

13 Apr


Originally posted by bernmar

Hi Mod Sponge, can you confirm that the ushabti fix also includes revenants giving the generic "ghost" soul instead of the revenant one? Thanks!

Yep, everything should give their primary type after the fix (e.g. Revenants - give rev soul, Skeletal wyverns give Skeletal wyvern souls etc)


Hey - thanks for the thread, figured it was helpful for everyone if I respond - i'll update if any more come through on here:

Feel free to comment if you wanna discuss any of the bits here.

The fixes below may not necessarily be in Mondays build


When using an ushabti to capture the souls of certain slayer monsters, the incorrect soul is stored.

  • Fixed - This was an ordering issue when I updated all undead in the game to use the new slayer categories - my bad!

The instakill slayer buff from guardhouse works inconsistently on monsters that have multiple phases.

  • This is actually intended, the guardhouse perk is an execute not a true instakill, meaning it still respects the combat system/creature phases.


Enabling of special slayer assignment is not prompted when getting a task from the Raptor for the first time

  • This is a good idea...
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Originally posted by 5-x

It's a much wider issue. You can notice it when someone teleports into Max Guild or PvM hub. The player will appear for a split second and then the "teleport arrival" animation will play.

It's probably an engine bug.

Technically this is a seperate issue to teleporting - this is 'just' a missed param on the npc config that hides it until it's spawn anim has played. We've got a bug in for it, probably won't make it in time for mondays build though.

12 Apr


Originally posted by SurviveAdaptWin

/u/jagexsponge can you please let me know if this bug is known? It's driving me crazy and has been a month at this point without being able to progress. I don't know where else to go to get acknowledgement :(

Hey just checked in on this, Stu has fixed the issue, hoping the fix will be in the build for Monday update. - Sponge

11 Apr


Hey we're aware of this - I'm working on a temporary fix that's hotfixable that'll make this wall buildable until we can do a proper fix.


Hey, i've just fixed, this camel is about to test then we'll get a hotfix out when it's through.


Hey we've got a bug in for this now, we're gonna see if we can get a solution in that is hotfixable

24 Mar


Originally posted by SidewaysPsyche

Thank you for your response! I for the life of me cannot figure out how I misclicked. That’s on me then 🤷‍♂️ 😅

All good - I look forward to seeing your opening, best of luck!


Hey, I'm technically not supposed to be working right now, but figured I'd check out our bug-reporting channels at work and see if this had been highlighted (Pretty invested in seeing a 1k tetra opening).

One of the other devs has already investigated and pulled up your session ID, unfortunately, we can see that this is a case of misclicking. We can see in the data the incident occurred because you hit the OP-5 on the tetracompasses which is the destroy option, and then we can see 18 unpowereds get destroyed.

Sorry for your loss, but looks like misclicking and autopilot got you.

16 Mar


Originally posted by nerfstonespirits

Isn't this going to bring about a return to 4TAA?
Something the combat team were looking to remove? u/JagexSponge

This is a contentious point, I'd actually like to discuss with the community.

In the current implementation prior to applying community changes, 4T would work with the staff but:

4TAA is something I'd (personally) like to remove from the game, I feel like it adds unintuitive complexity, that doesn't really need to exist. However, I fully understand that other players (especially those at the top of the skill ceiling) enjoy it as a form of skill expression.
Previously the combat council was shakey on removing it without giving some form of compensatory mechanic - my personal take would be to remove it without waiting for a replacement that may/may not be further down the line.

On the assumption that damage on the staff spec was increased to make up for the removal or prevention of 4TAA on it:
If given the option, what would you the players like to see happen with it?

1 4TAA Left on the staff.
2 Removal from staff effect only.

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I know some of the players that really like numbers are going to plug this in and figure out exactly how it translates, and something I've seen in a few threads regarding recursive crits is the loss of adrenaline in part due to losing the recursion - It's worth me clarifying that the shots fired out by the FSOA post spec WOULD be able to still critically strike (triggering tsunami, and still scaling with your other crit effects, etc) it just wouldn't be able to retrigger itself.


Originally posted by 5-x

/u/JagexSponge Any comment on the current state of Grimoire? Was it at all a consideration when FSoA rebalance was prepared?

/u/JagexSponge Any comment on the current state of Grimoire? Was it at all a consideration when FSoA rebalance was prepared?

So it's still not something that's been resolved yet.

However, I'd personally be a fan of getting the usage cost way down, or offering a similar pocket slot for crit users.

I do agree that some things in game should have high usage costs (my example would be a temporary buff you'd bring to e.g. get you over the edge to get you first zuk cape, at the cost of costing X amount and not being sustainable to continually use)
However, I don't personally think this suits the grimoire, as an item that has a decently high upfront cost and has become a pretty big component of both crit & melee builds. (I'd much rather grim have a higher ...

