

22 Feb


Originally posted by Wolram3712

If our ship lost the lifeboat and we put another one on it, do we just not get the one we lost? I would have placed it on another ship had I known this was getting fixed.

I've seen a few people ask this - we'll ask the team and find out.


Originally posted by Zeck683

can we send ships now yet though

Yes - the hotfix went out on Wednesday.


A fix did go in that was tested earlier last week, but it appears something was broken in the build process late in the week that didn't get caught.

The team are aware and looking into our options to resolve it - thanks for bearing with us on this one. We will get this sorted.


Originally posted by JagexHooli

We're working on this, thanks for the ping. As a workaround for now, you can use the Kharid-Et entrance options to get there.

There's now a temporary portal next to the War Table while we work on a long term fix.


Originally posted by Matrix17

The fact that lifeboats weren't returned today is pretty shitty. Like come on, you f**k it all up then say you cant return the crew people lost but will give the lifeboats back but it's taking you forever so I'm now going to have to go out and buy new ones because I'm missing out on a week or two of ports. I cant afford to miss more bones on my ironman cause I use so many

So this literally was a "well, that sucks but f**k you situation"

It's a reality of the timeline for the fix on that one - we'll likely deploy them this week, so you won't be waiting too much longer. Thanks for bearing with it.

As soon as we have a firm date, we'll let you know.


Thanks for the reports on this - we've logged it and the team are looking into it.


Originally posted by Surfjamaica

I'm getting really high CPU utilisation when in the lobby

We're looking into this also.


Originally posted by hopbel

There's no exit button anymore either. Can't exit the game if you play fullscreen. Gotta press alt-f4

Just a heads up on this - we've got this logged from this morning's reports and the team are working on it.


Originally posted by w0tm18

Can’t enter Praetorium War table since the update, keeps saying “You can’t reach that”

We're working on this, thanks for the ping. As a workaround for now, you can use the Kharid-Et entrance options to get there.


This will be returning in the future, it just wasn't ready to also be included in the updated lobby UI for this release.

Totally get it's frustrating for you, but just as a reminder, the experience on Mobile is completely subject to change at the moment. Part of getting us launched this year is introducing critical updates - and some of those may mean the experience is sub optimal or modified at times. It's why we're still in Beta.

By playing on Mobile in Beta, it does mean being braced for things like this - but you are massively helping us deliver on this launch this year by playing and we do really appreciate you bearing through any bumps along the way.


We've passed this report to the team to take a look at, thanks for alerting us. We'll respond if we're informed of any workaround in the meantime.


Originally posted by fanblade08

seems fixed now.

This has now been fixed.


Originally posted by whosdr

  • Chat colouration hasn't been fixed despite patch notes
  • Clan player count and note count still broken (e.g. 4500/ instead of 4/500) (thanks /u/the_selindy and /u/aknwill)
  • Graphics menu now displays the 'Draw Distance' setting twice
  • Graphics menu option labels are now clipping beneath the dropdown element (anti-aliasing quality, anisotropic filtering)
  • Examining an item from an inventory (as opposed to a drop or npc) now places the examine pop-up in the top-left corner (thanks /u/Snapish) or centre of the screen for others
  • Examining an NPC, world object or item on the floor no longer displays any pop-up box (thanks /u/The_Crg)
  • Lobby chat windows scroll to top of chat history on each new message (thanks /u/Flare_Star)
  • Can’t enter Praetorium War table "You can't reach that." (Thanks ...
Read more

Thanks for this - and to everyone else who has reported similar issues in the thread so far. We've flagged these to the team and we're investigating.


Originally posted by Dinorigami

it's nice that you fixed the lifeboats being removed but will we get them back or something else in return? we lost all of them because of this.

We're restoring lost lifeboats soon - likely later this week. More info here: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/llyxyg/hotfix_player_owned_ports_lifeboats_update_on/


Originally posted by Pindabaas

Please fix mobile gameplay, it's now 1 month I can't properly zoom in or out without trying to do it for multiple times, neither can I see quantity on items. Seems to happen on samsung devices only as others have been reporting..

We'll check in with the team on these - they have been reported so they are likely in progress.

18 Feb


Originally posted by johngunners

I didn't even realise this was a thing. I lost my lifeboats but luckily I didn't lose any captains.

Do we need to put in a claim somewhere to get our lifeboats back?

Not at this point - once we announce we've rolled out the return, if you still don't have them, there will be instructions on what to do next to make sure you do.

17 Feb


Originally posted by Squidlips413

Can't revert rare item tokens, guess we'll just give everyone oddments and some keys. Can't revert lifeboats, we'll try extra hard recover information on who was affected and make sure they are appropriately refunded.

One of these things is a semi-paid currency, so the difference in priority here is downright appalling.

Reverting the tokens was by far our preferred option in that case also, it just wasn't possible after we looked into it without a full server rollback. It was unfortunately a case of possibilities rather than priorities.


We have now released a hotfix to resolve this issue. For updates on the possibility of restoring your life boats and crew impacted by the bug, please head to this thread for further news: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/llyxyg/hotfix_player_owned_ports_lifeboats_update_on/


Hi all –

Firstly, we want to thank you for your patience over the past couple of days while we worked to get this bug fixed. We have just released a hotfix to prevent the issue from occurring further and it should be safe to set sail on lifeboat-equipped voyages once more.

We’ve also been working hard to investigate how we can return any lost lifeboats and lost crew members to your vessels, despite our initial findings indicating this wouldn’t be possible.

Well, we have some good news – the team has found a way to return your missing lifeboats to your ships. We currently don’t have a release date or firm details on how this will be deployed, but we will let you know as soon as we have concrete details right here in this thread.

Unfortunately, we don’t believe it’s going to be possible to restore any lost crew members from voyages impacted by this bug. The factors at play that will let us restore lifeboats to your ships are not something we can levera...

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