

05 Mar


Originally posted by joe32176

Not gonna lie, this post did nothing to make me feel better. Im officially worried about my account. Yesterday it was the game is back aside from a very small number of accounts. We got tickets submitted finally and I was ready to pop in this morning and have an email from support saying we’re good to go.

Today it’s we were wrong, it’s a lot more people than we thought. No message from my support ticket. You won’t give an eta on when we can play again. There are posts from some people saying support told them maybe a week to fix it, but you wont confirm or deny.

Please don’t go back to putting your head in the sand and ignore the questions. We just want to know if we’ll be able to play again and, if we are, when that will happen.

Asked our team - that's a placeholder standard messaging as most account issues are resolved in under 5-7 days. Current Player Support emails are promising more news by Monday - and we'll be updating everyone here with any news as it happens.

This is very much an active investigation which is why the timelines have been vague. We want to give you some indication of timelines as soon as we can.


Originally posted by JagexHooli

UpdateΒ @ 12:35 Game Time (March 5)

Hi everyone.

Ensuring everyone can play again as soon as possible is the biggest priority for the team and work is continuing to resolve this technical issue. We do not have a timeline to communicate right now, but as soon as we have any indications to share, we'll let you know.

As our investigations have continued, it has become clear that more players are impacted than initially estimated. If you are trying to submit a report, we want to assure you that your reports are being received - if you receive an error, please keep trying. Note that we expect to be able to support anyone impacted, regardless of having a ticket submitted, but having a ticket is the best way to ensure your issue is tracked.

If you haven't already, please do submit a ticket via this link if you are unable to login:Β ...

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Just to add to this - our Newspost system is still down, but we are hoping to have that service back online this afternoon. As soon as we do, we'll also be providing any updates on RuneScape.com too.


Originally posted by dangerousred

Will there be any game time compensation for people who are still unable to play the game?

Our focus right now is 100% on getting everyone playing so we don't have a firm answer for you just now, but it's a conversation that's definitely going to be had.


UpdateΒ @ 12:35 Game Time (March 5)

Hi everyone.

Ensuring everyone can play again as soon as possible is the biggest priority for the team and work is continuing to resolve this technical issue. We do not have a timeline to communicate right now, but as soon as we have any indications to share, we'll let you know.

As our investigations have continued, it has become clear that more players are impacted than initially estimated. If you are trying to submit a report, we want to assure you that your reports are being received - if you receive an error, please keep trying. Note that we expect to be able to support anyone impacted, regardless of having a ticket submitted, but having a ticket is the best way to ensure your issue is tracked.

If you haven't already, please do submit a ticket via this link if you are unable to login:Β ...

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Originally posted by suckmyponyhole

Is there an eta on when service will return back to normal for us? You've kept us in the dark this whole time by just stating "it's our top priority" i know it's not as easy just fixing it but there has been no real update on what's going on.

We'll provide an expected timeline as soon as we possibly can on this.


Originally posted by Agrith1

u/JagexHooli what about the people who are currently taking breaks/not been on recently who have been affected but won't be aware? Will you restore their accounts or will you only be restoring accounts for players that submit reports?

The reports help the investigation and ensure the accounts are on our radar - we likely won't be limited to just players we hear from, but we wanted to get something up asap just in case.

04 Mar


Originally posted by HardcoreOdy

A simple, "Your account isn't gone forever" would have been a better reply. Thanks for keeping us all in the dark Jagex.

Just to confirm, your account isn't gone forever.


Update @ 23:05 Game Time

Thank you to everyone who's submitted a ticket if you've encountered the 'Error loading your profile' issue or your account isn't as expected. If you have encountered these issues and haven't submitted a ticket, please do so here: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360018273338--04-Mar-Unable-to-access-the-game-UPDATE-

For those of you still unable to connect, we just wanted to let you know that this is our upmost priority to address. Due to the complexities of the issue, we wanted to let you know ...

