

25 Jan


Originally posted by lexiconhuka

Rip blood rune prices even more

I brought this up with the devs just now, it's a tricky one because a goal we had was absolutely to supply more blood runes, so it's natural that the price falls when there's a bigger supply. However, I'll raise this in feedback tomorrow to make sure the concern is raised. If you have any suggestions for me to bring back to the team please let me know.


Originally posted by Sanpanc

Maybe I’ll finally try this runecrafting skill after 15 years of playing RuneScape

Runecraft sounds very RuneScapey so sounds good!


Originally posted by Air_Yoshi

From a Maxed perspective, I do like the sound of that minigame. I don't mind receiving a very slight increase to XP/hr thanks to the colossal pouch, as well as a stackable teleport for lava runecrafting.

What I'm more unsure about is the possibility of a new pet. While I do like pets and am working on getting all of them, I'm not sure how to feel about another minigame pet, especially after what's happened to Soul Ward, where the meta is basically to boost for reward crates.

If it were to be acquired in a similar way to Wintertodt or Tempoross, I'd be okay with it.

I have a feeling, however, that some people might not be happy about the slight increase to lava xp and how the minigame would end up being better than ZMI / Zeah.

Hey there! So the Guardians of the Rift pet would be acquired, similar to Tempoross. The reward rift is like Tempoross' reward pool where you randomly get the pet while fishing for other rewards. I'll pass on your feedback as well when we discuss it tomorrow as a team! Please let me know if there's anything else you might need me to pass to the team or clarify.


Originally posted by Charl3magne

Really cool set of rewards here. Will need to actually play the minigame to really get a handle on it, but this is an excellent blog and has got me excited to play it. The rewards are J U I C Y

Well, thank you so much! Loads of devs gave their input on this one and I'm so glad to hear that you're excited.


Originally posted by gotonis

Looks fun! Glad I won't have to spend more time at ZMI.

Awesome! Thanks for your feedback. When researching for this Blog about the existing RC methods I definitely heard a lot about ZMI and experiences with it. I think this new method is going to be something super fun that hopefully compliments the existing methods and doesn't displace anything!


Originally posted by Usedslugs

Looks great.

No u


Originally posted by CTProper

This is lookin real nice

Yep! So glad to hear that from you. Anything you'd like to ask the devs working on the project? ^_^


Originally posted by Dear_Platypus_849

Amazing. Doesnt need to be more rewarding than zmi tho... or really rewarding at all as far as gp goes. Focus into xp rates>gp

Sounds good, nice to hear that the devs are on the right track in regards to this!

Do you have any more feedback for me to pass on to the team? :)


Originally posted by Trollinguy

'Bout time...

Oh you know it!

Let us know more about your feedback! Is there anything you want me to pass back to the team? (Other than the fact you all love Runecrafting ofc!)


Originally posted by JonnyReadIt

I vote yes



Originally posted by Man_Get_Lost



23 Jan


Stumbled across this post and found the conversation very interesting. Thank you for bringing it up.

Remember that ideation project for a runecrafting minigame that we pitched in the 2020 December Gazette? We will actually be ready to talk about it in a bit more detail soon! We are aiming to get a blog published over to you guys next week if all goes to plan. I’m personally super excited to be working on this project and I can’t wait to hear what you all think when you see the full blog!

17 Jan


Originally posted by Qqslag

Hi, thanks for replying on a Saturday evening, committed indeed!

So I was wondering in particular about the unresponsiveness of the Chambers of Xeric private chest and looking back at the blog for Poll 75 I can see that it wasn't an actual question, but the blog did say this that this issue would be fixed. See here.

The problem with the chest is that some times it doesn't register your clicks and the responsiveness of the chest is very slow, so you can't withdraw items particularly fast. It's easy to reproduce, you just go into a raid and deposit your items and then click them quickly and see how slowly they withdraw.

Since it wasn't an actual question on the poll, that may be why it hasn't been logged down as one of the reported issues you detailed in your reply above?

