

26 Mar


Originally posted by Jevaneaux

My issue with the compensation package:

  • It compensates for less than what we missed out on. Miss out on 1 month of D&Ds, but only get 10 tokens to make up for it? What's that? Would it really have been game-breaking to give us say, 30 "Reaper reset tokens" to make up for the reaper tasks that we lost out on? And that's just one thing that we missed out on.
  • Which brings me to this point: the package is completely useless for PVMers. It is purely XP-based. I understand you can't go over hypothetical GP gains for compensation, but something like a few free deaths or free boss portal swaps would have at least shown that you cared
  • As a 1%er, I can understand how someone who wasn't locked out thinks the cosmetics are unfair. I personally don't care for them as someone who is locked out. Why can't I just trade them to someone who does care for them?

Overall, I'm very happy with the restoration process coming along. But this compensation packa...

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Thanks for the thoughts.

The upcoming events are meant to cover much of what you're looking for here - Double Reaper Points, no death costs etc. What's your take on that approach?


Originally posted by Blakland

What can Ironmen expect in their care packages? Is it going to be a nerfed version of what was advertised in this post?

Mentioned this in a few places, but we're open to feedback on what you'd like more of from this as an Ironman.


Originally posted by wronghaveorof

To clarify, do double daily keys stack on top on our current key packages, such that we may obtain quadruple keys for example?

We'll double check on how it's applied - if you have the package already, I'd be willing to bet it's added to the end of that active package though.


Originally posted by ForieRS

This package is just another example on how disconnected the jmods are from the game. How is 10 hours of dxp suppose to be any sort of compensation when you've lost a whole month? And I couldn't care less about cosmetics. I don't understand how some people genuinely can be satisfied with this package.

The intent of the April events is to really help make up for that lost time - all the bonuses are based on things suggested by players that they felt they missed out on, and even some of the things around known issues (ie. Player Owned Farms will see some boosted bits in the D&D&D weeks).

What's your take on those? We'd love to hear the feedback.


Originally posted by Lithe-

So I was locked out of my account since the beginning, but yesterday I regained access to my account only on the website (which finally informed me in my inbox I was a part of this lockout because I never got an email) and on OSRS. No membership was applied to my account as compensation probably because I was a member through bonds.

my questions are.
Is it safe for me to play OSRS while my RS3 account is still locked?
Will I not be compensated with membership or other items because I use bonds for membership?

You likely got invited to the Beta today so you may find your OSRS access isn't available shortly, I'm afraid to say.

And yes, if you purchased Membership recently with Bonds, you should receive the Membership credit.


Originally posted by Lashdemonca

To be fair, The "rules" of the game mode does not include "If you get f**ked over by something like this, we don't care!!" *Evil laughter*

Ironmen are members of the community as well. The fact you think we arent is quite odd. I want cosmetics. Access to In-game events, even if they are nerfed for irons.

Yes, we may stand alone with our banks, our skilling, etc. But we are still members of the community who want to be heard, and want to play the game. At the end of the day, Ironman is simply an advanced "do-it-yourself" simulator.

We do care about this - as you put it, Ironmen are members of the community as well. It was a big topic throughout the process and we'll pass your feedback along.

What we do for Ironman players is definitely going to be something we go away and consider further.


Originally posted by wronghaveorof

Copy-paste from previous thread: Hey /u/JagexHooli, thank you for the livestream and letting us know that our accounts will be returned early next week.

As the team has shared that there are known issues with perks and POF/ROOT progress, among other issues, will the 1 on 1 support have the capacity to restore this content or at least compensate if we have a trade history indicating how much we spent for specific breeding pairs for example?

It's really going to be case by case on this one. It's unlikely something we can't solve through the telemetry solution will be something we can solve through Aftercare, but we can look at what we can do to make it up to you to the best of our ability.

That may be through related items or something entirely different, but we will give back in these instances still.


Originally posted by rileydelete

Well written, but I don't think this goes far enough.

Think of the opportunity cost. Consider how much time has gone into these accounts. Think of dailies missed & raw frustration. Let's not mince words, this was an unexpected catastrophe and too many players lost their accounts for no fault of their own.

The solution needs to be twofold: Prevention so that this *cannot* happen again. And justifiable compensation for those effected. Refunding components & gizmos is an interesting idea: these players will still need to roll for their most expensive perks. Adding a month of membership/discount to future premier is great; but what about the things these players can't get back. (Note: I understand how art teams often have time or breathing room at different stages in a game's development process.) Cosmetics are interesting, but the priority should be on restoration or even compensation rather than some sort of "exclusivity".

Think about the trust lost. ...

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Thanks for the extensive, clear thoughts here. We'll pass the feedback to the team.


Originally posted by joe32176

Couple questions/comments.

1) the stream said membership is coming. Not premier, but regular membership. The message here says we’ll get a discount next year if we purchase premier. Which one is true (unless I missed them say it on the stream)?

2) Can you clarify what is/isn’t applicable to Ironman?

3) is there a way where we can see where we fall in the restore process? We didn’t all get beta access so don’t know if we’re in the first rollout, second, fifth? Or when these will be happening.

Both. So everyone gets the extra Membership time (which is added on to the end of any active Membership if you aren't month to month).