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Originally posted by CarlosFlegg

22:15 and still cannot log in.

Cannot report the issue as the form you have set up to report the "error loading profile" issue, also error's - Error: Sorry, a problem occurred while submitting your request, please try again later.

Something tells me this "small number" of accounts still affected, isn't all that small, if your support form is falling over too.

We're seeing reports coming through, so please keep trying if you get an error.

Please also keep your inbox open as some people have received errors but received a confirmation email. If you have an email, we have your ticket.


Originally posted by PTgenius

For me it took like 4 or 5 tries. Just wait a couple of minutes and try again

We're seeing reports coming through, so please keep trying if you get an error.

Please also keep your inbox open as some people have received errors but received a confirmation email. If you have an email, we have your ticket.


Originally posted by Bagelmatic

Are our accounts deleted u/JagexKari ? i'm getting this message and i'm quite distraught at the possibility my account that i worked so hard for 15 years is gone entirely.

Definitely not - we are working on resolving anyone getting this error, but we also ask you please visit https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360018273338--04-Mar-Unable-to-access-the-game-UPDATE- and click the Report Issue button for further assistance.


Update @ 22:00 Game Time

If you are encountering the message 'Error loading your profile, please contact customer support', or your account isn't as expected, we have set up a direct support form for any impacted players.

Please visit https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360018273338--04-Mar-Unable-to-access-the-game-UPDATE- and click the Report Issue button for further assistance.

If you are encountering either of these issues, thanks so much for your continued patience while we work to get you playing again.


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Update @ 21:25 Game Time
If you are encountering the message 'Error loading your profile, please contact customer support', we will provide a specific support destination shortly to provide help for this issue.

If you are seeing this error, the account is part of a very small number of accounts we referenced as likely being still unable to log in at this time - our team are continuing to work on anyone impacted by this to get you playing again as soon as we can, but this support form will make sure we are aware.

For anyone reporting their account not appearing as expected, we're also continuing to work on this issue. We will also be providing a specific support destination to resolve this issue for you as well.

Stand by for links as soon as have them.


Update @ 20:35 Game Time

We are happy to report RuneScape login services are now coming back online and services should be restored for the vast majority of players.

We are aware there may be a very small number of accounts still unable to log in at this time - our team are continuing to work on anyone impacted by this to get you playing again as soon as we can.

Thanks you everyone for your patience and understanding as we got our services back online.


Update @ 20:05 Game Time
Work is still continuing to restore our login services - we have no significant milestones to report just yet, but good progress is being made.

We hope to have more substantial news to share soon.


Originally posted by JagexHooli

If you are trying to join and being kicked, /u/JagexKari is on it with the Discord team. Some raiding protection kicked in that we're working to disable temporarily asap.


Originally posted by CharLottieDa

So... how does Game Time translate to IRL time? Since I can't see what the Game Time is since I can't login.

Game Time is GMT if you are using a converter. If you are using a world map based one, London is currently matching Game Time.


Originally posted by joe32176

When do the 30 min updates start? It’s been over an hour since the last update at the top of this thread. Unless the info is being posted somewhere else now, if that’s the case can you share the link?

We just posted the first one - it'll be roughly every 5 past (maybe a little longer here or there if there's something noteworthy minutes away). Look for comments from us in this thread (Filter: New) or you can refresh to see the new updates in the OP.


Update @ 19:35 Game Time

We are still working to restore services as soon as possible - we are making good progress but we have no specific updates to report just yet.

For those of you who logged in during the window where you account didn't appear as expected, we are aware of these reports and part of our ongoing work is ensuring this isn't the case once services return.

RuneScape.com is beginning to become available, though please note we are still unable to update the News section at this time - until we can, please do keep returning to this thread or our social channels for further updates.


Originally posted by E4_Mapia_RS

What's the jagex official discord? I honestly didn't know that was a thing. Can anyone plop an invite message down for others and myself?