

09 Aug


Originally posted by RunicLordofMelons

oh really thats very interesting didn't know that. Do you know if Corruption shot/blast are impacted by it? As well as maybe Slaughter and Blood Tendrils?

I would add that Gconc is also relatively effected by this, less so than the above listed abilities but still noticeably so. Each hit of Gconc does ~ 47%, 53%, 60% average ability damage (my numbers are not precise this is from memory). Assuming 1800 ability damage thats

846, 954, and 1080 damage per hit (2880 total), if the overloads were adding a flat 84 dmg per hit. This extra overload boost was adding 8.75% extra damage to Gconc in this napkin math scenario. So by no means an insignificant amount of damage. I could also see similarly sized damage impacts to regular Fury, Piercing Shot, and MAYBE Greater Dazing shot (puncture stacks specifically)

Thanks for the response, I do agree that adding it to the tooltip sounds like a NIGHTMARE. I've had a hard time explaining it to alot of friends due to how c...

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Corruptions / slaughter / tendies also wouldn't be affected by potion boost

Yeah would agree, depending on how/what the resolution is, i think the 'lost' damage from gconc could be better served somewhere else in mage if it keeps the same DPS for an overal rotation.

Personally I would lean towards removing it and adjusting the abilities that are heavily impacted by it, but maybe there is a better way?

This is the sorta thing we're looking at -find the best way to remove it with as little negative impact as possible.


Hey an earlier hotfix caused this. The team is working on a fix to resolve this asap. Apologies for the inconvienience


Originally posted by ThaFrenchFry

Does the revert mean necro will also receive the dmg buff from stat boosts?

Edit: btw thanks for the great writeup, always great to know this is being looked at with care!

Necro will not receive it no. It was designed with that in mind. :)


Originally posted by RunicLordofMelons

Based Sponge, thank you for reverting this.

I agree with you that its not so good to have this bug existing, . The easy solution is to add it to the OVL tooltip, but I do think it would be cleaner to remove it and rebalance the abilities most impacted, those being Magma Tempest, Basic Bleeds (Dismember, Combust, Frag shot), Grico, BD.

Appreciate the reply! - will look to go through others soon too.

Part of the issue with adding it to the tooltip is that it's not exclusive to overloads but anything in game that can stat boost you. Which ends up being a whole lot that needs to dynamically state the boost depending on the how much it's boosting by. That and I struggle to find a way to actually explain the boost in simple terms. It is a nice idea though.

Interestingly in your list the basic bleeds aren't/weren't actually affected by the stat boost previously iirc


*Updated : 13:10 game time*

Hello, I'm gonna jump in to try and give some clarity on this stoof.

Firstly - I wanna apologize for the lack of communication on my own behalf, it's been a manic couple of days with a whole lot going on behind the scenes. You'll start to see me and a few of the other devs coming to life now.

If there's anything I've missed in the thread feel free to let me know and I'll try to comment when I can.

Potion Stat Boost

TLDR: This one was short-sighted on my end.

Why we wanted to do it:

We don't feel Invisible buffs/debuffs are great for the game, nor are they good for players that don't already know about their effects.(On a more extreme case : You'd be surprised at how many returning players were getting confused/frustrated when attacking ghost trolls and missing because theyre wearing full melee gear, due to it just being a harsh invisible debuff)

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28 Jul


Originally posted by RaizenInstinct

Thanks for the reply.

Wouldnt it be safer to separate the two updates?

Necro will need a lot of care and patches post launch and the combat xp rework sounds like another megaproject on its own.

Imagine if some monster is completely broken and you will have to roll back the game and everyones necro progress…

Maybe do necro now, nerf ed3 and other outliers and do the cb update few months afterwards, including a proper beta test?

I'd say it's the opposite - it's riskier using the live values because XP rates differ by such an incredibly large margin, and there's so many underlying issues to and methods to cheese the existing system.
When we first addressed XP we had a XP mod for necro of 35-70% ranging with level, however, this just cemented the idea that you had to go to very specific locations because the difference in XP between 2 mobs could differ so greatly.
Players would hit 99 in just a few hours as soon as they could hit a high-end method (I don't think anyone would agree that a new skill should be 'complete' so quickly. Part of what I think made archaeology so great was the real sense of progression and discovery, not turboing through. Had archaeology had a turbo method, players would've felt inclined to do so and ruined the experience)

We _couldve_ used a harsher XP mod, but this had caveats too - (we bring the 2m XP/Hr method down to e.g. 500k.) But now what was originally a 500...

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Originally posted by Bullstrode


One more thing, is there going to be a difference that someone might want to choose ether set of armor over the other, maybe influenced based on necromancy builds starting out.

