

17 Aug


True, but there's also now a quest about cheesecake.

11 Aug


You'll return to this dig area for the icyene weapon rack at a higher level and will most likely have received all the pages of this mystery by the time you are done with it.

You don't need to stay at these other spots just to get the pages if you are ready to move on/have levelled to reach the next highest excavation - your choice.

06 Aug


Originally posted by joelaw9

The answer is going to be no, but not because it's a bad idea. Apparently the lodestones are really awkwardly inserted into the game, making it really difficult to actually move any once set. A jmod talked about it when PoF was having issues due to the lodestones there.

Aka, no because spaghetti code.

As the dev who made them, they would be relatively easy and quick to move if we decided to do so. Spaghetti code is just a meme; old code not being up to current standards is to be expected in a 20 year old game - dealing with it is not impossible, it's just more time consuming to bring it up to current standards.

05 Aug


There is a quick access teleport option from the site entrance to Dagon Overlook, I believe available after completing Dagon Bye.

28 Jul


There is a fifth sign which could also help some.

20 Jul


Originally posted by ychoed

Looks at lowest leveled skill that isn't maximum level.

If you had any 99 skills that weren't 99 yet it would go into that. If you have all 99 skills at 99, but have some of the 120 skills, not at 120, it then will look at the shown level and pick the lowest to put xp in.

If a skill is currently blocked for some reason it will ignore it. I.e you won't get archaeology xp, since archaeology is still under 6 month block.

It picks invention becuase your other 120 skills have a higher level. Xp means nothing for how it picks skills until you have max total level.

^This is spot on.

04 Jul


Who doesn't love Psychonauts that's played it? :D The sequel can't come soon enough.

20 Jun


As the person who named all POF animals, not particularly. This was a reference to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shrek_(sheep)) Sure, itself named for the character, but not after any memes.

17 Jun


After this much time and being isolated, it's either unlikely to be a bug or something incredibly niche. However, if you are convinced there is a bug here, please send in a bug report with details and we can look into it. For this one, we'd need more to go on than just this Reddit post.

There has been plenty of misunderstanding over how buyers are selected. Not saying either of these was the case, but it's entirely possible you unknowingly asked Granny to advertise rabbits, or there was a brief moment where you had small pens empty when a buyer re-roll occurred.

11 Jun


Originally posted by TheAzarak

I'd rather them just make it to where you only need to give a full set once to the collectors and then the rest are just sold to the museum guy. It doesn't make sense lore wise to have collectors wanting 20+ sets anyway.

You can already do that, but I assume you mean to include ..."and get full chronote value for those handed to the museum guy."?

09 Jun


Yup, this ones is worthy of a bug report.

08 Jun


Originally posted by LMUZZY

Try outside warforge?

That variant won't change Soul Wars capes. It's likely neither would the two in the Behind the Scenes bar in Gower Quest.

04 Jun


Lodestones (originally) were purposefully put slightly out of the way (in comparison to direct teleport spells), as they were meant as a convenience, but with drawbacks. I would be opposed to moving this lodestone into the village vs, say, adding a new Draynor Village teleport spell or some other new option.

Draynor Manor and Village are, together, Draynor, and the crossroad made most sense at the time for lodestone placement, though there is no direct teleport spell to Draynor Village. There is, however, this to consider: ...

Read more

01 Jun


Originally posted by ezaroo1

To be fair working on collaborative projects where you need to see what other people are doing is a lot slower when you’re all working in different places.

It’s possible for sure but it’s going to be slower and less efficient.

This is very true, or at least it is in my personal experience. We were able to release Arch remotely because all of the difficulties were already behind us and we were dev complete, but collaboration and decision making is noticeably slower now.

Us not talking about the new projects we're working on contributes to this issue too. Also, extending the post-release support period for updates (Arch, 120 F&H), while absolutely worthwhile, delays starting work on the next thing.

This is not to say that remote working (nor these other examples) are the only reasons why things feel like they've slowed down, but they are things that should not be discounted.

30 May


The certifications from the quest are for your Earth Sciences exam (academic), whereas the qualifications within the skill are more akin to job title. There is some dialogue already that covers this.

I'd still like to see some further tweaks made to the quest (changing interactions to match the skill and unifying the quest tools with the skill's tool belt tools).

28 May


The script simply checks the highest tier of luck is active regardless of source. The way to tell which effect is being trigger (Arch relic or ring worn) is the message you see when it triggers. If that mentions "the relic power within", the relic is what triggered, else it will mention the name of the worn item.

If you have the tier 1 relic power active and are wearing a luck of the dwarves, and the message when luck procs mentions "the relic power within", that might be a bug (though possibly just a messaging bug, not necessarily incorrect luck tier applied). Otherwise, it is probably just a matter of perception.

22 May


Originally posted by Leonantti

HA, I KNEW Azzy and [Spoiler] were glitched! It was so damn dissapointing when I finished it and that was the payoff, I hope they will fix it or something.

Should be fixed with the next update, maybe the one after.

19 May


" These were some earlier ideas about a dig site that wasn't created in the end. It was about these ancient constructs that preserve memories in these "time bubbles". "

Slight clarification here. The tower was not a planned dig site, but rather the earliest concept for what became the monolith - a mysterious central location for the skill, which would have fulfilled much the same function, but in a more elaborate fashion.

12 May


The dialogue is ambiguous enough that it could be read not as him trying to recruit you, but as imploring the new Guildmaster to put more effort into recruitment Get to work!