

08 Apr


If you only go to check at the point you need them, it won't take you more than a few minutes to find the one you are short.

06 Apr


It is intentional this artefact is on both collections. Bandos is both goblin and non-goblin related, and this plays into the disagreeable relationship between Bentnoze and Wartface. They both still follow Bandos, however - the one core thing they likely have in common.


I think you're reading more into this than there is. There is no knowing wink here. The "I wonder..." is suggestive that your avatar has some notion of what it supposed to go here, and given how readily this part has been progressed past, I'd say that is accurate. Not everything is innuendo.

04 Apr


This is due to you only having one (lore-only) mystery to discuss with her and the dialogue is looping. We have a fix for this ready to QA. In the meantime, just click out (walk away) - you aren't missing any dialogue/content by doing so.

03 Apr


Originally posted by joshy9096

u/JagexPoerkie can we get an ETA when the ' Embrace the chaos' but will be fixed the east candle is bugged and not showing the correct option

The correct chants for candles are only a visible option once you have discovered what they are.

02 Apr


Does it do this for ores from Mining (to metal bank)? If Ninja pick this up, it should be neither or both.

01 Apr


Puns aren't supposed to be funny - that's the point...but we don't solely rely on puns for humour. There's plenty of jokes that aren't puns in Arch and the rest of the game. :)


Originally posted by R_a_x_i

Could we perhaps have the interaction be "add pages" instead of having to destroy?


They are automatically transcribed at the point you receive them. You don't need to destroy them to add them to your journal. :)

31 Mar


Originally posted by TheAquamancer

It's because the item requirements are derived from the meanings of the gargoyles' names, which makes sense: your job is to remind the gargoyles of their names, after all.

To give a few examples, Cagnazzo's name means "Nasty Dog", so he requires a dog pet; Libicocco's name means "Libyan Hothead", so he requires you to use the "Angry" emote; and Farfarello means "Goblin" so you need to transform to a goblin.

Alichino's name is a garbled version of "Arlecchino", which means "Harlequin": presumably Harlequin cow was chosen as the item requirement because it's the only item in-game with the word "harlequin" in it.

ny people did try asking this on the stream, however the question was no

This is it precisely. If there were other harlequin items in game, they could be substitutes. The best idea floating around so far is to also accept one each of chocolate, strawberry and vanilla cows - they are a little easier to come by. (Or cheaper, for non-ironmen, though the shiny price will drop back down to a reasonable amount.)

But other suggestions would be welcome for when we do talk about this, so keep posting your ideas.


The artefact you receive is randomly chosen from all artefacts from a spot, but there is mitigation based on the previous three discoveries. You'll get it eventually, and this sort of issue should not crop up too often for players.


So, it's safe to say there's more to it than people are thinking so far. This is not a bug... :)


This is definitely an issue that was resolved during dev multiple times. One of the bookcases in the exam centre should start this quest. They are high up on the south and east walls of the exam centre. Though it appears this has somehow maybe become an issue again last minute, I'll take a closer look today.

26 Mar


Knowing that we were going to make them available with the skill and from training the skill, we were able to factor them both into the balancing of the skill (as opposed to other elite/xp outfits). We felt it better to release them with the skill than in a separate update months down the road.

19 Mar


Just click on the dig spot, don't use the trowel on it. I could swear we made it work both ways, but if not, just clicking on it should work.


Before wasn't just Yak Track + a major update, it was the first Yak Track, Farming 120 + Ranch Out of Time, Herblore 120 AND DXP weekend all in quick succession. This is a little different and should not be anywhere near as overwhelming.

There's plenty of time to complete the Yak Track for one, and for parts of it you can progress it by playing the new skill, so the synergy should be better and the stress a lot lower.

If it still proves too overwhelming for some, I'm sure that will be taken into consideration for future Yak Tracks.


Originally posted by criipi

They look absolutely amazing but why on earth did they put more stuff in the Northern Ardy area? It already was one of the most cramped areas in the game. This game really has some issues with map scale.

It's not more, it's an existing temple with no use (but graphically updated), other than to enter a dungeon for a quest. It was chosen for the link to Armadyl (pretty much the only place on the ground linked to Armadyl that isn't 'modern'), but not to worry, as you only spend a short amount of time there before... :)

17 Mar


Originally posted by Bentoki

People are noooooot gonna be happy with the 119 arch tag on mqc, but I love it. Shouldn't limit the requirements of it because too hard or w/e

I think more will be happy than not. It's been a long time before comp/trim/MQC have been given substantial new requirements. I, for one, am looking forward to getting my MQC back (though I do also still need all the ED jounrnals :\).

The lore drops are RNG based - I think referring to the rate as 'not obnoxious' should give reassurance, though. Compared to some other lore drops, these are much fairer.


Few points:

  • I am unsure if the Agility icon is for all spots with Arch launch, or just all Arch spots. Mod Ryan or Iago might be able to confirm either way for sure.
  • The agility obstacle streamlining was very much building on the work Mod Ramen and/or Mod Erator and our artists started with Anachronia.
  • I think Warden said "tent pole updates" not "temple updates" - as in key updates that prop up the whole

Great work as always!

16 Mar


The Myreque series had a similar issue, but we resolved that series entirely as a 5th Age series (so, narratively, it all wraps up before the Edicts fail). We could do the same with the Desert series (though that is not something we've necessarily decided and won't until it comes to finishing off the series). It's not ideal, but it is what it is.

Personally, I'm more unsure of the best way to proceed with the series given how rushed the Menaphos quests were, and what we can do retroactively to improve that experience. I know where things are heading to for the conclusion (in terms of the story, if not the mechanics),