

14 Jan


Originally posted by 5erenade

Yeah I remember those days too. We must have hanged out a couple of times since it was a small crowd. I remember meeting this artsy player who dreamed of working with Jagex. If that was you, then congratulations!

I had this friend who would be like. “Let’s go bother them and get them mad.” So dumb looking back.

That wasn’t me I promise!!

But thank you so much!


Originally posted by 5erenade

You know this how? Did you hang out at Varrock Square f2p worlds with the rich players?

I used to hang out just in front of varrock castle by the fountain. Lots of couples would dance there (follow each other). But there was always a point where one would stop the dance and then lead the other one upstairs to Zaffs shop lol to get some “privacy” haha. Pretty sus


Originally posted by WistleOSRS

I’m sure we could get the osrs wiki admins on board and make a osrs history month as a birthday thing, that way it isn’t too weird.

Slide it in with a bunch of other odd and quirky stats.

Like what was used more, varrock West Bank or falador park for trading.

That is actually galaxy brain level. I will see what I can do


Originally posted by WistleOSRS

If the data exists for the most stood on square. There could be a chance the data from that generation in rs3 is still on record. We could actually get an answer for which building people used, well assumptions anyway.

This sounds like a cross team effort.

I could make a request to our data team but it wouldn’t be considered high priority. I also am trying to think of how I would pitch a request for this without sounding insane!


Originally posted by ArrgsEchoG

It's official enough for me. Can we get a wiki page for this already? It's classified as game history and should permanently be documented.

If we even wanted to attempt to verify this as true we would need all e-daters to come forward and expose themselves. I don’t know if this would be possible, either out of shame or out of breaking that “no dating” rule memes.


Originally posted by GenitalKenobi

Thank you for this information

Haha you’re welcome. This isn’t like official information or anything, it is just from my experience growing up in the game!


Originally posted by OliverFawell

Didn’t expect a jmod response on this one

I have no life


tribal top, dwarf skirt, gnome scarf, beret :3


From my experience, the most popular place that players got 'familiar' with each other was upstairs of Zaff's Superior Staff's Shop. Many times if you followed them up there they'd keep telling you to leave them alone lol.


This is an interesting discussion and the team has been up for discussing it recently.

I'd love to see how this thread progresses to gather some more player feedback on the topic and bring it back to them. So please do keep leaving your thoughts on the topic, if you are willing to do so. :)


how did you get into osrs?

12 Jan


Originally posted by jeffzor

Videos uploaded to YouTube have an autogenerated transcript that can be searched. That's how I got the info I was after. I hope you didn't have to type it all up :)

Holy moly thank you for this! This is actually super helpful! We did type it up ourselves but this could save a lot of time 🥲

11 Jan


Originally posted by Papa_Capin_Uranus

Love you :)



Originally posted by sixteenfours


Ok so you're not actually revealing new info, it's only some literal-who youtubers talking?

I’m not sure exactly of what will be revealed, to be honest but it’s likely that if something is revealed we will also share it on our social platforms like Twitter etc.


Originally posted by diego27865

Are you guys going to take care of the LMS bots? It’s been a was problem for so long and I can guarantee with 99% accuracy whenever I see a bot. A simple solution? A) Ban the current bots B) have a working detection system based on their behavior (again very obvious) and C) make the requirement to play mich higher (like a total of at least 1000). Stop letting level three’s play the game.

This is something we have been discussing internally still and we addressed it just before the Christmas break, but I am not sure of the solution yet just letting you know it’s on our radar and the right people know about it.


Originally posted by iMadeOutWithMyDad

This game is f**ked.

But did you like it though 😂 the blog of course


Originally posted by iluvdankmemes

Interesting that there is nothing about the alchability of the blood essence.

I think that’s due to be fixed in tomorrows’ game update!


Originally posted by Orange_Duck451

I listen to these, but it's good to have a write-up. I appreciate the thorough transcript, but a TLDR answer may be useful as well

Unfortunately it’s just not possible to do both to the level you might want. If we were to TLDR the answers, we might miss important information. We have tried to cut down anything off topic though or repetitions of things!


Originally posted by RuneScapeautistic

If a player who hosts an instance at nex leaves or dies, who becomes the host?

The host can rejoin their own instance under a different player name, but a new player has to guess who becomes the host? This doesn’t seem very intuitive / effective

I've asked Mod Arcane about your question. He's stated there is no new host apparently. You likely would just be better off leaving and making a new one if it doesnt let you back in. I hope this helps and can pass on feedback about it.


Originally posted by GammaYak

Husky mentions elemental shield to reduce damage at nex, What exactly does the elemental shield do at nex?

I've changed this to say 'Elysian' it may have been a case of mishearing.