

11 Dec


Originally posted by TheUberMoose

He may generate a random list of things however we KNOW you can override it and change it server side.

Laser Tag Weekend for example you made XUR sell the trace rifle

Well, depending on "when" in Destiny history you are talking about. When Xur first launched there were no overrides - hence the long streaks of Sunbreakers and Voidfang Vestments for Warlocks.


Originally posted by Working_Bones

Thanks so much for replying! I wasn't trying to hate on your team with this post, I really just wanted an explanation. I see where you're coming from but personally I think 120, 140, and 180 hand cannons are distinct enough to warrant the inclusion of all 3 of them in the loot pool. And that the RPM difference creates just as much variety as the kinetic/energy difference. Especially when True Prophecy is relatively new and had plenty of time left before its sunset date. And when hand cannons were just given so many changes and have become so viable again in the meta.

Couldn't you have individually reduced the drop rates of the 3 kinetic hand cannons while keeping them all in the loot pool? Thus maintaining the drop rate of 'kinetic hand cannon generally' relative to other weapon archetypes?

Personally I have more Seventh Seraphs and Dire Promises than I'll ever need and would trade a million drops of them for another 10 True Prophecies, but maybe it's just me.


I think 120, 140, and 180 hand cannons are distinct enough to warrant the inclusion of all 3 of them in the loot pool. And that the RPM difference creates just as much variety as the kinetic/energy difference.

Yea that is totally fair. We just wanted to give you some info on why that change was made. I'm just glad we were able to get the overall change in so quickly even if there was an outlier here based on the feedback.


True Prophecy was removed due to adding the Seventh Seraph hand cannon and wanting to make sure the world pool has a balanced distribution. Those two along with Dire Promise would mean players would be getting more kinetic hand cannons over other drops in the world pool, and our goal is to ensure players have wide variety of archetypes in the world pool.

Spoiler: We do have two new 120 Hand Cannons coming next season for anyone who is enjoying that sub archetype.


Originally posted by GlacedDoughnut

mfw when a disabled exotic is being sold

Sorry about that.

I hope everyone believes me now when I say that his inventory is random. :)

We are fixing the issue and turning Vesper back on next week so it's still good to pick it up if you want it.

08 Dec


Originally posted by KillaB123

Lower frames and a serious screen tearing issue

We are currently investigating. Keep an eye on @Bungiehelp for the latest.


Originally posted by FatedTitan

Since you’re here, could you pass feedback along to update vendor dialogue? I know it costs money to get VAs to record new lines, but having Hawthorne and Tess still saying the same things for four years is old. It’d feel more like an evolving world if they had their lines updated for current world events.

Sure, I will give that feedback.


Originally posted by Destiny_Lore_Text

"Sure. When you look at it that way, the math ain't so bad."

—Egon Bash, a questionable Hunter under Vanguard interrogation

You just don't quit do you?

04 Dec

03 Dec


Please be nice to the new guy.

01 Dec


Originally posted by TheUberMoose

lets broaden this. Any "end game" activity should in no way drop sunset gear, and currently outside the raids, they all can.

Ordeal Grand Master - Run the corrupted, final chest drops the Horrros Least, which is sunset, at minimum re-issue the NF loot like you did with Gnawing Hunger.

Dungeons - All of the ones you can play (prophecy is not in game at this time) drop sunset loot, Pit drops fully masterworked sunset armor, at that point just replace it with some MW cores and crystals. Really the DC and Moon loot should all be re-issued so the drops are not sunset from end game things. If LW is end game so is Throne.

PvP and Gambit - loot dropped in matches and from rank ups and resets should either be reissued or changed these are mixed but there are sunset items in these. Comp is a end game activity and resets to Valor have the same issue.

While not fully end game it was at launch a near endgame activity, Altar of Sorrow on the moon should have i...

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Thanks for the additional feedback. I will share these thoughts with the team as well.


Thanks for the feedback. I’ll put in a request to swap it out for something that is not at max power cap.


Appreciate the feedback. Banshee’s inventory is random which means RNG will streak in a negative way as is Destiny tradition(Cabal Drills again?!)

This will fix itself in S13 when they are no longer sold, but we are looking to see if we can get a change in the short term that lowers the weighting of old materials so they don’t show up as often.

26 Nov


But the Portal is up, I will bank these 15 when I get back.

25 Nov


Originally posted by Stealth797

I thought today was u/NorseFenrir birthday

They share a birthday.


Don't worry, we aren't going to make major decisions based solely on a few voices. Everyone is welcome to give their feedback and critiques and we do take everyone's input in no matter if you're a big-time streamer or just making a post on reddit, bnet, or the social platform of your choice. The team is going to decide what they think is best for the game based on a mix of feedback, data, and their own expertise.

From my personal CM chair, here is the feedback I have been seeing from the raid overall.

  • Amazing encounters with incredible art and music.
  • Contest mode is great, please find more ways to use it
  • Longer prep time and weekend raid day is preferred
  • 24 hour clear seemed more accessible because of new builds but still challenging and a desired achievement
  • Great story and lore, some players would prefer a different boss than Taniks
  • Final Chest Vendor is a hit
  • ...
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Originally posted by initialt

Having the same issue. No prime attunement after patch.

Can you send me a link to your profile?


Nice job! Glad you made it in right under the wire.


I'll pass along this feedback. Not sure if by design or a technical limitation but I will let the team know you would like frozen Servitors to be interrupted from shielding enemies.


Oh sh*t.

24 Nov


Originally posted by FrogInTheStreet

u/cozmo23 I just got on for the first time today and after the update I no longer have prime attunement again.

Thanks for the report. Let me know if it comes back or stays bugged out.