

19 Mar


Originally posted by NemiQueen

Hi was told on todays RS stream that if we were already charged for this months mems via auto pay on the locked out accts to post on reddit of it for reimburstment, so that is what i am doing, would rather post some please else.

Can you drop your RSN here? Our Player Support team can take a look.


Originally posted by wolfgang169

Will yak track be extended for everybody or just those who have been affected?

Extended for everybody. Vik The Trader will also return for everybody in April.


Originally posted by BenCTR

Yep I’m done. Not following any more updates and not coming back to this game now.

After hearing β€œwe’re not looking at giving keys and oddments, we’re going to give people cosmetics to make up for the lost time”. No. People need keys and oddments to get some of the XP that they’ve been missing out on all this time. What a joke.

Just to be clear, what that meant was it wouldn't just be something like keys. We mentioned it in our update today a little better - we're looking at a significant in-game gift package focused on helping you make up for lost time, while also recognising the incredible patience and fortitude you've all shown us.

The make up for lost time bit includes thinking about XP gains etc.


Update @ 18:00 Game Time, March 19th

Hello everyone,

In case you missed today's livestream, we wanted to let you know about some of the bigger news we shared regarding our progress for the Login Lockout.

Before we go any further, we really can't stress enough just how much we continue to empathise with all who are impacted by this. This has been a longer process than we initially anticipated, and even when it feels like we're not updating you on progress, there's always a metric ton of work being done behind the scenes to get you playing again.

Thank you once again for bearing with us through this hugely complex process.

Account Integrity Beta

After a week of testing, learning, iterating and improving, we are now able to lock in the date for the start of the Account Integrity Beta:Β Tuesday, March 23rd.

This critical step is the culmination of everything we've been working towa...

Read more

Originally posted by YYMonsterYY

H8V3G4N5, dont judge lmao

Thanks for this!

Player Support are going to reach out on your registered email address shortly to help get this sorted for you.


Originally posted by YYMonsterYY

I couldnt log in to cancel my membership subscription. Got charged for 3 more months. Hot garbage

Could you drop your RSN name here? We can take a look at this for you.

18 Mar


Originally posted by radiant_0wl

Decision on membership is welcomed.

Regarding Runemetrics, does that mean everyone affected will have it upon logging in (assuming within the 31 days)?

If you had Runemetrics Pro recently, yes.

If you haven't had a Runemetrics Pro subscription before, then you won't have this also added (at least at this interim stage).


Originally posted by joe32176

Yikes, previously you were very positive on this topic. This is the first time you’ve answered this with a negative. You now aren’t so positive that accounts will be ok. Maybe something to address on the stream. You thought it would be all good but the testing has showed us X which could be an issue.

We're still very confident in the solution we have! It's just the Beta will be a sense check that our thinking is right and then we can talk definitively.


Originally posted by Spifffyy

I’m really intrigued as to what caused this in the first place. Was it related in any part to the patches attempting to fix the client crashes?

Just as a report on that front, I have still experienced crashes since in the last couple of weeks. They have been less frequent than they were previously, at least. I know the client crashed were a concern previously and that this takes priority but I thought I’d report it since you can’t report them in-game.

Thanks for the report! Our engineering team are full force on this right now as you mentioned, but we are planning to address remaining client crashes asap after we have people playing.


Originally posted by wronghaveorof

Thank you for the reply, /u/JagexHooli. To elaborate on my question, does the team have snapshot data of our accounts on March 4th to correlate with what we identify as missing after the Restoration phase?

Telemetry is a form of data that's about as up to date as you can get, so essentially yes. The challenge has been how we translate that properly to be usable as account data rather than just information.

The Beta will be a great way to verify the testing we've done at scale (this is why we've been so focused on doing one), and if anything isn't as it should be, support will be there to help further.


Originally posted by tourist2d

How will support be done? Twitter lol?

We'll have a really clear direct way to contact Player Support via the support site for this.


