play it on ps5 till December?

That just means you won't have to rebuy it on the nextgen console. You can still play on Nov 10 - the listed enhancements will arrive on 12/8.


Originally posted by SilentAlpha_76

Good morning guys. How long have you guys wanted a FOV slider for console for?



Originally posted by th3goodman

When do we learn about ps5?

It's in the table.


Good morning.

10 Oct


We just issued another change that will drop two Ciphers instead of one.

Please note, Ciphers do NOT drop from the following: enemy kills, Gambit, Forges, and non-playlist Strikes.

I know this doesn't address other feedback around the core loop of playing other activities to earn keys for the chests, but we wanted to make a change that we could put out quickly. I'll continue to share other feedback with the team.

09 Oct


Thanks for the continued feedback. The team is aware of the feedback that the Cipher Decoder drops still feel too infrequent and are looking into it.

08 Oct


Originally posted by horse_you_rode_in_on

The design makes sense if cipher decoders are literally raining on you - remember that Bungie was warning us "they only stack to 25!" like that was going to be a problem. I won't mind it assuming that they confirm that the current drop rate is a bug and buff it massively; otherwise I'll be largely skipping the event.

We just deployed a fix of the Cipher Decoder drop rate. Let us know if this makes the event feel more enjoyable. We'll continue to pass along feedback, thanks!

06 Oct


We're currently investigating the drop rate of Cipher Decoders.

01 Oct


Originally posted by FHW2

double rewards are back

Ah yeah

it’s Garden World

f**k that. I hope Lake of Shadows will have double rewards again the final time it’s the ordeal.

Haven't you ever heard the old saying? "Don't look gift double rewards in the mouth."


Originally posted by lonbordin

I'd really appreciate an economy update before it's too late to use my stockpile of stuff.

Edit- Thank you for the reply Cosmo!

We'll talk about both Sandbox and economy this month.


Originally posted by DarkPhoenixXI

The toothbrush is still just a toothbrush.

