

20 Feb


Thanks for posting this. We absolutely want to take a look into something like this, both in case of there being an unexpected bug (especially as no code was changed in the Promo) and also to get what you should have had should there be a verifiable bug.

We don't have a ticket in about this however, so we're unable to help further at present.

Can you submit a ticket here so we can look into this? Dev took a look over the weekend but we'd need the report/account this happened on to properly investigate. You can submit that here: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360001355429

16 Feb


Originally posted by yuei2

Hey Hooli can you tell us if there has been any more movement on getting us more of our QA answered from that last thread covered?

Also looking forward to the new CM, may god have mercy on their souls I hope they have emotionally and mentally prepped for the burden that is being given to them.

Looking to see if we can do that next week!

We won't be on stream next week as we'll be focusing on spending all our time with helping the new CM come aboard and settle in, so it could be a good time to do it with the gap in streams. Can't confirm that just yet though.


I do want to jump on here as it's a valid question to ask and one I feel we should be providing an answer for.

We do want to enable more of this, and our new CM has been hired with this in mind. Miva did a lot of fantastic unsung behind the scenes work that needed to be focused on during their tenure, especially when it came to representing your voice at the studio and the way we talk about content a lot more openly in advance/in more detail than we did previously.

What we were aware of though is that you were lacking that CM 'presence' - someone who's out there with all of you, SHOWING that we're listening and working with the team to enable more of those conversations you're looking for.

We were looking to moving towards that anyway through Miva's work, but with our new CM, we've had the opportunity to make that move by completely restructuring their focus from the get go. Based on the priorities we've set, you'll see this new CM on streams regularly, talk...

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13 Feb


Originally posted by the01li3

Yee it did, then a lot of players seemed very annoyed at the fact it did. And they seem to be completely ignoring the feedback that the players have left, how frustrated some people are.

Particularly considering it was a lot of dev work thats currently gone into it, which is now just wasted time, so where is that work headed now?

We'll cover this in a stream coming up, hopefully later this month depending on schedules.

We're planning to give more details on why it's not possible to ship it right now, but also where we're headed on the art/tech front in general as well.

30 Jan


The team are still spooling up for the year so it's a smaller update week this week as we build up to the year ahead.

Next week, we'll be dropping info on our next big content drop arriving in February as we enter the New Year in earnest with Fort Forinthry's first update!

We'll also be following up on the Design Q&A as soon as we can with more answers. Due to availability we couldn't quite do that this week, but we'll hopefully be able to do it next week (either written or streams).

26 Jan


Originally posted by ImRubic

I decided to try out a new format, let me know what you think of it.

This is awesome Rubic!

17 Jan


Hey 'Scapers,

We'd love for you to join us on stream next Wednesday, January 25th for a Q&A Livestream with J-Mods from across the team!

In this design focused Q&A, we're looking for your questions on existing RuneScape content. This is your opportunity to get deeper answers on decisions that drive the game, meaning we can cover everything from the state of combat through to the thought process behind decisions being made for the game and more.

Just to set some expectations: this won't be a stream where we are providing a deeper look at the year ahead or go into much more detail on the announcements made in our Sneak Peek. Rest assured, that's all in the works and that opportunity will come in the near future.

Mod Jack will be heading up the cast, and we'll be picking guests based on the topics you want covered. Drop your questions below and we'll answer as many as we can during the show.

Looking for...

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16 Jan


Originally posted by Tkf530

Thanks for the response. I'd like to see more of those Reddit Q&As. I'd imagine those are much easier to setup.

Mod Miva drove that for us when streams became more complex to pull together for a while there. Great to hear you enjoyed it - could be a great option until our new CM is in. We'll take a look at what we can do.


Originally posted by dc1222

Are you no longer the CM?

I moved to Head of Community & Social from Lead mid last year - still very much involved in everything but in a different way!


Originally posted by AzureAlliance

Any chance of an FSW data stream?

Data streams are back on the menu this year hopefully. When that will be, not sure - but I'm confident we can get to them again.


Originally posted by Californ1a

Are we ever going to see streams return to the stream room?

Yes! We just got a huge shipment of lights and tech to bring it back to life - but there's a lot of setup work still to happen. We might be able to run some streams from there again in Spring time but nothing confirmed just yet.


Originally posted by Tkf530

Are we ever going to see another Q&A stream

We're going to be doing a lot more streams again in general this year, Q&A streams included.

Part of the responsibilities of the next CM we bring on board in the coming months will be to own our streams and be out there with all of you. They might be a little more sporadic still until that point, but once they've settled in, we'll be looking to get back to regular streams as quickly as we can.

13 Jan


I just want to hop in and say a massive thank you to Mod Miva for everything they've done over the past year and a half.

Miva worked so hard on so much behind the scenes I can't even begin to list it all, but most of all, Miva was a champion of your feedback and voice to the fullest extent every single day.

We are currently in the progress of hiring our next Community Manager, but that's a story for another time. For now, we wish you all the best for what's next Miva - we'll sorely miss you.

13 Dec


Hey everyone -

We know you've been patiently waiting for an update on what happened this weekend after the team finished their work getting everything back online, so I just wanted to drop in with a quick note.

We just want to assure you that we'll be providing more information on this as soon as we can. There's been plenty of regrouping, discussions and hard work going on to get us to a level where we can offer a meaningful response - which can and will be coming.

We'll keep you apprised as we get more news.

02 Dec


Hi everyone,

Our rollout of the Make Good Membership Passcodes has now been underway for over 24 hours. Right now, we're at about 40% of all codes delivered to Player Inboxes - which keeps us on track for Tuesday!

With the volume of codes we're distributing being far above anything we've used this system to do before, we've become aware of a delay in delivering Membership Passcodes purchased with Bonds.

We fully understand redeeming a Bond should get you your code instantly and we are sorry for any delayed receipt. Unfortunately, we can't reduce the velocity of Make Good codes being sent through the system at the same time without significantly compromising the timeline it will take players their Make Good codes too.

However, we have made immediate changes to reduce the impact of the Make Good Passcode rollout by delivering codes outside of peak hours and pausing the rollout over the weekend - all without compromising our intended Tuesday deadline.

... Read more External link →

01 Dec


Originally posted by WateronRocks

all Active Members who have logged in at least once within 28 days of Monday

All currently active members? Or all accounts that HAD active membership at the time?

What about accounts who had 14 days membership from a bond and lost 2 of those days, but no longer have membership? Are they out of luck even though they were didproportionately affected compared to someone with premier, for example?

We're going to update the wording on that to be clearer now.

To be clear, it means active on or BEFORE that date. So if you had Membership of any kind in the 28 days beforehand, and logged in at least once in those 28 days, you will get a 2 Day Membership Passcode.



We know the Nov 22 Data Centre issue disrupted your valuable spare hours to play the game, and we'd like to make up for what was lost. In the days ahead, we'll be releasing these Make Good gifts:

  • 2 Days Membership Passcode (delivered by Tuesday to your Player Inbox)
  • Daily Challenge Reward Box (arriving December 5th)

Head here for full details and eligibility: ...

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28 Nov


Originally posted by PuddingB

When are the challenger halo's being released?

How long could it take to distribute this?

We'll catch up with the team on this today and see if we can get you an answer (or at least an update/ETA!).