

14 Jul


Originally posted by Michthan

I don't dislike you, but I want nothing more than you being proven completely wrong! Sadly deep down I know you are right...

I don't dislike either of you either(!), but I do hope you'll judge them fairly upon release (and not before).


Originally posted by Thiltopla

They sent Jmods over to the countries in the Middle East to research for Menaphos- it got ALL the resources. I do agree though, story here will be just fine.

You can buy the most expensive coffee in the world, but if you don't brew it long enough, it'll taste like water.

If Menaphos had had the development cycle we've had for Archaeology and Necromancy, or at least something in between, then maybe the (rightfully-lambasted) Menaphos quests wouldn't have turned out to be my albatross.


Originally posted by Valitar_

Is this in any way connected to the Staff of Armadyl or is the term Siphon just descriptive?

Death guards (main hand) are siphons (lower case 's') - it functions similarly to The Siphon (capital 's') in that it takes energy one one place and puts it in another (albeit more concentrated).

Ditto the off-hand is a conduit, not The Conduit, which connects your current location to the Underworld, so you can conjure spirits.

These are categorical terms, not item names - i.e. to conjure spirits requires a conduit; to harness necrotic energy requires a siphon. This way, we can later on have different weapons other than death guards and underworld lanterns, akin to melee weapons having maces, short swords, 2-handed swords, spears, et al.


Originally posted by yuei2

I mean this is following the design learnings of archeology.

I've said it this way elsewhere, so apologies if repeating myself, but...

Necromancy is a combat skill in the same way that Archaeology is a gathering skill.

Sure, at its core, it's 'just another combat skill', but the initial launch is so much more, hopefully has something for everyone.


Originally posted by srbman

It's 7!! New quests

9 actually

2 new bossfights

3 new bosses (with a 4th coming later this year). They confirmed a 4th Rex Matriarch.

The rex matriarch is only a Game Jam project so far, not on any release schedule yet (and certainly for for skill launch). Personally, I think it's an obvious later addition and was happy to see other devs pick it up, so do think it is highly likely to end up on the release schedule at some point.

07 Jul


Originally posted by Chrix12

Will the "Three's a Kiln" achievement (Enhanced Fire Cape) require the necromancy cape after Necromancy release or is it still the original 3?

At the present time, our thinking is that it will not.

A narrative reasoning is that TzHaar/TokHaar do not partake in necromancy ("anathema!"), but predominantly, there are also design considerations of bolting it on to the existing achievement, exceptions required, etc.

We might decide differently post-release, depending on player response, but will consider then how best to implement it if consensus suggests we should. Cheevos are a gameplay mechanic, and I think we can ignore the narrative reasoning as only players are doing this (i.e. there will be no TokHaar necromancers in-game).


Originally posted by zernoc56

It feels like Mod Rowley let himself get written into a box by not doing anything with the desert quest line after The World Wakes all the way until now, when the ‘Gods are back in Gielenor’ is now over. Jagex is moving away from having gods involved in the story, so I find it highly unlikely that the hook that Rowley wrote himself can even be used right now. And anything in a new Desert quest that happens after TWW can’t really have any impact on the story of that quest because Icthlarin is rather involved in the Sliske line and the Elder God line. Even if it takes place before TWW it can’t really affect anything, because again, the events that it might have affected are already written and settled. Literally his only options are to either have Amascut killed or purified of corruption.

n’t even bother to have Elidinis return - who was the only one of the Menaphite pantheon to even get kicked out by the original Edicts. Rowley not wanting to do anything with the dese

Can assure you the ending I have in mind (have had in mind since Stolen Hearts) is not affected/compromised.

If/when something gets done or not in the series is not something in my direct control. I can only advocate, not decide.

29 Jun


We put some necromancy in your archaeology (Kharid-et), so of course we'd put some sailing (well, boating) in your necromancy!


Originally posted by SeaProgram2836

Please don't be a botched release like invention was with 24hrs nerfs.

