

07 May


Hey everyone, I mentioned this in a different thread but I'll also put it in here too for anyone who may have missed my message.

Due to feedback, we are going to be adding a "toggle" option for the Music Player to help with your concerns, so you'll be able to go back to listening as normal. We can't commit to a date on that yet due to our upcoming releases but it is in our backlog and we will get around to it, likely after or around the release of AKD/TOB Hard Modes. I hope that's alright.

For those who are interested, we're also looking to add a new "shuffle" option - again we can't commit to a date on this but it is possible and something we are looking into.


Originally posted by Fxob

I’m sorry to hear you lost a coworker

It's almost like employees with three letter Mod names are kinda sus, right? (This is a joke)


To any girls or women who came across this post, I'd like to apologize on behalf of the Community. We don't all think this way, or find this to be funny, I promise.

also: guys have holes too. equality! >:(


Hi guys, thanks for bringing this up. Due to your feedback, we are going to be adding a "toggle" option for the Music Player to help with your concerns, so you'll be able to go back to listening as normal. We can't commit to a date on that yet due to our upcoming releases but it is in our backlog and we will get around to it, likely after or around the release of AKD/TOB Hard Modes. I hope that's alright. As always we really appreciate the constructive feedback and you raising it to us.

For those who are interested, we're also looking to add a new "shuffle" option - again we can't commit to a date on this but it is possible and something we are looking into.

06 May


Employer_Zac has been banned. Keep up your stellar behaviour and you might just get PModded!


Originally posted by saul1417

Unsure if it happens in the other games but I misclicked outside of the board playing checkers and you get up and run away and it ends the game. Can’t it be altered so clicking outside of board does nothing

This is something we're investigating on mobile I believe - I will be sure to pass that feedback on. Did this happen on PC or mobile?


As Nicky kindly mentioned, please could I ask you guys to submit reports of lag to this thread so we can better track it? https://secure.runescape.com/m=forum/forums?409,410,102,66213472,

Lag can be a result of so many different issues, so it's rather difficult to pinpoint without your help. I definitely take on board the feedback that we could do more to make players aware of this route.

By having player reports in a single thread, we're hoping this will provide the Game Engine team with a single source of information to better track and understand the issues.

I apologise for the inconvenience caused, lag is the worst.


Hi all, I've reached out to the OP to investigate further. We are really sorry this has happened and will do our best to make it right. :) I'll be reaching out to anyone who has been affected by this issue so that we can fully investigate this issue.

If you have been affected by something similar to the OP please get in touch with me privately, through Reddit or Discord. My Discord is Mod Light#1353. We would particularly like to know your RSN, a description of what you were doing and the items you believe you've lost.

Please bear in mind we will use game data to verify any information given to us. Thanks, and I sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused.

05 May


Originally posted by BigBoyyee

Oh yeah I know, I was saying it as a joke. Is there a slight possibility you guys can consider letting us use the Bulwark at Wintertodt to take half the damage or the stop the chills interrupting us while we chuck logs into the fire/fletch? I don't think It would be overpowered and it will help the Bulwark see more use outside of PvP

please stop jebaiting me on jagex time >:(


Originally posted by BigBoyyee

Can you guys look into this bug? I'm wielding my Dinhs Bulwark at Wintertodt and I'm still taking a lot damage and getting interrupted. Are you going to hotfix it today or will it be fixed by next week's update?

We haven't changed anything to do with the Dinh's Bulwark - could you explain a bit more what the issue is?

29 Apr


Originally posted by JagexLight

Thanks for raising this folks, we are investigating this now. I will share more info when I know more.

This should be fixed now!


Thanks for raising this folks, we are investigating this now. I will share more info when I know more.


This has been passed to the right people in the team for consideration! Thank you for raising it to us. :)


added this to the player suggestions spreadsheet. really hoping this goes through

28 Apr


Originally posted by Lonely-Thomas

Feedback on clarity:

The spell descriptions use all of the terms "cycle", "tick", and "0.6 seconds" at different points. I think this would be easier to follow and less jarring to read if the same terminology was used throughout. I get the impression "cycle" is the preferred, based on quantity of usage, so perhaps including a definition of a cycle, as a 0.6 second game interval, also known as a tick?

Thanks Thomas - point noted for the Game Update Review tomorrow. Appreciate your feedback.


Sorry this happened! We're implementing a coldfix today which should fix this problem. The countdown has started so hang tight and it'll be fixed soon :)


Originally posted by Requiem_for_you

I am so hyped about new spells. In fact, quite a few of them look very interesting:

ressurection spells: remains to be seen how many dmg they add but if they ignore accuracy checks, could be pretty big. As far as I understand, meele one will hit 0-3 at complete random. So 1.5 dmg per hit on avg. 2.4sec timer on hits. So for example with my 86 magic, I can expect one meele guy to do 31.5 dmg during its 51.6sec alive time. Not game breaking but sounds like nice little extra help!

Vile Vigour - remains to be seen where it will be used but during skilling prayer points conversion to run energy might really come in handy in places where u can recharge prayer easily

ward of arceus - reduced dmg from demonic foes by 25%. Sounds like a thing you could use against cerberus or kril

Yes! You love to see it

27 Apr


Originally posted by Sitdownpro

Also accepting Elven Crunchy Roll.

You all make the decisions, I'm just along for the backseat driving. You could allow the water/curses to be multi-combat spells with the book. A teleblock would be normal on the player that the spell is cast on 5/2.5min. The surrounding players could recieve 2.5/1.25 TBs. Same reduction effect for all curses. Idk, I think splash damage and Tome of Water sound hand-in-hand.

points noted. but please stop making me so hungry thank you


Originally posted by Sitdownpro

u/jagexlight can the tick-food require a leaf, shards, and paddlefish? Makes a crunchy wrap.

Give Tome of Water a "splash" (ha) damage effect on curse spells. Hits max of 10 or so. Gives damage and a reason to throw curse spells at groups.

I lol'd at crunchy wrap

So for the Tome of Water, I kind of made a mistake by phrasing it in the Blog as if it was an awesome buff, when in reality it was something we forgot to Poll in the last Blog. (!)

We'll consider options to buff the Tome of Water separately at some point in the future if there's enough player feedback to warrant it. Hope that's alright.

26 Apr


My goodness, this was such a pleasure to read. Thank you so much for making this post. Would love to find out your RSN, if possible, to offer a small gift to you on behalf of the entire team at Jagex. Thank you so much for brightening our day!
