

30 Mar


Morning everyone,

Latest update from us - we have a gate check go / no go happening around the middle of today, and assuming everything is as expected, we'll hopefully be releasing our first wave of accounts into the game.

Just to set expectations - this will be a crawl, walk, run process and this first wave will not be large. This is the first time we've moved accounts back into the Live Game from this process, so we need to proceed a bit cautiously, make sure everything went as expected, and then we can begin firing away on more waves.

We'll keep you updated on each wave as it happens. More information is coming.


Originally posted by [deleted]


If you do want this, you can request this through here and Player Support should be able to help you: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360000982997-Request-a-Refund

You can also do this if you are currently manually locked out - just answer you don't have access to your account in the questions.

29 Mar


Originally posted by joe32176

Are we getting an update today? Are the emails for the people coming in the first wave coming today? Should we stop checking and comeback tomorrow for more info?

There won't be any new information like that today if that helps you. No emails today either as we're still locking the final testing / first rollout list based on those tests.


Originally posted by JagexHooli

I'll get back to you with concrete verification on this. I believe I know the answer but just checking some things first.

You'll be good to go. They'll appear as you log in.


Originally posted by PrettyDeadAlready

Will Premier Club members be getting their April monthly drops, even if they're locked out? No mention of it.

I'll get back to you with concrete verification on this. I believe I know the answer but just checking some things first.


Originally posted by Matt258RS

How do I un-block getting Combat Exp from the Event? It shows to go to the Options but I don't see anything? Need to Add something to the Log in Screen!

Mentioned this in another comment - if you right click Athletix, you should be able to toggle it back on. We'll pass the feedback on to the team regarding clarity.


Originally posted by wronghaveorof

/u/JagexHooli, can you please elucidate how the 1 on 1 support will run? Though it was mentioned that perks may be returned as components, does the team have access to our trade logs to find what we traded for our POF animals for example as compensation? My concern is that the announcement states "within sensible reason" for subsequent reports, which makes me think of an honor system in place.

We'll share this plan alongside the rollout. We're just finalising everything ready for the return of players at the moment.


Hey everyone. We know you're waiting for the update on 'early next week' specificity and we're working to get to that point asap.

Just so no-one is hanging on today waiting for the first restoration rollouts, this isn't expected today. As soon as we have a specific date and time to share, we'll get the word out.

Thanks for bearing with us in these closing stages - the team have been delivering further improvements from Beta learnings and we're just doing a bit more testing prior to any release.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Is there a way to disable Guthix butterflies? I know there was an option for it years ago, but the NPC no longer exists. Game is literally an unplayable minefield on my skiller atm.

You can toggle them through Orla Fairweather outside the Hall of Memories. This will stop you getting XP from the event butterflies according to the team!


Originally posted by Lenn_

If I accidently said that I didn't want combat exp on the event and want to earn prayer exp, how do I revert that? I've talked to every npc near the event but no one seems to be able to revert that decision.

You should be able to fix this by right clicking Athletix.


Originally posted by pookill7

I accidently set no combat xp on event, can i toggle it back on?

If you right click Athletix, you should be able to toggle it back on.


Originally posted by vialneeder2

Are we able to earn spring tokens from activities outside of the arch spot?

Are we able to earn spring tokens from activities outside of the arch spot?

You can only earn Spring Tokens from Event Activities or the rewards from the Community Butterfly Progression.


Originally posted by ColinSmiley

Autoretaliate with loot open? It's working wasn't mentioned in post tho

It's there - it just got missed in our notes with everything going on. We're fixing that now, apologies for the confusion!


Originally posted by Distorted_Key

When do the 1% get in?

As soon as we have a time to share, we'll let you know. We'll be locking that down over the course of today.


Originally posted by Kyokujitsujin

Any idea when we can get back into the game? Is it still early this week?

Still early this week. We'll share updates on the timing for tomorrow's deployment as soon as we can!


Originally posted by Cris290810

No mention of Grim pages incorporated into Creatures of the lost grove drop table, or Solak's base drops improvements?

I thought that was planned for today's update or am I missing something?

Mod Pi was mistaken on that one when he mentioned it on stream - it's with one of the next Ninja Strikes.


Thanks for all the feedback over the weekend everyone, both on Ironman and otherwise.

This is a conversation we intend to continue with all of you and we'll get some official feedback destinations up on some of the areas for that discussion later today.

26 Mar


Originally posted by SammyNinetails

We'd love to hear the feedback

Unless it's negative and jmods delete those comments....

We don't have any moderator rights on Reddit, nor would we do that.


Hey everyone. I've responded in a few places, but I just wanted to touch on Ironman quickly.

If you are an Ironman player, we would love to hear feedback on what you'd like to see given many of these bonuses are currently not applicable to you.

This includes if you feel our weekly April bonus events- which are themed around things like Double Vis-Wax opportunities, double Reaper and Slayer points etc - should apply Ironman too.

We won't have a response for this tonight, but we do want to regroup as a team next Monday to discuss this further. Any feedback you have would be really valuable to us to bring to that discussion so please do drop a reply to this comment if you have thoughts!


Originally posted by PotatoPop

I haven't seen anything said about GE offers. Are those unaffected by all this? I have a lot going on in my GE. /u/jagexhooli

We saw really good feedback on a fix we put in today to deal with returning anything from the GE better, so you should be good there.

If not, Aftercare will have your back as best we can.