Originally posted by legolasvin

While you're at it, I'm sure people would appreciate an update on W97 being offline too. Jagex has pretty much swept it under the rug with nary a comment on why it went down, are they ever going to fix it, nothing. Funniest thing is it went down on 8th Feb too I think, the day the servers glitched out

Great question. We'll see if we can dig up some answers with the team tomorrow.


Originally posted by wronghaveorof

Is there any reassurance that once this ordeal is over and with the help of any player support staff as necessary that we can expect our accounts to be in the exact same state as we left them on the 4th?

The Beta will give us a much better picture so we can't talk in definitives just yet, as much as we'd love to.

The reassurance I can offer though is we are committed to offering support if anything isn't right when you get your account back. This won't be a release and done situation by any means.


Originally posted by joe32176

While covering the membership for 31 says is a great step, it does nothing for those of us that bought premier for the year. Unless you’re extending the duration of our premier membership for 31 days and extending the renew window next year.

Right now it's 31 days of standard Membership added to the end of your subscription since this is an interim step.

We'll pass the feedback to the team though to consider.


Originally posted by RadDadio

Hello Hooli, what about those of us who purchased gold premiere - will 31 days be tacked onto our membership? I still have over 365 days of membership on my locked account.

It does, but it will be 31 days of standard Membership at the end of your current subscription in this case. Hope that answers your question.


Originally posted by DemonSlayer987

I hope you realize that covering the membership doesn't even begin to make things right because yes obviously we're not getting what we're paying for. Would you like us to quantify exactly how much GP we lost out on? I can tell you from the easy dailies alone it's at least 20m, probably a lot more when you start to factor in the animals I'm not selling and the occasional bosses I'm not killing. Unless the action taken is seriously compelling I'm probably going to cancel members and be done with RS, I just don't think I'll ever be able to trust the time investment again when Jagex actually, seriously, continues to hide behind obviously ridiculous statistics like "1% of players affected" when the vast majority of accounts are inactive. You're going to have to be very creative with what you do to make it right, because if all you do is give free spins and some random other garbage it's not going to be enough. This could actually kill your game, even more than EOC did.

We will be doing much more than this for anyone impacted. This is just something we can do today that we hope puts a few concerns at rest.

Once we know the confirmed return date for accounts, we'll be able to lock our plans for how we'll make this right and tell you all about it.


Originally posted by FlySell

After missing out on millions of experience, GP, and account progression by not being able to login for weeks I sure am glad I'm getting a month of membership added to my account /s

This is far from the amount we will do for anyone involved, that much we can promise.

This is just a step we can take today to assure you membership time will be returned and no charges will take place from today while the issue is active.


Originally posted by Zepaduse

What about us goons who spent their hard earned bonds on their memberships

Same applies if you recently purchased Membership with Bonds!


Originally posted by legolasvin

So, with the update of March 18th, we'll get more info about the beta tomorrow. I'm assuming that since the only significant update this week has been "We're prepping for the beta", the actual beta will take the entirety of next week. Bringing us to 29th March as the earliest possible date (IMO) when people will be able to get back in. 29th March is 25 days of people being locked out. In 2021. Biggest f**kup of the gaming industry this year? This decade? In my admittedly limited knowledge, I haven't heard of any game where people were literally prevented from playing for 25 days.

I think the biggest question that remains now, is what is jagex doing to ensure this never, and I mean never happens again in the lifetime of the company?

We've already fixed the series of issues that even allowed this to happen, and as soon as we have everyone back in game, we have plans to smash any chance of anything like this happening again.

It's an unprecedented issue and we plan to keep it that way.


Originally posted by Kryuxx

Not really, they're going to prevent billing for the next 31 days, from that you can assume that the whole process can take up to 31 days...

Just to offer some reassurance here, there's no correlation between the time we added and the potential length of the issue. We just wanted to make sure it was a significant amount.