

08 May


This map is correct. For an area, it includes all spots including material caches. The mass grave island's unique drop is the icyene remains. The underwater cave gives mosaic pieces. You don't need to believe this, but if you are searching for a specific buckler, at least try following this map first. If anyone has evidence this is not the case, please do tweet me, but memory is an unreliable form of evidence.

06 May


Mod Ryan is adding one for the praetorium, and I've done same for Everlight and an additional option at Infernal Source. Not sure when those will hit LIVE yet, though.


Originally posted by junkmutt

Does this mean that Bandos's species' culture is Russian?

Bandosian culture draws inspiration from Prussian history; parts of what used to be Prussia now sit in a host of countries in that region. Nosorog is rhinoceros in a number of countries in that part of the world, including Russia.

I originally went with nashorn, then nasarag, but nosorog just felt more like a Bandosian word, more guttural.

The Warforge itself also takes a lot of cues from Mesoamerican history - things like the ball game, flower wars, arena sacrifices, 'megahitter'/macuahuitl, etc - not Bandosian culture as a whole, just the culture of that particular place.

Hope that's of interest. It's all just a starting point, though. Taking things wholesale is less interesting.


As others have said, the site story explains why, but perhaps you've missed this part... The entire purpose of that whole site is to achieve this aim (the gate connects to Dis, the capital of Pandemonium, on Infernus). Necromantic summons (if we ever make them and they come from Summoning) would need to come from a different 'source'.

29 Apr


Originally posted by LoLHerald

I have multiple people that have done 12 hrs at eels and then 3 cavefish and gotten the key. I've tried turning gote porter on and off in and out of inventory. I don't have the fishing req for cavefish. Zanik doesnt have the key and my door doesnt have the key. Something is wrong with the droprate.

EDIT: My in game name is doane if that helps.

It does, thank you. I'll take a look into this today.

28 Apr


Um, the keys from fishing and mining are a 100% guaranteed drop if you don't already have one after 50 successful catches/ores. I would imagine you already got this key and either used or destroyed it somehow.

Talk to Zanik at base camp about Into the Forge and/or wait for next week's update (which should contain an addition I made that tells you which keys you have left to find).

Or try turning off you GOTE/porter if using them, as someone else suggested (though we have not seen any bugs that this is causing any issue, it can't hurt to try).

27 Apr


Originally posted by gambit1077

Are the Red Rum and Green Gobbo collections that have the mixed excavation spot artifacts going to be adjusted? I thought that was a confirmed future change a couple weeks ago and it hasn't happened yet.

The fix you likely heard about was to Velcuia - Bandosian II and III collections. There are no plans to adjust any goblin general collections.

24 Apr


Originally posted by SonoShindou

From my understanding, Rite of Passage was shelved for so long because we're actually supposed to go to a world built for bird people and Jagex wasn't sure how they wanted the mechanics of it all to work to fit thematically. Now we can fly, so it reopens the door to the possibility of getting this quest :D

Stormguard/flying, from the outset, was intended to answer some of these long held issues. My hope was to get us closer and I think we have. :)

23 Apr


Originally posted by ThreshNotTresh

Necromancy turned into ancient summoning

To give a bit more context to this thread, we did intentionally take the spirit of necromancy into Archaeology in order to capture some of its appeal. This is most obviously seen in the narrative of Kharid-et and some of its artefacts.

Ancient Summoning took up the slack on the mechanical front too, even though thematically separate from necromancy.

Sailing sort of makes its presence felt a tiny bit with the Stormguard wingsuit (if you squint really hard). Though, this is harder to see without knowing our concept for what Sailing could have been, perhaps one day will be.


Originally posted by Zarosian_Emissary

Makes sense, I imagine with Sailing having been a joke for a while there would be at least several j mods who had mused at one point or another on how they could do it for real.

