

30 Nov


Hello all, I’m once again writing to let you know of some issues we’re tracking with this patch:

  • There was a short delay launching today’s patch on desktop. The issue causing that delay has been resolved and the patch is now available on all devices.

  • (Resolved 12/1) Lady Anacondra will not lower nature spells in your hand to 0 if you play Celestial Alignment while she is already in play. Update: resolved in today’s hotfix.

  • Diablo appeared in some Battlegrounds lobbies even after he was supposed to be removed from the game. We believe we have now successfully banished him from the Battlegrounds.

  • (Resolved 12/1) A small number of players in EU servers had their Mercenaries season ended some hours early. The underlying issue was resolved to avoid this problem going forward. Affected players will be compensated at a later date. Update: The compensation for affected players has now been distribut...

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22 Nov


As stated in the post, the fix is coming in a future patch.


Yes, as listed above, a fix is coming in a future patch.

20 Nov


The issue was fixed some hours ago, so you should be good now if you didn’t already notice. You just need to update once more.


Known and being worked on right now.

19 Nov


Yes, you should be able to play Drek’Thar–likely not get anything, because you run Shudderwock and other things that cost more than 4–and then play Shudderwock and pull something based on Shudderwock’s mana cost.


The max for ones you can farm has always been 4. The other two have always been special slots that are reserved for the daily task and the story task. No change was made here–you probably just finished the story tasks.


When was the last time you noticed this? It was believed to be fixed several patches ago.


No problem, glad it wasn’t a bigger problem. :+1:

18 Nov


Hey there. The devs looked it up and saw that Vanndar Stormpike is in your collection, initially claimed two days ago. You can find it by filtering your collection by Fractured in Alterac Valley.


The team is looking into these reports. Nothing has been shared because there is nothing yet to report back at this time.


Drek’Thar pulls minions from your deck, so when your deck is empty it is correct for it not to summon anything.


Turns out the fix for this one was fairly easy, so I’ll be adding it to the known issues and it should be resolved soon.


Hey, thanks for the report. The team is looking into it now.


Hey all, we wanted to let you know about some of the issues we’re tracking in 21.8:

  • We rolled out a hotfix today for players who disconnected on the “Choose a Faction” screen and were, as a result, were unable to choose a faction.
  • Cram Session shows the correct Spell Damage modifier, but then does not draw the correct amount of cards with some Spell Damage modifiers (such as Talented Arcanist). The fix for this bug has been entered into a future patch.
  • The Vanndar Hero Skin (from the Fractured in Alterac Valley pre-purchase) and Steel Guardian Malfurion (the new mecha-themed skin) are using the wrong hero power animations. The fix for these has been added into a future patch.
  • We have run a heal-up for players who were not fully fixed when the Vol’jin Mercenaries tasks were corrected last patch.
  • The Search function when building a deck using the Wild card pool on mobile can become locked into only showing all Wild cards, and not allowi...
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17 Nov


We have started rolling out a fix for the small percentage of players who were not properly fixed in the original Vol’jin fix.

11 Nov


It looks like a subsection of the people who were fixed during last week’s Vol’jin fix ran into another issue following the fix. The team is looking into it now.


Yes, that is intended. The normal rule is that cards lose enchantments when they go back into the deck. The Tradeable keyword is the exception to that normal rule, but the exception is when trading, not just any time the card gets thrown back.

09 Nov


Hello all,

We will be making some card changes in a patch going out early next week that we wanted to let you know about, to give players time to prepare for Masters Tour: Undercity, taking place from November 19-21. These are the cards that will be changing:

Razormane Battleguard

  • Old: 2 Attack, 3 Health New: 2 Attack, 2 Health

Arcanist Dawngrasp (Mage Questline final reward)

  • Old: Battlecry: For the rest of the game, you have Spell Damage +3. New: For the rest of the game, you have Spell Damage +2.


  • Old: Deal 2 damage to the enemy hero. Shuffle 3 Bleeds into your deck that deal 2 more when drawn. New: Deal 2 damage to the enemy hero. Shuffle 2 Bleeds into your deck that deal 2 more when drawn.


  • Old: [Costs 2] New: [Costs 1]...
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03 Nov


The hotfix is still rolling out. The fix will be live once the hotfix is live in your region.