Hello all, I’m once again writing to let you know of some issues we’re tracking with this patch:
There was a short delay launching today’s patch on desktop. The issue causing that delay has been resolved and the patch is now available on all devices.
(Resolved 12/1) Lady Anacondra will not lower nature spells in your hand to 0 if you play Celestial Alignment while she is already in play. Update: resolved in today’s hotfix.
Diablo appeared in some Battlegrounds lobbies even after he was supposed to be removed from the game. We believe we have now successfully banished him from the Battlegrounds.
(Resolved 12/1) A small number of players in EU servers had their Mercenaries season ended some hours early. The underlying issue was resolved to avoid this problem going forward. Affected players will be compensated at a later date. Update: The compensation for affected players has now been distribut...