I was on the Invention and Archaeology teams, and am on the Necromancy team.

Invention needed more development time. Archaeology did not. Necromancy does not.

Make of that what you will. Subjectivity is a factor, to be sure.

(Not to say there won't be need/desire for post-release adjustements, but we have time allocated for dealing with anything that needs addressing.)

08 Jun


Nice suggestion, will add it to the list of options!

31 May


Originally posted by xenozfan2

Image taken from the Necromancy reveal post on the main site. This is the T95 weapon and armor.

Can confirm this is not the T95 weapon and armour. :)

Chuffed to see people already analysing everything necromancy, though.

20 Dec

19 Oct


Originally posted by KobraTheKing

I think he did a huge chunk of the lore for archeology, and wiki partially credits him with City of Senntisten, Desperate Measures and Extinction, though who knows how big a part

Yeast of the desert here, happy to clarify some points. :)

Archaeology lore was primarily from me (the good and the bad); I'm fulfilling a similar role for the new skill.

City of Senntisten was mostly made by me too. Sponge made the rewards; Orion worked on the vampyre fight.

Only contributed a tiny section of Desperate Measures (the dragonkin flashbacks), and supported Shrew for the lab puzzle.

My contribution to Extinction was tiny and not worth talking about; that project was primarily Shrike's work, and she did great with it! I'm proud of how much she's developed in her time at Jagex, and her new job is a great opportunity.

Sad to see Raven go too, after so long. We've worked on a whole bunch of stuff together over the years - Prif, POF, Pieces of Hate to name a few - and he'll also be sorely missed.

Will is a good egg, been working with him for a long time.

Mod Zura also joined us on the Lore Council within the last year...

Read more

07 Apr


Can confirm - pretty much anything you can expect to get while skilling, you can get in the dream: pets, skill shards, strange/golden rocks, anything from the activity timers, etc.

23 Nov


Originally posted by 5-x

He'll move at 450 quest points. Wasn't the next location going to be Prifddinas? I recall something like this being mentioned.

400 QP was his final location (at least, so far coded). We may or may not decide to give him somewhere new to move to once we hit 450 QP.

22 Nov


Originally posted by KobraTheKing

Amazing quest, Rowley.

Any chance this robe unlock can be added to MQC?

Magic 8-ball says: "Seems likely." :)


Originally posted by MuffinManPotatos

Oh i looked in my inventory and hovered over an invisible cosmetic for the undergarments... but its invisivble... should it be reported?

Thank you by the way, i wanna be lookin spiff

Invisible item... I wondered if that might be it (it can't be banked). I have no idea what causes that issue, but it's not too common, I don't think.

I'm not sure that's worth reporting, TBH. Glad to have resolved this for you, though.


Originally posted by MuffinManPotatos

yeah the first chat box(picture) is me clicking back on the chest in closures private space telling me to talk to relomia and then the other 2 are dialogues of what she says and then she just stops talking and repeats if i ask again

(I sent an in-game report)

Ah, I missed those.

The dialogue...

"Ha! That Closure certainly has a sense of humour."

...should only be seen if you have the unlock item in your inventory.

EDIT: https://runescape.wiki/w/Ghostly_undergarment

If that is destroyed, you should be able to get a replacement from Relomia. If neither of these things is the case, your best bet would be to submit a bug report, as I haven't seen this issue crop up with anyone else so far, so it might be a rare issue if it is an issue.


Originally posted by 4p-RS

Maybe it’s the partyhat shard?

No, the party hat shard from the quest is given at quest completion. The clue scroll is separate post-quest content.


There's nothing else of note in the chest of drawers (in Closure's private space), other than the clue scroll. What does Relomia (in Draynor) have to say on the matter?

Have you unlocked the Closure's robes cosmetic override outfit?

EDIT: Opening the casket should give you (swap to) the ghostly undergarments object, which if you click on that it is deleted and you unlock the cosmetic override. (Am thinking perhaps you just missed the unlock message?)