

28 Oct


Originally posted by Narmoth

There was suppose to be a sequel in Falador. Had a halloween event years ago where we saw the Black Knight Castle is located in Falador. Sadly I guess it got shelved.

It is a true IM experience for everyone that plays that quest though.

There was never a planned sequel (just to be clear). The Falador seen in Invention of Disaster was solely created for that event. That isn't to say I wouldn't love to see the concept applied to other cities/locations, it was great fun to work on. Happy to see people enjoying it too! :)

27 Oct


This reads like you may have missed that the monolith power cap already does increase at various levels (mostly from Guild special research).

  • Level 40 (+100)
  • Level 70 (+150)
  • Level 90 (+100)
  • Level 120 (+150) - this one being boostable from at least level 117

The current total power available is 650.


It's random. They are free components. Sometimes you get good, sometimes you get bad. If we removed all the bad, we'd have to balance things out some other way that you also would not want.

24 Oct


Originally posted by Intweener

Wondering the same what that relic will do for yak track next time..

Will it count for fishing and/or cooking ?

Fishing only for yak track.

There is no reason you should not still get strange rocks for Fishing. A cooked variant is swapped in at the point of giving the item. Code before and after still refers to the raw catch for all other purposes - e.g. strange rocks.

22 Oct


Originally posted by buck0384

another early bird bonus by the sounds of it

More likely just a run of good luck. Not everything has to be a spaghetti bug. The chance for an artefact is 1/1k, so that's just over 2x average. I don't know everything about Sift Soil, so it might boost artefact chance (doubt it, but it might). There'll be someone else out there going dry on artefacts for 5k soil. Regardless, we'll do our due diligence and check to be certain.


Is in that there's an actual bug here or just that the Wiki is out of date and needs updating?

Your screenshot has the 'Machine calibrated! Continue?' message, so it looks like it's working just fine.


Are you screening or using the new sift soil lunar spell?

Did you mean materials? The odds of getting artefacts from screening soil are very low at base.

21 Oct


The symbols on the tombs are intended to assist with the new pylon puzzle (plus the one above the west entrance to the south-east temple), along with the knowledge of how these pylons work from Desperate Measures.

Mordaut dialogue could have given more of a hint here, though, and in hindsight, it was asking a bit too much of players. As such, I intend to add a little bit of additional help (likely via Mr Mordaut).


It is covered in other comments here, but for clarity, you need:

  • Arch tutorial
  • Associate qualification
  • 90+ Arch
  • Orthen opening cutscene (talk to Mr Mordaut at base camp)
  • Fragmented Memories mystery
  • restored lingam stone

This is intentional. It's part thematic (because wobbegongs don't have a cooked variant, you make oil from them - i.e. there is no 'cooked wobbegong' you can eat), but primarily it is due to how fish oil and shark oil can be made with varying amounts of fish/shark. There would be no good/fair way to balance how much oil to give (well, specifically fish oil, but it made sense to exclude shark oil too).

20 Oct


Set reduction is still very much a relic I want to see made. It's not attached to any updates yet, but I will keep pushing for it. Hopefully, one day...


Turn what off?


Because it would suck if you couldn't (and we would get far more complaints that way around). Player experience trumps obscure narrative, especially when anyone can fill in the blanks with their own reasoning.


"Zo-low" is how it is pronounced by Guildmaster Tony in the closing cutscene voiceover.


Hint (to spare your sanity): it has no use, currently. If it is ever needed in future for something, we will add a way to reclaim it (if it does not already have one), so you don't need to keep it in your bank.


It does spell out a dragonkin term, which might make it harder to figure out.

19 Oct


Originally posted by nickcholas11

Quick questions about the Cat Paw relic and how it relates to Big Fish and the Shark Outfit.

Does the Shark Outfit consume the cooked fish that you gather, or are the cooked fish placed in your inventory?

Does the relic also cook Big Fish (Big Swordfish, Bass, and Shark)?

Does having both active still allow you to collect a Big Fish, or is it cooked and/or consumed by either?

Shark outfit consumes the cooked fish too (rather it just skips giving you any fish).

Big fish don't have cooked variants as far as I am aware (regardless, what gets cooked is on a whitelist and those are not on that list).

I'd have to look again to be sure if shark outfits stop you being able to get big fish, but however they worked before with regard to this won't have changed (if that helps).


Originally posted by Tkf530

Why can't you use holy overloads to make the new holy aggroload?

I added one this AM. Hoping we can get that added with the next update.


Originally posted by rsLourens

Update: it doesn't :( -- https://youtu.be/X0oVO3H6vQU

u/JagexPoerkie u/JagexHooli - is this an oversight? Vile fish seem to fit the description for the Bait and Fish relic

Not an oversight - it was designed to work with core fishing, that thing is more a bespoke puzzle (though mechanically very much akin to core fishing).


It will work with both manifest knowledge and divine carpet dust...soon. We are looking into if it is something to hotfix (tomorrow, all being well).