We all did, though I held out for it longer than anyone (more to play Devil's Advocate). It's an awesome idea with a ton of potential. The main reasons it was edged out are that...
a) some players think we already have it with Ports/the Arc (those are only thematically associated, not mechanically)
b) some think of it more as a joke (which is why, in our opinion, we would need to showcase it first to show its potential and see it's not a joke)
c) as some implementations of parts of the concept might be seen by some as a minigame (but then Dungeoneering has that label yet is consistently many players' favourite skill)
Archaeology scored less well as a concept (because people cannot help but envision their own ideas), but scores much more highly now that we've delivered our vision of it as a skill. We could easily achieve the same with sailing (be it in the form of a skill or some other type of content).