When they talk about game years they're very explicit in saying Year 4 etc. If they just say end of the year they mean 2020.
Correct. Expect it to return before the end of December.
When they talk about game years they're very explicit in saying Year 4 etc. If they just say end of the year they mean 2020.
Correct. Expect it to return before the end of December.
You've signed up for
As you and others pointed out, the rewards will be at Max Power level soon. As long as you are considering that wouldn't change and still want us to look into this I'll share your feedback with the team. Thanks!
The team tested features like slowing player movement, altering grenade paths, and even knocking players off their Sparrows. “It was painfully unfun and made doing anything in the game almost impossible,” said Velicky. VFX Lead Justin Hayward added, “We iterated a lot to find a delicate balance between it seeming dangerous but without it actually being disorienting, oppressive, or negatively impacting core gameplay.”
Oh thank god, not gonna lie I got a little nervous as I was reading this part. But this all sounds cool, I'm always impressed when Bungie breaks down their thought process, the level of detail is insane.
Glad that now there won't be reddit threads titled "BUNGIE PLEASE STOP KNOCKING ME OFF MY SPARROW."
I assume you meant to respond to someone about Riskrunner?
I'll pass along the feedback on seeing if we can pull it out of his inventory.
Bruh, Apotheosis Veil has TWO INTELLECT. It's literally built around using your super. What is with these rolls
RNG Gods are notoriously poor at build synergy.
Will we have to spend regular masterworking materials - and at the same ratios as armor - to upgrade our Ghosts?
EDIT: Also, I posted this question to Dylan on Twitter, but no response yet: now knowing the launch date of the new consoles, will this have any impact on the new raid launch window? Xbox on the 10th, PS5 on the 12th in some select countries and 19th worldwide, makes it a bit stressful for players that buy them and want to experience the raid on the newest hardware. Any chance we get some input soon on this?
Answered this above, just Glimmer, shards, and cores.
This treatment has been applied to all Ghosts outside of the Generalist Shell, so you can use your favorite Ghost Shells, regardless of tier.
But... Generalist Shell is my favorite :(
Giving this feedback to the team. Thanks!
The cost is pretty light and uses Glimmer, Legendary Shards, and Enhancement Cores. No need to spend your golf balls on ghosts.
Oh my god. I got Lasik right before Covid hit. I cant imagine having to deal with the smoke in the air AND having to take care of the eyes. I hated sleeping in those shields... ugh.
I hope your eyes are alright though. Lasik is amazing. I am up to 20/15. I used to be damn near blind.
Thanks 20/15 in both eyes now! Couldn't make out the big E before.
No more taping the shields to my eyes at night and frightening the wife.
Customizable ghosts whaaaaattt?! YASSS
I'll share this feedback. That set was fire on Titans.
Multiple strikes on Europa confirmed
Here is the full list of Strikes that will be available for free to all players on Nov 10. Europa will have one new strike at launch.
Destiny’s Devil’s Lair and Fallen S.A.B.E.R. will also be coming out of the Vault in Year 4.
Sorry about the confusion, I'll fix the text in the TWAB.
/u/cozmo23 any chance you could pass along the feedback that we'd appreciate the ability to earn this lore weekly instead of every 3 weeks? kinda sucks for those of us that can't finish this until after Beyond Light launches :/
I'll will definitely pass this along, thanks.
Is that a DARK THEME?????
Go beyond the light.
Merciless is getting fixed finally but what about Jade Rabbit, isn't the perk on that still bugged?
Jade Rabbit's perk is also not working properly because of the same issue affecting Merciless and will also be fixed in 2.9.2. on September 8.
Cozmo, thank you guys for explaining why the Sleeper Node hunt was so bad and saying what you're going to do to fix it. Please do more of that. I promise you that it will help your standing with the community.
Thanks, we will keep that in mind.