

23 Sep


Originally posted by KobraTheKing

  • The UI, and in particular the default UI, is very complex and confusing. Are there any plans to improve the UI?

  • Can we expect more updates like the gamejam graphics update? It went a long way towards making the game look more consistent.

  • There are a lot of yak track models (and marketplace) that are higher quality than existing models. Will these ever be used to update the game? Things like desert wyrm, kyatt, giant rat, unicorn and so on.

  • Any thoughts about reducing the dailyscape?

  • Any thoughts about changing how auras are earned?

RE: Default UI

What a bugbear. I totally agree with you, it's just not a simple fix. Various ideas have been toyed with on how to improve interfaces, we just have yet to find the right ones - Mod Kalaya


Originally posted by MyCabbagesHelp

  • will winter weekends return this year?
  • if we can't get a 6th action bar on screen, can we get a 6th action bar's worth of keybinds to assign to things that doesn't have to be visible? I'd love invisible action bars.
  • what's the drop rate of the lucky dragonkin coin from nodon dragonkin?
  • what's the drop rate of amulet of the forsaken from barrows?
  • could we get strange/golden rock drop rates?
  • when is the ninja dojo returning?
  • jagex used to release the drop rate of boss pets on release. Can we go back to that? Why was that changed?
  • when is the next parcels from the hedge/travelling artisan event?
  • can we get mod ramen's aod gamejam project (about the chest drop rates) released?
  • can we get mod deg's gamejam project from last year (about vorago accept dialog showing who accepts in chat) released?
  • can we augment skilling offhands?
  • can it show the pylon and rex% in arch journal?
  • ...
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RE: 6th Action Bar

I personally believe we need to reduce the number of things that need keybinding rather than introduce ways to keybind more things. - Mod Jack


Originally posted by Communication_East

Any word on increasing the log out timer?

This is something I'm looking at. I agree with the feedback but we need to find the right solution taking into account how it could facilitate bots, impact existing AFK training methods and so on. - Mod Jack


Originally posted by Legal_Evil

Can players who opt into pvp in wildy not have pve threats attacking them? This makes it annoying for players to deal with both pvp and pve threats at the same time.

Why is solo Solak and Vorago made much harder than doing them in teams? Why can't they be scaled to match the difficulty of duos, like 1.5m HP for solo Solak instead of 2m?

Will RS3 be getting better servers like OSRS will be (based on Mod Ash's tweets)? A longer logout timer will make servers laggier when more players afking in the game unless servers improve.

RE: Better Servers

Yes. - Mod Keeper


Originally posted by heropsychodream

Can we get an update on the account security upgrade? It was mentioned earlier this year... Are we still getting that this year?

The Account teams are still working on the new Jagex account system ("One account to rule them all").

It is rapidly approaching its Open Beta launch with the team frantically working to get this ready this year. This is the vehicle for the enhanced security features such as improved password complexity, verified emails etc.

At launch, you will be able to create a new Jagex account and then import existing Characters into it, giving a single set of secure account credentials for all you characters. Through the launcher you'll then be able to play all characters simultaneously with remembered authentication on them all. We will also have 1 click character creation so you can add new characters really easily. In the launcher you just choose the character you want to enter the game with and away you go!

Our current status is that much of this functionality is being tested internally at the moment. There is more development work required on both the launcher a...

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Originally posted by BlankArchive

  1. Going forward with the new launcher and account system, would it be possible to create multi-account subscription plans to give players with alts/ironmen a discount on playing more than one account?
  2. Are there any plans to bring back Runefest next year? I would love to be able to finally attend one.

RE: RuneFest

We really, really miss it.

We're discussing options for the future of RuneFest. When it returns, we will want to make sure it's done in a way that's as accessible to as many players as possible - whether virtually or physically. - Mod Mic


Originally posted by Monk-Ey


Are you adding new options to Premier Club Tokens, like Dragonkin Imperial?

Asking again since last time they told us to wait, only to learn that only the Bullsmith outfit was to be reintroduced and then only through a Mobile promotion instead of Premier Club Tokens.

I don't see why not. I'll chase this! - Mod Kalaya


Originally posted by tilionforarien

Why don’t you include in game polls for opinions on new content anymore? Those were always so fun and interesting to participate in!

We recently tried reviving it with CM's help for the Retro Overrides project and it worked great. We should definitely be using this more! - Mod Keeper


Originally posted by gordon_bennet_65e

Are there any specific plans following the overwhelmingly positive feedback to assign a portion of the budget and/or dev team to a continuous effort to graphically revitalize older existing areas in the same manner mod Blkwitch did with a large chunk of the free to play area?

Are there any plans to extend the log-out timer?

Will the announced Jagex launcher offer additional security features such as more complex passwords or countermeasures against account "reclamations"? Are there plans to implement multiple characters per account similar to how many MMOs do?

