no meaningful update this week then =/
please just give us some light at the end of the tunnel, all it feels like is mods are avoiding us now, lack of visibilty in chats, avoiding questioms, avoiding any real updates..... all points to you guys really have no idea whats happening
what is the actual point
It would be a major surprise if we didn't have a Livestream this week. We only want to avoid a date in case any more shifting sand moments happen.
In terms of what's going on, it's not a case of not knowing what's happening, but rather the fact that there's not always a significant thing to share every day despite us trying to be transparent as we can on a daily basis.
Development is a forever shifting beast, especially when you step into the unknown with a project like this, and what you are seeing is the result of that process where new things emerge. There's a lot of hard work going on and everyone wants to get the answers you want out there - just today isn't that day quite yet.