

30 Mar


Originally posted by joe32176

Should we be going through everything and submitting one big report or submit things as we see them? The post says we can submit multiple, but it also says within reason. I don’t know what Jagex sees as with in reason so some clarity there would be great.

Would suck to get to my POF animals on submission 3 and get a response saying sorry you’ve hit your limit for help.

Ideally in one report but you can submit across as many as needed, as long as it's reasonable.

Within reason is more just there to ask you include as much as you can in your reports and not hit us with a bunch of tickets individually - we need to do our best to respond to everyone as quick as we can, so it helps to do as much as you can per ticket.

That said, we expect people to find things later and we are allowing for some flex there too.


Hey everyone. We're still monitoring the first wave as more folks log in who were restored. No updates on our next waves to share just yet.

As a heads up, we've unfortunately had to postpone our plans for a stream tonight to talk about our April content. We've had some team availability changes happen last minute and we're all tied up on restoration wave work right now with the team.

For the sake of keeping our focus on this, we will go into revealing that content next week instead. We're also going to pull together a Leads Q&A alongside it since we've not had a chance to do one for quite some time.

In case anyone is concerned, we didn't have any updates to offer on the Login Lockout beyond what we've been saying already today so there's no information not being said because of it.

Looking forward to being back on stream with you all soon though!


Originally posted by AkihiruUzaka

Will ironmen get wishes also?

My wish is very, very small and niche (wouldn't be included in any drop down). Will there be the option to get this granted?

To be decided on the Ironman front - there's a bigger discussion on what more we can do for Ironman accounts based on the feedback so far, and it's one we want to have again with all of you to see what you make of our plans.

The Wishes will almost certainly be pre-determined options, as they all take bespoke development work to make possible - so unlikely I'm afraid.


Originally posted by 13whisky

So i got my account unlocked but i didnt get anything from the list ”making things right”?

Everything else seem to be fineish.

The Returned Box will be in your inventory on April 6th.

If anything is off, even if it's small, please do collect a list of it and submit a report here for Aftercare. We should be able to help further: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360018668777#_ga=2.184089381.2073546726.1617011141-1120029573.1606728043


Originally posted by ZoomerFruit

Of course? Where was this mentioned? So many things are left on speculation and not much at all I’d clear

Honestly we should have been much clearer all up on the Wish front. Really sorry about that. Because it's early in development, we decided to make it vague and mysterious - but in hindsight, we really should have just detailed the concept more.

Essentially, it will be a menu card of options to get things in-game - many of which will be inspired by things impacted players say they feel missed out on - which you'll get to choose between. The idea is these wishes will be pretty significant and you can pick wishes that are most relevant to what you want.

Everyone will get a wish at least, with impacted players getting several more. We haven't decided what these numbers are for sure just yet though.


Originally posted by Bvrnsy

Are we guaranteed to get our RooT dinos back (if they are lost) that were obtained between 8th Feb-4th Mar? As an iron, I can't just go and buy more, and I did a lot of BGH in this time.

I don't have an answer to hand on RooT, but I'll ask the team and get back to you.


Originally posted by Furok-Lankmondo

I’m confused, my account was perfect and nothing was out of place, why lock it out again?

What's your RSN?

We did block all access for impacted accounts to quickly prevent unintended log-ins which - for the sake of speed - temporarily included the restored accounts for a quick moment there apparently.

This could still mean what I responded to you with still applies, but it may also mean you are back in. Worth a check!


Originally posted by AMillsONRS

So there is still no mention of compensation for ironmen? I dont get it. u/JagexHooli

The feedback is with the team and they're actively working on some proposals for what more we can do for Ironman.

We don't have those plans in a way that's ready to share and get further feedback on just yet, but it's coming.


Originally posted by Jewelers_Loupe

I am just curious, the "Make a wish" at the end of April, is that just for us the 1% or for all players in Runescape ?

Everyone, though we plan to offer several more Wishes to impacted players of course.


Originally posted by Fluff322

We keep eye today or move with our day ? Seriously be accurate at one point in this whole fiasco word “soon” ans “patience” has lost all meaning at this point

We really want to offer that confirmation, but the call hasn't been made yet. We're monitoring this wave's success before the call on when the next waves will happen is made.

As soon as we know, we'll let you know. For future deployment days, we expect this to be something we can more confidently communicate.