Premier Club players will have that added to the end of their current subscription also, as Membership, but be given a discount for next year's Premier Club membership that takes the Login Lockout time away into account.


Originally posted by cbfmakinganaccount

You are talking a lot about "game integrity" and that's the reason You are not giving anything to ironmen.
Let's see 2 ironmen: A, account that wasn't locked and B, account who hasn't been able to log in for 3 weeks (currently).

Before the lockout they both had 76 divination. They only use guthix caches to level it up. By now if account A has done it every day, they have 84 divination. Account B who is locked and has not been able to do ANY D&Ds is 8 now levels behind? This is for only 1 daily D&D. We have missed all the daily ones for 3 WEEKS, 2 weeks of weekly D&Ds missed and since it seems like we can't log in until April, if you didn't do the monthly D&D's instantly (like I didnt) then you are also missing the monthly ones.

Why and how are you talking about integrity when the people who weren't locked out are miles ahead in progress?

I mentioned this in another comment, but we'd love any feedback on suggestions you'd like to see as alternatives on an Ironman account. We're not closed to seeing if there's more we can do here.


Originally posted by snowbunnyxo_

i waited a month to get back a few hours worth of progress and in return i get some ugly cosmetics and items that i cant even use because im an iron. not happy with this. just give us some runecoins or loyalty points.

We'll go away and think more about this when it comes to Ironman. It's not a response we'll have immediately, but we'll consider what alternatives we could for people in this spot.

If you have any feedback for what you'd like to see as an Ironman, we'd love to hear it.


Originally posted by zoroarrkk

Ooo - progress seems to have been made!

Will there still be new people invited to the beta today, or was yesterdays wave the final wave?

It's unlikely we'll do another wave today as we just want as many people back as possible testing these new improvements.


Update - 10:10 Game Time, March 26

Hello everyone,

With the Beta in full swing, we wanted to check in with a couple of updates on the latest happenings from today.

Calling All Beta Testers: Please Come Test Again!

If you're a current Beta participant, we'd love for you to return today to check some new improvements we've just made to our restoration work!

This work introduces a variety of refinements to our telemetry translations based on your feedback so far and we're looking to check that work with all of you once more, even if your account was exactly as you expected. Please head to the private Beta Discord server for all the info on recommended areas to test.

Servers at the Ready

Yesterday's maintenance of our RuneScape servers also allowed us to introduce new functionality that will allow us to restore and return your accounts into the live game once restoration work has...

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25 Mar


Originally posted by Skilleto

/u/JagexHooli, with the close of Beta tomorrow and based on the information collected throughout the week, should we expect a pretty significant update tomorrow?

Why are daily updates hitting Reddit first before the RS website?

They're hitting simultaneously. Are you checking the Login Lockout Daily Updates thread?


Originally posted by thegrinchstolechrist

u/JagexHooli, for those who dont get a chance to do the beta, will there still be 1 on 1 support for them?

Everyone impacted will have access to the aftercare process we're planning for sure.

The Beta is informing improvements for everybody via the way we're translating telemetry data into account data - we're not individually tweaking accounts of people in the Beta or anything as part of this stage.


Originally posted by Im_Chick

Say it ends tomorrow and you all come to the conclusion it doesn't need to go for a v2 beta, is that something that you'd be able to say before the weekend is up? Is there talks behind the scenes of how/when the data from the beta will be made public? If the beta did indeed achieve the goal you all had for it, would it then be possible to create a more solid timeline?

I only ask because I think it's safe to say we're all pretty optimistic about the accounts and the job you all have done based off of what others have said, but still having a bunch of question marks beyond tomorrow could cause that optimism to turn into pessimism quickly, I'd assume.

Thanks again for the communcation! I can't believe I'm saying it but I'm looking forward to doing JoT runs and what not again.

Potentially. The Beta is still very much moving thick and fast which has been a lot of our focus, but we'd like to end the week by talking about the Beta - potentially in a Livestream - and what the next steps will likely be. We'll be able to confirm if we're ready for that tomorrow AM UK time I expect!


Originally posted by wronghaveorof

/u/JagexHooli, with the close of Beta tomorrow and based on the information collected throughout the week, should we expect a pretty significant update tomorrow?

We are hoping to, yes. We're still focusing on Beta support right now but we'd like to close out the week with a significant update and talk about how it's gone!


Originally posted by ruckus_rekt

How will those who do not get beta invites (or choose not to participate) contact Jagex for any discrepancies?

We'll be sure to detail that at some point, likely shortly after we have a confirmed return date for players. It's still being worked on between all the teams.


Originally posted by Clayton_69

So is the beta really ending on the 26th? There's plenty of people in my clan who have not received an invite and they have less than a day to report if anything is missing?

It's still our intention to end it tomorrow yes. That's the current plan. Not everyone who is a candidate will be invited - it's about making enough of a sample pool to understand the general feedback and identify any problems.


Originally posted by Voltorn_Elda

Why though? Even if you'd decrease the rates for possible skill pet unlocks.. it would at least give an extra incentive to partake. Training 'normally' would still be the better choice because of the larger exp drops, soo... what harm is there?

We've passed the feedback on for the team to consider in the future. It's unlikely to change for this event though.