Anyway, thanks for the replying again, hopefully that is helpful

Ah yes, I remember that one. It turned out to be a more complicated and a trickier issue than we originally thought.

We had two teams essentially that looked into this problem - content developers, and then our engine team.

We investigated it first with our content dev team to see what was going on. We assumed it would be an easy job to fix a bug in the code. In fact, there wasn't a bug in the code at all which told us the issue was a bit deeper (engine side).

The issue is exactly as you described. We've managed to reproduce it, and we've also noted the issue is present in banks as well. But there isn't really an easy fix engine side as far as we can tell - it's still under investigation so we have it logged in our backlog, but unlikely to be fixed soon unless they make a breakthrough on it. Engine team also has different priorities so it's a bit more difficult to bump this up in urgency compared to other things they need to focus on.

15 Jan


Originally posted by Sleipnirs

Any news about those few changes which were proposed a week (or even two?) or so ago concerning UIM's death mechanics?

Keep up the good work, Jmods! :)

Update on UIM Blog stuff coming up!

On Friday, I discussed some of the player feedback with Mod Nin. We intend to update the UIM Blog with a brief response to the feedback. However, this will only be possible when our schedule is a bit less busy. Leagues is next week so we need to focus on that.

The changes discussed in the UIM blog are engine changes, so we have been discussing which engine update it could potentially fit into. Engine updates are much less frequent than our regular game updates and we ideally don't want to poll something soon, only for players to have to wait a longer time for it to actually be shipped.

To clarify, I don't think the wait would be all that long in the grand scheme of things but we just want to make sure that the poll we slot it into will make sense


Originally posted by Qqslag

Is there anything that can be said about Poll 75 changes that are yet to be added and the upcoming Poll 76?

Hey there! I'm aware of two reported issues

- Nylos in the Maiden room don't give MVP points, apparently, when they should.

- Blood Spawn Mechanics should only spawn a maximum of one Blood Spawn, if the player successfully dodged the first blood attack. However some players have reported this as unchanged.

I checked with our QA team and they told me that both these updates should have gone out already and they would have been tested as well.

I'm not sure if it's a miscommunication in the actual job, a miscommunication in the blog post, or an error that players think the job hasn't been done when it actually has?

If you can provide repro steps on the issue that will help me a lot, I want to make sure all Poll 75 stuff is out, but from what I can see on my end it should be.


Originally posted by HeinzHaroldBean

This has given me an idea. I know Jagex took on ChrisArchie, so could we get like a weekly or monthly 3-5min video compilation of some facts or 'top plays'?

For reference, War Thunders Gaijin entertainment has a weekly 10min video on youtube, which is all just user submitted replays with Gaijins commentary on it. There is also a sister show uploaded on the same channel that discusses certain vehicles, manufacturer's etc. This one is presented a bit like a mini history documentary while also including reference to the game.

For this maybe something like 'The history of (Varrock/Lumbridge/GodWars Dungeon etc)' where you discuss game lore as well as player historical events? Feedback on these videos is often positive, and for sure personally I boot up the game when one comes out.

Thank you if you read all of this!

I love reading suggestions like this! I can’t say yes or no to it, but I can bring it up when we have ideation sessions (usually monthly) and see what the rest of the team think! Thank you!


Originally posted by HowAmIDiamond

Your comment I replied to made it sound like you grew up within the game so I was making a dumb joke. I do appreciate the wholesome response! :)

I appreciate the conversation! :3


Originally posted by HowAmIDiamond

What was it like growing up in RuneScape?

It was pretty awesome. Nobody really had the time to play extensively because everyone was still in classes. I remember racing home just to get on and play :) Also there weren’t as many guides and such so everyone was pretty inefficient. I remember buying a guide to make GP off of some website and I printed out every page of it and had it next to me while I played. Very magical time for sure!

14 Jan


Originally posted by DebonairJayce

Oh, I get it. The staff is supposed to be a dick.

Nooo haha I don’t even think it was that deep (no pun intended lmao). It was just the closest place to where people gathered with an upstairs area I think? 😂