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Originally posted by Zoykz_

But why not scale down the effects rather than completely removing the synergy bewteen the staff and spells? There can be a middle ground, I just don't see whats the point in removing one of the most interesting game interaction.

I mean, the effects do still exist, as they do with any standard ability - 10% proc chance iirc. (20 with dark form?) This would still apply to each of the fsoa shots post-changes, it's just not guaranteed huge pool of health that you essentially get for free.


Originally posted by Zoykz_

This is like saying you have to many cookies, so I'm going to take away one cookie from you so that I can give it back at a later time. Like, we won't be happy with future magic buffs if the overall power is the same or inferior to pre-nerfed fsoa. This is not an item that just came out, we have grown used to the fsoa's damage for the past 2 years. If this nerf goes through and in a year or so we get a magic upgrade, it would mean that magic's damage would have to stayed stagnant for 3 years! To me this just seems like an easy way to avoid having to make new content.

This is like saying you have to many cookies, so I'm going to take away one cookie from you so that I can give it back at a later time. Like, we won't be happy with future magic buffs if the overall power is the same or inferior to pre-nerfed fsoa

To use your same analogy, I'd say it's more like:

You've baked one cookie with all the chocolate chips in it. So now we can't make cookies ever again, or if we do, they're going to be very unenjoyable - And the person next to you that doesn't have the giant cookie is also going to suffer from it.

Now we can leave you with the giant messy cookie. Or we could pull some chips out of it, and know that we can continue to make satisfying cookies down the line.

Gosh, I dislike analogies.


Wanna say a huge thank you to everyone for getting involved here. I'm going to do some dinner now but will continue to reply as/when I can over the next day or two.


Originally posted by KobraTheKing

Can onslaught regain its critting please?

The 100% crit chance, no, it suffers from the same problem as current live FSOA, where it just synergises TOO hard with anything crit in the future, and it's likely we'd hit the same roadblock.

However, onslaught as a whole could get a rework/tweaks to give it back natural crit &/or get some adjustments in general. - Something I'm committed too is improving/adjusting our base set of abilities, a lot have seen very little love since release.


Originally posted by w0ok

Concerning this wasn't done already prior to proposing these adjustments.

Oh, it absolutely was done, I just don't have the numbers stored or to hand, and even taking the collective opinions of everyone with some stake in combat on our side, players are going to suggest different things or have different considerations.
This is absolutely why we're proposing the changes to you guys, because we know fully that you're going to have different considerations and an even broader breadth of knowledge.


Originally posted by Wazzyxd

Animate dead

Overall good BUT I am incredibly worried about high enrage Zammy (as someone who has pushed 4k solo and group), particularly Phase 7. Currently phase 7 is just about doable if you play incredibly well and the damage the boss does is just about tankable while eating food and using blood barrage during fsoa. The changes to animate dead and blood barrage fsoa mean that you will take SO much more damage that you're barely going to get to do much damage to the boss as you will have to play incredibly defensively.

1 proposal for this problem in particular is to make it so Zammy's bomb and subsequent typeless auto attacks are instead changed to magic. This means that players will be able to either camp pray mage if they are newer, or flick between mage prayer and soul split if they are more experienced, creating a fairly similar experience in terms of damage taken compared to now. You'd have to make the autos clear devotion like the mage cage does now so it ...

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My biggest concerns are the damage output of this new staff is trivial compared to the current one. The lightning bolts it fires out are significantly weaker than auto attacks are right now (90% damage vs ~150% + recursion).

Trying to get through as many questions as possible so apologies for pulling just a chunk out of your post here to answer -

I'm fully aware that damage might be on the lower side and could be pushed up to compensate for recursion loss at least slightly - or via other levers with the fsoa effect. However - (I'll check later if I get time to do a full side by side comparison to throw in here, but I believe the avg of an auto is fairly far from 150%, & the old and new avgs per hit are much closer than you've implied (I absolutely could be mistaken and will take that into account alongside all the feedback from the community if so - hoping to do a small write up of comparative damage values if i get a chance tonight) )

... Read more

Originally posted by TTTonster

You aren’t planning on removing the dummy interaction for gchain I hope? As is used for Zuk challenge 1. I think that’s a relatively tame use of dummies that I think everyone would prefer to keep.

This sort of thing is the exact reasons AFAIK as to why it hasn't just been removed.

We'd need to consider all these things prior to a removal e.g. moving the mobs closer together so a dummy isnt needed.


Originally posted by 5-x

Zamorak was balanced around the current Animate Dead strength.

Any changes planned to Zamorak's damage output to offset this?

With the proposed changes, I don't feel it necessary to nerf Zammy's damage output as an offset, as the impact shouldn't be too bad.

That being said, Zammy P7 solo & P7 onboarding is something I am hoping we can address to let players better learn the encounter, which by itself could offset this, at least slightly.