It was the other way round as I recall it. It was a serious idea that never came to anything, which players caught wind of, and then it became a joke, and then devs built on the joke (Sailling skill in Gower Quest, a Sailling preset name in the bank, etc). We'd have to undo that thinking first before making another serious go of it, if we ever wanted to that is.


Originally posted by naqib94

A job has been put in to swap certain artefacts in Velucia's Bandos 2 & 3 collections.

The Goblin generals' order is intended and will remain as is.

can i ask why? makes sense to swap the spear and mansticker as well.

Wartface collects goblin artefacts; Bentnoze non-goblin artefacts. That their collections then sit in different level ranges is fine - they aren't the only collections that do so. They arguably have better rewards than Velucia too (though that remains to be seen once prices of things settle more).


Originally posted by Thingeh

This was either a stupid or a clever way of getting the community hungry for Sailing and Necromancy to finally be actualised.

It's helpful to highlight things like this to keep the ideas out in the community, generate discussion on them. Our thoughts are that if we ever got serious about making Sailing, we would likely first have to show a conceptual demo of it (e.g. on some future live stream) to sell its potential, and to put to bed the idea that it's a meme. It was a serious consideration originally and only became a joke/meme over time, but the core idea is still a solid one - it just needs selling to people to get them out of that 'it's a joke' mindset.


It was just a cheeky way to make clear (ish) there was no Hazelmere luck relic, to save people time from trying to figure out how to get one.

21 Apr


Originally posted by ImRubic

We all did, though I held out for it longer than anyone (more to play Devil's Advocate). It's an awesome idea with a ton of potential. The main reasons it was edged out are that...

a) some players think we already have it with Ports/the Arc (those are only thematically associated, not mechanically)

b) some think of it more as a joke (which is why, in our opinion, we would need to showcase it first to show its potential and see it's not a joke)

c) as some implementations of parts of the concept might be seen by some as a minigame (but then Dungeoneering has that label yet is consistently many players' favourite skill)

Archaeology scored less well as a concept (because people cannot help but envision their own ideas), but scores much more highly now that we've delivered our vision of it as a skill. We could easily achieve the same with sailing (be it in the form of a skill or some other type of content).

20 Apr


Originally posted by Athanah

Could we get an option to refund (some of) the 250k Chronote cost for the energised metorite shard purchase needed for the time and space mattock? A friend accidentally clicked the purchase button twice and now he's stuck with a 100M paperweight ;).

Perhaps destroying it could give a refund? Or talking to the shop owner Ezreal in the guild? or maybe some other npc could give you chronotes for it as a little joke :)

No promises, as it is something we are yet to discuss, but for the time being, just make sure your friend keeps hold of it.

17 Apr


Batch was a fair term to use for how Invention was released, and how things like Prifddinas and the Arc were handled, but Archaeology is not a batched release. Orthen was never a 'batch 2'/something missing from the initial release, but rather just additional content we've talked about adding later (as it is dependent on something else happening first). Just wanted to be clear about that.

That said, if players want to see more content released for Archaeology, such as additional dig sites, a new training method, a D&D, more relics, etc, the best thing to do is make it clearly heard that's what you'd like to see.

Make posts about where you would like to see new dig sites, that give your ideas for new relic powers, etc. I, for one, would love to see all of this new content added to Archaeology, an Orthen dig site included, and I hope you all agree. :)

14 Apr


This is just RNG.

It works based on weightings (regardless of how many different artefacts a spot contains), and we track the last three artefacts received. If you were to three of A in a row, your weightings for A/B/C would be 1/10/10, so still have a 1/21 chance to receive A again. It happens.

We have discussed increasing the prior artefact tracking from three to five, which should help some more.

09 Apr


One of each flavour AND they need to have been checked (unchecked won't be accepted) - but you can do that by just clicking on them.


I see you've already figured it out, but yeah, talk her her specifically about the Into the Forge mystery and she'll return any lost keys (and clicking on the north forge door starts the mystery so you can ask her about this).