

11 Jan


Originally posted by justhereforhides

Would it be possible to left-align everything next time? Reading lots of centered text is kind of difficult

I've noted this as feedback and I will try to make sure this feedback is enacted in future.


Originally posted by AffectionateNorth60

Please keep posting these summaries! I used to love reading them here on reddit whenever other players felt like volunteering to write them up. Jmods doing it officially is a great idea

I will try to, as much as possible! They can be a little bit time consuming but we're getting there :)


Originally posted by AyyPlus

Happy Cake Day, Mod Light!

Ay! Thank you! :)


Originally posted by intelligent_rat

How in the hell do they have a summary of a Q&A that takes place June of 2022? Are these all scripted months in advance?

Haha sorry it's the date format in the U.K but I honestly get them confused


Originally posted by Daryan1456

Typo maybe under mod husky response to the tbow meta. “Spectral will help you out with that or an elemental” should be Elysian maybe instead of elemental

Will fix this :)


Originally posted by Legendarydukez

Really like these write-ups of the Q and A. Having a lot of fun with Nex so far too, great job.

Thank you! I’m glad you’re enjoying it :) got any good drops?


Originally posted by UnluckyNate

Thank you for taking the time to write this all up! I feel much more in the loop about things now that these are being published as I was rarely able to watch the livestream due to timing. Thank you, Light!

Thank you for the feedback! It is much appreciated especially as these blogs can take time to write up haha.

I am aware that there might be a few typos here and there with these types of long transcript style blogs, but in general, I think they can help to share information better. I am super keen to keep making sure that you guys feel listened to by the developers working on the game and that you are aware of how the developers feel as well. Thanks!


Originally posted by ItdobeJJ

The last Q&A was posted as General Q&A but no general questions (on Leagues/ Wildy) were taken other than Nex-focused questions.

Will the next Q&A be a truly general Q&A?

That’s my fault! I added a bit of text in the introduction to clarify that I have saved some of the top questions gathered last week for our next general Q&A.

As for when that is, we have some Leagues 3 livestreams planned so a general one will be planned alongside those.

This Thursday is already booked in to be a Leagues 3 hype theorycrafting stream. On the 19th Leagues 3 releases so we expect the stream on the 20th to focus on Leagues again.

We are probably looking more so at the 24th for another general Q&A but I can look into the possibility of one sooner on a Monday!

I’ve seen multiple people request for a timetable of sorts for this and it’s something I’ve been looking into, but plans can change so I am not sure yet how far I can plan in advance for these things in order to share them officially with you!


Originally posted by Septem_151

Why did you patch door strat at Nex?

We hotfixed this today. I haven’t been directly involved in the discussion on it so far, but I believe player feedback told us that the boss was being stalled and it made the fight considerably more boring where it was used to avoid intended mechanics. The change made us to ensure players at least engage a bit more.


Originally posted by regen100

Regarding question 7, can it be reverted for people who have appropriate protection to not get sent back to the enterance? As they will not get piled by aggressive mobs.

I don’t think this is possible as it’s basically a variable on every player to say that if they log out they will be put to a safe place. We did consider how it impacts other players but we ultimately felt the benefits outweigh the additional few seconds it takes to get back there. Especially considering you can stay there quite a while as far as I know.


Originally posted by Afroslothpie

Yo happy cake day!

Thank you! :) <3


Originally posted by Pillar_Of_Support

thank you

Thank you for taking the time to read! :)


Originally posted by GrizzlyChump

Love the content and questions! Keep up the great work!

Thank you!

Really appreciate your feedback and happy to keep information sharing as much as possible!

08 Jan


We addressed this on our livestream and I think we are putting in a solution for it, ideally in next weeks’ update but not sure. I will confirm on Monday!

06 Jan


Originally posted by Invalid_Area

Can we get an update once there is a definitive answer?

Yep, it seems that the account was reviewed and then demodded for unmodly behaviour upon reviewing chatlogs based on this report. It wasn’t hacked apparently either.


Originally posted by surprisedropbears

When is the Q&A?

It's in 1.5hrs (5pm GMT on Twitch)


Originally posted by surprisedropbears

What time is tonight's Q&A?

I've really found that you guys don't actually advertise them well at all these days.

Tonight at 5pm GMT on Twitch - In about 2.5 hrs.


Originally posted by fitmedcook

It's hard to judge nex changes since stuff like droprate scaling isnt known to us yet. I for one had fun massing it on day 1 with strangers and not worrying too much about other people having bad gear. The mechanics being a bit relaxed is nice since coordination in an 80 man boss lair is difficult.

Smaller scale nex kills being a bit harder mechanic wise but more rewarding would be good but please dont make casual masses impossible

From the conversations with the developers I've had, I don't think the intention is to stop casual masses ocurring. I'm pretty new to PvM myself and Nex is something I'd like to do as a segway into even more challenging PvM. I think that they just want to ensure that players learn mechanics properly rather than cheesing through with big groups.


Originally posted by vKKae

Fix the speed running in mass, you are allowing a massive influx of Nex drops in the game because she is dying every minute, tbow being good sounds normal for masses it’s in the normal size groups where crossbows out shine it

There's some tweaks in there today that should help a bit with the scaling in larger groups, and we'll continue to monitor the activity levels as well as feedback concerns. I know the devs themselves are really passionate about making sure you feel rewarded for your time, as well as challenged and having fun. They are certaintly on top of all the feedback - thanks for engaging with us.