

01 Apr


Originally posted by Spartel22

We've heard you have been committed, but the fact that you are taking 5 days off and releasing updates while a lot of people voted to put this on hold proves that wrong.

The 'Compensation' package is complete garbage; daily players are missing out on so much more. Why are you granting wishes for people who are not affected by this?

There will be more wishes for those affected - the current plan, which isn't locked as yet, is that all other players will get one.


Originally posted by Ayitriaris

We will surely enjoy our double keys starting on 6th! We can’t log in, but i guess we know we got them? So everything is fine... it’s on us for not claiming them before they go to waste :)

Way to trash the compensation further...

This is actually a mistake in the message. Your Double Daily Keys gets activated alongside the account unlock process, so it'll kick in from the day you return rather than April 6th.

30 Mar


Originally posted by DofusNooboo

We finish at 6 too but if shit hits the fan then we work lates and nights until it's resolved and the only thing that is flowing is sweat, not coffee.

With respect to the team, many of us have been doing that for 26 days straight now. That will continue for some people tonight almost certainly too.


Originally posted by Rs3_Myway

Credit where its due , they timed that to the minute 5pm finish work time !


We actually finish at 6 in terms of core work hours here.


Originally posted by Iron_Deer_QC

Ive seen a post about a beta account that was worst than what it was durring the beta when he came to the live server.

That was a mistaken unlock rather than a restore. We've already addressed that error.


Hello everyone. Thanks for your patience today while we monitored the first rollout wave and fixed some of the initial issues that cropped up.

We just had our late afternoon regroup to confirm next steps - and we can now confirm the next wave will take place tomorrow rather than later today.

The team are rounding up the next players for restoration deployments over the rest of this afternoon, and we'll be prepping for the rollout as soon as we can tomorrow. We'll keep you updated on next waves and any further information as we get it.


Originally posted by Village_People_Cop

Yep, when I heard the first wave of unlocks happened I checked through the mobile client and got it. Everything was still there and I was happy as a clam. Even made a post in this thread about it.

For the next 2 hours I finished up work with in mind that I could go play RS3. I was really excited for that. Then I tried to login after work and was locked again. Really pissed about that one

What's your RSN? We can ask the team to take a look now.


Originally posted by Primal-Force

Is Yak to Basics extended by two weeks or three weeks? This post says three weeks, but the hyperlinked newspost says two weeks, and in-game still has the original end date listed

We're upping it to three based on feedback, very recent decision. We'll be making that more prominently known soon!


Originally posted by joe32176

Should we be going through everything and submitting one big report or submit things as we see them? The post says we can submit multiple, but it also says within reason. I don’t know what Jagex sees as with in reason so some clarity there would be great.

Would suck to get to my POF animals on submission 3 and get a response saying sorry you’ve hit your limit for help.

Ideally in one report but you can submit across as many as needed, as long as it's reasonable.

Within reason is more just there to ask you include as much as you can in your reports and not hit us with a bunch of tickets individually - we need to do our best to respond to everyone as quick as we can, so it helps to do as much as you can per ticket.

That said, we expect people to find things later and we are allowing for some flex there too.


Hey everyone. We're still monitoring the first wave as more folks log in who were restored. No updates on our next waves to share just yet.

As a heads up, we've unfortunately had to postpone our plans for a stream tonight to talk about our April content. We've had some team availability changes happen last minute and we're all tied up on restoration wave work right now with the team.

For the sake of keeping our focus on this, we will go into revealing that content next week instead. We're also going to pull together a Leads Q&A alongside it since we've not had a chance to do one for quite some time.

In case anyone is concerned, we didn't have any updates to offer on the Login Lockout beyond what we've been saying already today so there's no information not being said because of it.

Looking forward to being back on stream with you all soon though!


Originally posted by AkihiruUzaka

Will ironmen get wishes also?

My wish is very, very small and niche (wouldn't be included in any drop down). Will there be the option to get this granted?

To be decided on the Ironman front - there's a bigger discussion on what more we can do for Ironman accounts based on the feedback so far, and it's one we want to have again with all of you to see what you make of our plans.

The Wishes will almost certainly be pre-determined options, as they all take bespoke development work to make possible - so unlikely I'm afraid.


Originally posted by 13whisky

So i got my account unlocked but i didnt get anything from the list ”making things right”?

Everything else seem to be fineish.

The Returned Box will be in your inventory on April 6th.

If anything is off, even if it's small, please do collect a list of it and submit a report here for Aftercare. We should be able to help further: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360018668777#_ga=2.184089381.2073546726.1617011141-1120029573.1606728043


Originally posted by ZoomerFruit

Of course? Where was this mentioned? So many things are left on speculation and not much at all I’d clear

Honestly we should have been much clearer all up on the Wish front. Really sorry about that. Because it's early in development, we decided to make it vague and mysterious - but in hindsight, we really should have just detailed the concept more.

Essentially, it will be a menu card of options to get things in-game - many of which will be inspired by things impacted players say they feel missed out on - which you'll get to choose between. The idea is these wishes will be pretty significant and you can pick wishes that are most relevant to what you want.

Everyone will get a wish at least, with impacted players getting several more. We haven't decided what these numbers are for sure just yet though.


Originally posted by Bvrnsy

Are we guaranteed to get our RooT dinos back (if they are lost) that were obtained between 8th Feb-4th Mar? As an iron, I can't just go and buy more, and I did a lot of BGH in this time.

I don't have an answer to hand on RooT, but I'll ask the team and get back to you.


Originally posted by Furok-Lankmondo

I’m confused, my account was perfect and nothing was out of place, why lock it out again?

What's your RSN?

We did block all access for impacted accounts to quickly prevent unintended log-ins which - for the sake of speed - temporarily included the restored accounts for a quick moment there apparently.

This could still mean what I responded to you with still applies, but it may also mean you are back in. Worth a check!


Originally posted by AMillsONRS

So there is still no mention of compensation for ironmen? I dont get it. u/JagexHooli

The feedback is with the team and they're actively working on some proposals for what more we can do for Ironman.

We don't have those plans in a way that's ready to share and get further feedback on just yet, but it's coming.


Originally posted by Jewelers_Loupe

I am just curious, the "Make a wish" at the end of April, is that just for us the 1% or for all players in Runescape ?

Everyone, though we plan to offer several more Wishes to impacted players of course.


Originally posted by Fluff322

We keep eye today or move with our day ? Seriously be accurate at one point in this whole fiasco word “soon” ans “patience” has lost all meaning at this point

We really want to offer that confirmation, but the call hasn't been made yet. We're monitoring this wave's success before the call on when the next waves will happen is made.

As soon as we know, we'll let you know. For future deployment days, we expect this to be something we can more confidently communicate.


Originally posted by Rs3_Myway

u/JagexHooli You realise you have introduced quite a big bug here for the economy depending on how many account?


It's already been fixed and addressed.


Originally posted by Zedn0

What exactly does the aftercare entail that the restoration part can’t do?

It's really going to be case by case so it's kind of hard to answer at this stage. Usually it will be directly resolving whatever is wrong.

When Player Support have the same limitations on something, like the Perk stuff, it may be related content (like even more components) or even something else to make up for your losses.

It'll be a two-way process in that way, other than potentially needing to be a little patient on the response times (depends on the volume we receive!).