

03 Oct


I’m not able to reproduce Shield Throw not scaling with damage from its skill tree or your passives. Have you double checked by attacking the Training Dummy in the Council Chambers or End of Time? Try looking at the damage numbers before and after taking a new node (attack a few dozen times, ideally).

If you’re still having issues, please upload a screenshot of your skill tree, passives and items.

I have found that Shield Throw occasionally takes a long time to come off of cooldown during my testing, but I haven’t found the cause yet. If you find out that something makes it happen more consistently, let me know! Thanks.


Thanks, I’ve made a note of this.

29 Sep


Thanks, this has been fixed for next patch.


Thanks for the report-- your system information and log file would be helpful to have.

Have you tried entering the area on the s...

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A fix for this was included in 0.7.3-- please let us know if you run into further issues.


A fix for this was included in 0.7.3-- please let us know if you run into further issues.


Thanks, I’ve made a note of this.


Could you post a screenshot of your passives to an image hosting site? I tried a few combinations and was able to remove points successfully.


Thanks, we believe that the issue has been identified, but we haven’t determined the exact fix. This appears to only be an issue on MacOS related to compression changes we made in 0.7.3, potentially Macs specifically with AMD graphics.

If you’re able to force your computer to use the integrated Intel graphics rather than the AMD ones that would help us confirm that-- internally one of our team members was able to run the game without issue on their Macbook (with Intel graphics).


That seems to be working correctly. When you have the Embers node enabled the fireballs are cast right after one another, so if you have additional projectiles they can blend together. It’s hard for me to see from a still image, but you should be able to see parts of the fire stream which are brighter than others.

Here’s a clip, let me know if you saw anything different (particularly before taking Embers).


You can, you’ll just need to invest a 21st point first. Then when you respec, you will still have 20 points in Acolyte, and meet the requirements for your Necromancer nodes.

28 Sep


I’m not able to reproduce this issue, I get extra projectiles when I take the node. Could you upload a picture of your skill tree and items to a site like imgur.com, and upload your log file?



How many points do you have invested into Acolyte? All of your Necromancer points rely on the points you put into Acolyte, so you need to have 20 points in Acolyte after the refund occurs.

I realize that this isn’t too clear in game, I’ll see what we can do to make it explained better (i.e. displaying points past 20 on base classes, better tutorials/tooltips).


Thanks, this will be fixed for next patch.


Hm, I’m seeing them teleport. Just to confirm, they’re the skeletons with hoods, and leave a black smoke trail when they teleport.

Could you post your skill tree if you’re still having issues?


It’s working on my end-- not all minion upgrades will work instantly, so if you encounter something like this it’s always worth re-summoning the minion. Let me know if that works!


Thanks, it seems like something went wrong when the skills system was updated for 0.7.3, which we know how to fix.


Thanks for the reports, these should be quick fixes. The exit game button once you’re in game does work, if you hadn’t checked.


No, it’s an entirely new node.

We’ll look forward to your feedback! It was a balance of looking distinct and being visible on all backgrounds.

Thanks for the kind words everyone.


Respec Systems

  • You can now remove individual points from a skill’s specialization tree.
    • Each point removed decreases the skill’s level by 1. You level up the skill as normal to regain the points removed.
    • You cannot remove a point that would invalidate other nodes you have taken in the tree. If you want to remove a point that other nodes depend on, you need to remove the dependants first.
    • The Despecialization process has not changed for switching which skills you are investing points into.
  • Reworked the system for passive respecs
    • You can now respec any passive point, if the following requirements are met:
      • You must meet the requirements for all nodes you have after the respec occurs (e.g. if you have points in a node that requires level 15 in a mastery then you must maintain at least 15 points allocated to nodes with a lower requirement in the same tree).
      • If you have unlocked the mastery classes t...
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