

09 Nov


Originally posted by Flyish9109

Hi! Farming related possible bug/question, the Tool Leprechaun by Trollheim doesn’t have a right-click option to note produce. Not the biggest deal I’m the world as you can still use the produce on him to note it, but thought I’d bring it up here :)

there's a job in to sort him, i'll get it done not sure it'll be in time for monday though

08 Nov


Originally posted by P_G_12

While we are at it and I don't want to bother too much, there is a similar issue with giant ent that has been around forever - I reported it multiple times but didn't see on patch notes

The harvest bonus you should get at cacti from them will never activate on dragonfruit cacti, unless the farming cape also activates, collecting all at once, then you get extra dragonfruits. The bonus from the aura seems to work correctly

Idk if it is intentional

Thanks for the heads up - found the bug, going to fix it now


Originally posted by xxantxx1

Quick Question Did this also affect the farming skill capes perk to auto harvest or was it just the patch bombs

It essentially runs the same code, so i'd imagine so.


So, looks like regular patch bombs don't either.

From what I can tell this has been a live issue for quite some time. Either way, I've fixed it. Should be live monday - you'll have messaging stating how many bonus you got from your potions.


Originally posted by ShinyCapeRS

I have paid the farm hand to ultra compost the patches but it says super is still applied. I have no supers paid for. So it would be nice if the ultra compost from the farmhand/ leprechan took priority over the super farming cape compost.

Just to confirm does the leprechaun have ultra compost in their inventory - had a few people pay for compost but not realise they have to give it to them also.

07 Nov


Hey not sure what happened here, as we didn't hotfix but I grabbed a copy of your save and it appears to be working - I think it may have been a sideffect of the login clearing patches (as auto compost applies as you cleared the last one)

Either way, if anyone experiences this please drop me a message


Yeah, i've got a feedback job to deal with this. Either increase the rate or let you dump all of an item at once.


Hey, I've got a fix ready to go, QA is just testing then we'll look to hotfix this


Hey i've just done the fix for this, QA are testing then we'll be looking to hotfix.

04 Nov


Figured I'd post here with my 2 cents, as getting a fair amount of screaming in my DM's.

Zerk auras:

Right now Berzerker's are pretty overloaded where you only really ever want to use them and nothing else, obviously, the drawback being that they're 30 mins.

If we're removing that drawback, as players continually request, the combat council decided they shouldn't be best for every situation like they are in live and variation is better and healthier for the game.

Right now, there's *no plans to release the Zerk changes *(probably until accuracy is in a better situation)FWIW, if we do release this at somepoint, I'd be all for buffing accuracy auras so high-defence situations aren't negatively affected or introducing more accuracy-boosting equipment options for things like AoD/Rago.

A lot of players will disagree with the change because e.g. AoD is harder/impossible to hit 100% hit chance. But I'd argue that we should offer permanent ways to hi...

Read more

03 Nov


Originally posted by Raytraced64

Which, just for clarity, means there WILL be a grace period?

There will indeed.


Hey, so we actually bumped the buy limit to 1000 for herb seeds with this update iirc.

We want to limit merching by keeping it lowish, but at the same time, don't want players running back to the G.E super frequently.


Originally posted by JagexSponge

I believe there is a grace period - I'll confirm with Shogun in the morning.

The grace period was not present, I've just added it and RCQA have agreed to take it into the build though :)

02 Nov


Originally posted by straw_star

Please consider adding a grace period for unlocking the permanent unlocks, assuming that they are required for comp/trim.

Do not force players to play for prolonged periods of time to reclaim their capes once again after Wildy Flash Events was only just 2 weeks ago.

I believe there is a grace period - I'll confirm with Shogun in the morning.


Originally posted by Avernic

Is Zamorakian Civil War 3 attached to this update or will that be later?

It will be attached to this update.

31 Oct


What I gotta do to make you click em

24 Oct


Originally posted by Ashendant

Is this why my Most Wanted Cards Automaton have been ineffective since the Cresbot bug that I reported was fixed?

I was honestly suspicious that it was bugged, and was about to try and make another report, but I wanted to give it a few more weeks since there was the possibility I was just unlucky.

icious that it was bugged, and was about to try and make another report, but I wanted to give it a few more weeks since there was the possi

If a most wanted card triggered in this time they would work fine if the automaton was not special attacking. If the automaton was using it's special the card would consume itself thinking it's giving you a rare.


This was actually a pretty interesting bug.
Edit: fixed weirdness

So automatons share a drop table, but obviously need to know what type of automaton it originally was in order to determine which gloves to drop - to do this drop code switches based on the original automaton npc type and returns the gloves to give.

The problem occurred because when automatons use their special attack they actually change NPC type (e.g. automaton_magic_special). This is actually a very clean way of handling the special because the new npc config can handle the animation & forcing the npc to be stationary etc with less risk of a bug making it through (ironic I know).

So the bug ultimately occurred because the switch that handled rare drops didn't have cases for the special variants.The bug had actually been in-game since release but only became apparent when we fixed a separate bug a few weeks back that prevented players from getting duplicate cresbot drops.