

22 Nov


Originally posted by Prince_AJ

Hey rowley was just wondering do dummies like slayer/agility/hunter and the combat ones have a chance to drop a shard?

I have no idea, that's a question more for Mod Campfire, I'd say. I would assume if proteans work, dummies also work. Can anyone else in here confirm?


Have you completed the quest yet (or just the fourth sub-quest)? (Rhetorical, because that's the reason.)


You most likely have finished Finale (the 4th sub-quest), but not Once Upon a Time in Gielinor (the quest) - talk to Closure again in his study.


Could you be more specific, please?

Which parts of the quest have you already completed and what are you currently trying to do? Part 4 takes place in Closure's study, not in any inns.

EDIT: Since the change to make all four miniquests into one quest (with four sub-quests), May's caravan portal takes you to the quest start point (which is the Blue Moon Inn). However, now that it is a quest, the quest journal will tell you where you are supposed to go at each step along the way. The start of Finale is in Closure's study.

05 Oct


Originally posted by lurasidoneHCL

no the relic clearly states 'ash drops', and ash dropping makes it an ash that has dropped, otherwise known as an ash drop. it's ash. that has dropped. dropped ash. it does not say 'only specifically demonic hellspawn remain drops from another dimension are noted'

i agree with OP, i am calling on jagex to fix this grievous oversight

Right on it. I'll get the relic description updated to make it clear it means ash remains, not the byproduct of fire.

27 Jul


The map is instanced and set up for quest content when you enter the dungeon during the quest. It's not when you are just entering the dungeon normally. There's nothing more to it...

21 Jun


I won't weigh in on the decision, only note that players will most likely complete the quest first regardless, simply because the quest rewards have value (will almost be a requirement in their own right) within the dungeon. Practicality and efficiency will see this being the case.

Pull works better than push sometimes.

Also, it is a fact that no quest has a 100% completion rate - i.e. not all who start, finish.


Referring to someone as "pure id" should not be taken literally as meaning that was the only existent part of their personality. It's just suggestive that the person in question plays up that particular part of their personality to such an extreme it appears to be the only existent part. It makes perfect sense as a colourful description for a character like Sliske.

06 Apr


Originally posted by garl12

I believe it's Mod Rowley.

I did develop part 1 and laid out a plan for the series as a whole, but full props to Mod Shrew for making part 2 for today's release. :)


Originally posted by Iliekkatz

Iirc they intentionally make them mini to avoid giving dice progression, etc.

Edit: fake news

This is not something we've ever said (at least not that I'm aware of). We're certainly not releasing this series as miniquest out of fear over expanding May's shop. I'm glad to hear that players are feeling these are worthy of full quest status (and we might well do something about that in due course - i.e. once the series is complete). :) All in good time...

03 Mar


Get yourself a lorehound pet, that'll boost your chances.


I'm pretty sure the need for a smaller/faster boat was explained somewhere. The chimes in your port belong to the port (as a business) - taking them for personal use would be embezzlement. This was also mentioned somewhere in the Arc/PoP, iirc. It's easy to miss a single line of dialogue somewhere. All this was years ago so it's hard to recall specifics.

That you may have had a White Knight rank would have been no help in cutting through Faladorian bureaucracy (you had a well know Temple Knight with you for much of it anyway, which didn't help either). That's the nature of bureaucracy. Your rank as a White Knight is more honorary anyway, so likely of little use. It's also something from an earlier age, and your actions in the current age could well have tarnished your reputation with that organisation.

I do think there are instances where your general issue does occur, but I don't agree that these two are strong examples of this. We do often think about these things...

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24 Feb


Saradomin may have been lying himself when he can easily spot your lies. I doubt any god has a 100% ability to tell lie from truth, and the earlier call out was just bluster on Saradomin's part.

Alternatively... Saradomin: I am glad SHE has finally decided to seek my advice. What is YOUR plan?

So he might have recognised the lie this time, but is just playing along. His choice of words perhaps suggest this.

So, a couple other options here to consider/throw in the mix. I'm not gonna say what the actual truth is, mind, merely fuel further speculation...

23 Feb


Originally posted by [deleted]

I don't mean this to diminish the great work done on this quest, but as a compliment: this is essentially a bottle quest on steroids. Minimal new assets but taking us to a lot of spectacular places and using them very well for a fantastic lore dump.

Honestly I get a little frustrated with seeing something like Desperate Measures and knowing how much of the work that went into that will never see use again, and it does feel wasteful.

Typically Bottle Quests like Evil Daves Day Out or UR IT feel like it, and kinda leave me feeling a little bitter when there's so few quests going around already. Leave me feeling like 25 Buttholes: "What? That's it?"

So far this year has been extremely promising on that front though! If they can keep up even half of the pace they've been going we're on track to have the most significant year since 2016, not even including the miniquests.

I do miss feeling challenged by quests though, but i understand them not wantin...

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Honestly I get a little frustrated with seeing something like Desperate Measures and knowing how much of the work that went into that will never see use again, and it does feel wasteful.

Just a small note on this. The work that went into DM did see a lot of reuse, in the effigies D&D, Orthen dig site, the Raksha area and something else. It's not overly obvious due to how things were reused, but we did get a lot of use out of especially the environment work done for DM (which itself built on what was already created for Anachronia).

Taking your more general point, we have taken learnings from Anachronia that we're hoping to apply more in future. We'll see how that goes...

22 Feb


Originally posted by San4311

Still, pretty hard to beat LotD as BiS skilling ring.

You don't need to compete with it - if you have the LOTD relic power active, you can complement it... ;)

05 Feb


More will be added to the skill over time, no doubt, but it's perfectly fine to stop training it if you've got what you want out of it. That's fine with us. There's already a bunch of reasons to train beyond 99 but it's fine if they don't encourage everyone.

I'd prefer it, in fact, if people did not force themselves to play content/games in general past the point where they are getting something out of it. I did some awful, long grinds in the name of unlocking Xbox Achievements when I was younger, which I now regret.

28 Jan


Powering the eight shadow anchors OR waiting for the shield pylon to be active are both ways to get that extra bit of shadow depth.

Transcribing the memory -> is one.

Ring of visibility OR shadow delver is the other.

26 Jan


One way would be to wait for the shield pylon event to be active. Another would be to power all shadow anchors.

25 Jan


Originally posted by kindredwolfRS

I did, just today. I hadn't completed the mystery before.

After the mystery is complete, you need to talk to Dr Nabanik again. I think the Kharid-et opening cutscenes is being replayed for some people, but barrel through that and he should thank you for solving that mystery (and then complete the miniquest too).


Be certain you have completed the new miniquest (and not only the previously existing Archaeology mystery).