Originally posted by Rs3_Myway

u/JagexHooli You realise you have introduced quite a big bug here for the economy depending on how many account?


It's already been fixed and addressed.


Originally posted by Zedn0

What exactly does the aftercare entail that the restoration part can’t do?

It's really going to be case by case so it's kind of hard to answer at this stage. Usually it will be directly resolving whatever is wrong.

When Player Support have the same limitations on something, like the Perk stuff, it may be related content (like even more components) or even something else to make up for your losses.

It'll be a two-way process in that way, other than potentially needing to be a little patient on the response times (depends on the volume we receive!).


Originally posted by Furok-Lankmondo

u/JagexHooli Update, I just got kicked into the lobby and I can no longer log in load into worlds

You were likely unintentionally unlocked prematurely, which we just fixed. Unfortunately that means there's likely some restoration work to come for your account still before you can play again.

Hopefully you'll be back in soon, and thanks for the patience while we get this sorted.


Originally posted by Seriih

I'm slightly out of the loop on this. I knew something was going on about being locked out, and I have been unable to log in for the last few weeks as well.

Do I need to sign up somewhere to tell the mods that I've been locked out, or is that something that's done automatically? Just so I don't miss out on being able to log into my account again

You don't need to sign up anywhere at this point, as we're confident we have a comprehensive list of impacted accounts. Keep an eye on your inbox / our wave announcements for any news on when we've unlocked your account.


Originally posted by VampireFrown


Why does Jagex have such a hard time with saying that? (not at all attacking you personally; I know it's not your call)

I mean, I'm personally not holding my breath for access this week, let alone today, so it doesn't bother me, but there are a lot of people waiting anxiously out there today, and it's not fair for them to find out at 6pm when the last guy out of the office says 'nah, not today'.

If it's yes or a no, we'll let you know as soon as it is for sure. We're going to try and offer as much clarity as we can when it comes to what to expect each day.

Today is a bit trickier to offer that level of clarity on as this is a proverbial moment of dipping our toe into the water, making sure everything is as expected and then moving to our next deployment.


Originally posted by Zyvyx

Damn. Okay thanks for the quick reaponse. Im not expecting one for this but, do you know if im supposed to be in this wave? Like will i be a le to play soon?

You aren't supposed to be in this wave, which is why you logged in to your account being in the wrong state. I'm afraid I don't have any more specifics for you than that, as I only know this due to the investigation we did into your account.

Thank you very, very much for reporting this though. It's allowed us to get this resolved super quick and it'll help us avoid this happening to others.


Originally posted by Dogismo

Invention Perks may have been reverted to an earlier state. 

  • However, we have been able to refund most components for any perk rolls since the last saved state of your Perks. We have also added 50% extra of any returned components.

componant refunds for missing perks, is simply not acceptable

i dont know the state of mine as of yet, but i in no way got each one the first try

You'll be refunded for each time you spent components for a Perk roll, if that's clearer. That's why we added the 50% extra to help add some allowance in case the odds fall less in your favor.

This won't solve it for everyone of course, and we do apologise - but it was the best possible solution we could achieve with our telemetry. We spent a lot of time trying every angle we could for Perks (and did make some big gains, both with this and having more of a 'reversion' than outright loss expected).

As we mentioned before, if you get in game and aren't satisfied with anything, please do reach out via the Aftercare process. Even if we can't directly return them, the team want to help make things right as best we can despite any limitations.


Originally posted by JagexHooli

Could you provide us your RSN? We're looking into another report of this as well.

Just to follow up, we think we've identified the issue. It does seem some people have been unblocked that are not in the first wave of restoration deployments and we're working on fixing this asap. This isn't your restoration results, on the upside.

This is a good learning for us with this first, smaller deployment that will help us avoid it for the rest of the process.


Originally posted by Zyvyx

I files a gameplay bug if that helps

We think we've identified the issue. It does seem some people have been unblocked that are not in the first wave.

Fortunately, this is why we wanted to do a smaller wave initially to identify any quirks in this process so this is all good learnings for the rest of it. Please avoid playing for now and apologies for the scare that login must have been for you!


Originally posted by TheMaxCape

I can log in, but my account isn't restored..

Could you provide us your RSN? We're looking into another report of this as well.