

30 Mar


Originally posted by Zyvyx

Exactly. Thank you. Do you need any info from me? Because it was basically perfect in the beta.

Perfect, thank you for the confirmation. Sounds like you may have been unlocked somehow when your restoration wasn't ready. The team are investigating now.

Just to confirm, your RSN is the same as the flair correct?


Originally posted by Dogismo

we need an answer on this, alot of people hanging around to see if we have a chance or not today.
dont make people wait till end of the day for a rejection please

Too early to say just yet. We're just seeing how this wave goes and then we can make the call. We will let you know as soon as we know either way.


Originally posted by Zyvyx

I got unlocked but my qccount still isnt fixed. Ot was perfect in the beta server but isnt fixed yet.

We're looking into this now.

To be clear - your account looked great in the Beta, you can now access your actual account in Live but it doesn't like it did in Beta?


Originally posted by CyberHudzo

Will there be any notification for the accounts that have been restored? Any emails etc.

Even if some of us havent received any mails from Jagex since 11th March

There will, but if you've had problems with emails, we recommend you keep an eye on our threads and check whenever a wave rolls out. Apologies that for not being ideal.


Originally posted by Jewelers_Loupe

Ok so after all of our feedback regarding the return package, not a reply from Mod Hooli or anything? I thought it was being discussed? So tired of this shit .

We don't have a response to the feedback to offer as yet, but it's still very much something we're thinking about this week.

As I mentioned in another comment, what we've said we'll do so far is the plan for April 6 - but that doesn't stop us taking that feedback on beyond then, whether that's for the events, the 'Wishes' concept or otherwise.


Originally posted by AnorexicTrashh

What happened to the talks of ironmen compensation? Hooli said they were going to be discussing it on Monday but gave us no updates.


It's still ongoing - ideas are being workshopped based on the feedback we've seen so far and we'll be talking about it in the near future. We're not necessarily limited to what we have announced so far being the only thing we do, plus we have the events and wishes to think about.

It's a discussion we're going to have with all of you for sure, including some destinations to provide thoughts / feedback, in the near future.


Originally posted by HajimeSaito1574

I'm a bit confused. Are only the 1% getting the cosmetics and bonuses or is every single player? This latest post says everyone which contradicts previous posts. If a JMod can please reply and provide official confirmation, that would be brilliant.

Impacted only still.


Originally posted by [deleted]


It's still a discussion we're intending to continue - this is just a new thread to be focused on updates about the returning accounts as a clear destination for that (same as the top stickied post on RuneScape.com). The last title wasn't clearly a destination for that on Reddit and it's unfortunately not editable.


Originally posted by FI_Goat

There is a ringing truth in those words, especially the staff working hours part Mondays to Fridays 9-5).

Nicely done on Jagex’s part - they manage to stall nearly four weeks (and counting) with their delaying tactics and blatant lies of “early next week”. Turns out only a negligible handful of players can get to play early this week instead of most players getting back to the game.

That's not what we're saying here at all.

We won't know what the game plan is for sure until after this first deployment, just to make sure everything is okay, but we're not limited to a wave per day. All we're saying here is the first wave you'll hear about will be on the smaller side to test the process - and we wanted to be transparent about that.


Originally posted by _but__why

You guys are really playing the deception game... The message at the end of last week was that most people would be getting in early this week, with a few difficult accounts possibly taking longer. Now it's a small amount rolling out this week, what gives? Why can't you be honest with us? It's not helping us trust you when you constantly act like the solution is around the corner when you know its not.

To clear up what I mean by this - it means the first wave will be smaller when we do our first deployment today, not that only a small amount will be rolling out this week.


Originally posted by ruckus_rekt

It seems the link in steam forums is broken. The person managing the forums there added the "rel=nofolow" but added an extra " in the link breaking the whole thing. It is still there if you know where to look but it appears missing for someone who just clicks the link. My mistake. Someone in steam forums pointed it out.

Thanks for this! I'll work on getting that fixed.


Originally posted by Iron_Deer_QC

Are we gona get a email to notice us that our account is back up amd ready?

Yup! We'll also provide updates across our website and social platforms whenever a wave releases, especially because some players have reported not receiving emails.


Originally posted by finka_me

Thanks u/JagexHooli . can we PLEASE have more transparency about the wave sizes than we had with the beta. It sucks not being able to participate but also hearing radio silence from you, and the community also. Knowing the rough sizes will help with that.

We'll do our best to give an indication of size and when we expect the next wave following a wave release.


Originally posted by Dogismo

safe to assume the first wave are those who participated in the bate with good results?

I dont want to have false hopes of getting back in soon, if i can help it

The Beta won't have influence on any of the waves - it'll be what's most beneficial to check the process. Unfortunately that means I can't provide any firm indication to you as an individual player on this one!


Originally posted by kazsurb

Thanks Hooli, good news! Any thoughts why this thread is no longer pinned?

Should be again now. The amazing Reddit Mods got it sorted.


Originally posted by ruckus_rekt

They have deleted their 'making things right' post from Runescape forums as well. They have either hit another wall trying to integrate the restored accounts or they have bailed.

Kari is looking into this. We haven't done this on the CM side and it's definitely not a reflection of anything to do with the restoration, if that helps!


Originally posted by G_N_3

Anyone know if the festival can proc skilling pets? i kinda wanna do cooking there

The activities in the festival can't proc skilling pets I'm afraid.


Originally posted by Fer_Luci

Guess the butterflies really enjoy playing hide and seek! I looked for the Guthixian Butterflies everywhere for over an hour but couldn't find them anywhere. Saw nobody else reporting the same problem.

The solution is to hop to another world. Guess they just don't like world 123... I have filed a bug report, this is just a heads-up for anybody else having the same problem.

We're looking into this today. Thanks so much for reporting!


Originally posted by InvictaMar

Kari will come back tomorrow with a new thread, to try to sweep the situation further under the carpet. Absolute joke at this point.

When we begin a new thread, it's because a thread has become unwieldy or we've got a more significant update.

Login Lockout is still our top priority, and that's why it's at top of this week's TWIR plus across our homepage. None of this is done to make things any less prominent, despite how it may seem.


Originally posted by myredditRSaccount

I noticed that too. I've been coming to reddit, specifically, for the last 25 days and noticed that today after normal updates have resumed they are just gonna pretend that thousands of players aren't locked out of the game.

Good jpb Jagex, I mean just stellar. Keep it up. I'm sure all of us will be able to log in tomorrow and play the...oh.

I can promise that's not a reflection of our attitude at all - Login Lockout was even top of our News Post.

We don't have moderator permissions on Reddit by the way. There's an amazing team of community Reddit moderators here doing a great job running things and I'm sure they'll keep any major news on this pinned as we get it.