Are there any plans at all to offer in-game or more... live customer support similar to that present in World of Warcraft? I often find myself completely lost as to who to contact for account related issues.

Given the recently re-emphasized claim by mod Ramen that old content should eventually become obsolete, are there plans to make that happen with content such as Raids and Vorago which are m...

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RE: In-Game Live Customer Support

This isn't something we're considering at the moment. - Mod Kalaya


Originally posted by JeSuisMouchoir

  1. Can you publish a statistic on how many ideas posted in the Discord suggestion chat actually made it into the game?
  2. Will you consider making pets such as Corgis be able to override familiars? The Ninja team would have to give them attack animations for this to work.
  3. Anything on RuneFest 2023? Planned, if so where and approx when?
  4. Mod Shogun said he likes frogs. Will there be any frog boss or frog related items in the future?

RE: Pets like Corgis as Familiar Overrides

We're getting closer and closer to being able to do something like this, it's a little personal passion of mine. Watch this space. - Mod Kalaya


Originally posted by rosegold_diamond

Probably a long shot. But still want to ask.

  • "Can we expect more CD Soundtracks in the future? Like the Archaeology OST or God Wars Dungeon OST?"

Like this idea a lot! - Mod Mic


Originally posted by run-escape-3

Are there any plans to include dating in the game?

RuneScape is not a dating site - The RuneScape Team


Originally posted by garl12

Could you add the Lunarfury armour and weapons to Vic's Store or the Oddments Store?

Yep, we'll take this suggestion to the team! - Mod Mic


Originally posted by Aviarn

When will we actually see anything about Camdozaal and Arposandra? Either as visitable city, or perhaps two Guthix-related digsites (As guthix still has none)

Nothing currently in development, but we bring them up in design pitches frequently.

The initial Elder God Wars Dungeon pitch I wrote was in Camdozaal rather than Senntisten, and one of the early Extinction concepts considered including Arposandra (we quickly vetoed it as we couldn't do it justice). - Mod Jack


Originally posted by Bazzaminxer

If there is no 200m all cape. What is the reason?

Because it seems efficient to make it when the 120 cape is being made. There isnt much difference between the two and one is essentially the trim of the other. So the equivalent of comp and trim cape by comparison.

It's always a compromise between what's accessible and what's reasonable.

10 years ago we probably wouldn't have made a 120 all cape because attaining it was unrealistic for a vast majority.

Right now, 120 all isn't too unrealistic for someone who wants to get there - but we still feel 200M all is a step beyond that. - Mod Jack


Originally posted by Suehtam99

Runescape will make more collabs with other franchises besides Smite?

Nothing that we can confirm or announce today! - Mod Mic


Originally posted by GigaGnome

With 120 in all skills unlocking the master max cape, will we see unlocking this cape added as a requirement to either of the comp capes?

No, as we see this cape as a recognition of those who want to pursue the 120 all goal, rather than an expectation that completionists will have to do so. - Mod Jack


Originally posted by Ner0reZ

Could there be some consideration for a matchmaking system? Grouping in this game can be an abysmal experience.

We are always, always always looking for new ways to improve the opening experience in RuneScape, and certainly about how players are added to communities when they first start the game, including automatic adding to clans or similar. This is a long ways off development for now though.

Aside from that, we're aware the grouping system isn't in the best spot and is in need of improvements. This needs engine work and so will require a not-insubstantial period of development, which isn't planned at the moment, but is 'on the list'. - Mod Kalaya


Originally posted by TheMichaelScott

Over the last few years, there have been talks and demonstrations of a faster tick rate for the game. Could you share any information about this?

I'm a big believer in improving our technology for the game, and tick rate has been mentioned in our high level conversations. This isn't in active development though. - Mod Keeper


Originally posted by JoshOliday

Ok, this all sounds nice, but my one question is: Realistically, how likely is all this stuff to actually come out at all, let alone on time? I'd like to give the benefit of the doubt, but too many times, things get moved or cancelled or shelved after being talked about. I welcome the transparency, but what planning and precautions have been investigated to make sure all of this is feasibly doable in this time frame, especially next year's content?

We are always working on improving our development pipeline and have made some good progress - but making games is a creative process with sometimes unknowns popping up.

Just a few months ago we had a situation outside of our control that disrupted our external QA support - which then impacted our development timelines. That impact meant we had to re-evaluate some of our releases to ensure quality, which you've seen with us moving Wilderness Events to October and the Death Cost Rework to early 2023.

I hope you felt the Development Update showed our continued efforts to be transparent, even in situations where we can't commit to more specific timelines like we could with the initial roadmap announcement in the Summer. - Mod Keeper

We can't ever guarantee anything in development. We never plan to fail, but we also can't expect the unexpected. Unfortunately the QA surprise hit us hard this quarter. - Mod Jack