I like there is a choice between the two, but hoping it won’t be like the current tank armor vs power armor dilemma where unless it has a significant effect like Cryptbloom or raids armor, then pretty much power armor in all situations is preferred.

Thank you!

I like there is a choice between the two, but hoping it won’t be like the current tank armor vs power armor dilemma where unless it has a significant effect like Cryptbloom or raids armor, then pretty much power armor in all situations is preferred.

There are more differences between core necro power/tank gear than other combat styles have currently.


Originally posted by DWHQ

u/JagexSponge Is Raksha's uber heal not considered part of the hp pool?

Na, his stats don't change it's just a straight heal


Originally posted by RaizenInstinct

The thought is nice but very shallow.

What about other requirements like slayer lvl? Should I get same xp for abby demon as for dust devil when one is lvl85 and the other ovl 65 slayer? What if I compare it to a monster with same hp without slayer requirement?

If you will want to increase xp/hr you will have to increase the hp of a mob. More hp => less kph => less drops => less gp/hr and slay xp/hr etc.

This is the kind of update that should be beta tested. Seems kinda rushed.

The abby demon v dust question is an interesting one, and it goes to show why we restatted monsters in the early/mid game (and is something i want to continue doing)

E.g. Abyssal demons should likely have more HP than they do being such a high-level mob - but being a commonly killed monster would mean they also need drop table adjustments to make up for more HP as you stated.

I don't personally think the existence of a slayer Req on a monster should instantly boost its XP values, because it tends to have benefits (e.g. unique drops / being able to gain slayer XP at the same time)

That being said post-launch, I may look into adding XP mods to some monsters (things that come to mind are things like mammoths that force you into 1v1, or are slightly more awkward to AoE etc.) To make up for the changes (though, they weren't remotely competing with something like abyssal lords previously, they could be in a better spot.)

Essentially the combat XP s...

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Originally posted by Comptoneffect

Have I interpreted it right by assuming you can throw BIS perk on from t70, and it will basically carry over to t90?


27 Jul


Originally posted by Bullstrode

Will I be able to make just one set or two sets of necromancy gear? Like I make a t90 power set first then I can make up to the t90 tank set or can I make and upgrade them concurrently if I have the resources and supplies?

IIRC you can do as many of each as you want concurrently


Originally posted by Jelle_168

Any insight on why the decision was made to barely nerf Nodon Dragonkin? I don't understand why Abyssal Lords (arguably the best afk magic training method right now), which now are ~2.9m base xp/h with bis setup, would get nerfed down to ~1.1m base xp/h, but Nodons are nerfed from ~2.7m base xp/h to ~2.25m base xp/h. It just doesn't seem in line with how hard all other high level monsters have been nerfed.

That was a bug - the wiki team have been informed and I believe they're updating it.


Originally posted by Blackbird_V

In general go with the 50 per 1k HP (then further halved for bosses).

Arch-Glacor has scaling HP all the way to 4000% enrage, so does that mean the experience will scale, or is it the same regardless?

IIRC arch glacor's base stats update with enrage which would mean the XP would also go up, yeah.


Originally posted by 5-x

  1. Does knock-out aura work with Necromancy to increase hit chance (and therefore damage)?

  2. Has the issue of conjures not switching target to player's target been addressed?

  3. What happens if you enable Legacy mode in Necromancy? Can you even do that?

1 - I believe so as it's not style specific
2 - Yes
3 - You can but would probably be better off autoing in non-legacy


Originally posted by Rarycaris


Is it possible to clarify what counts as a "non-offensive" ability? Are reflect and revenge disqualified?

Is it possible to clarify what counts as a "non-offensive" ability? Are reflect and revenge disqualified?

IIRC they work - will check with Mod Ryan when he's back, as they reduce incoming damage.

EDIT: misread revenge as debilitate (it's late for me) - revenge won't work as it's purely offensive


Originally posted by ThaToastman

Any comment on scrimshaw of sacrifice working for necromancy given that necro is a combat skill?

Petition to disable it as it is a massive xp boost and would be super gross for the racer meta to just be who stockpiled the most scrims

They won't work as mentioned in the blog post :)


Originally posted by Daewoo40

It will hopefully make more sense than some of the current xp rates.

Kill a Nechryael (8,000 hp) and you get 628.6 combat experience.

Kill a Dust Devil (8,000 hp) and you'll only get 424.8 combat experience.

Kill a Spiritual mage (7,000 hp) and you'll somehow get more than both at 661 combat experience.

Kill an Abyssal demon (8,500 hp) and you'll also get 661 combat experience...

Bringing everything in line makes sense, especially with how it was pre-eoc.

This is exactly the sort of thing we were trying to fix here.

XP was so overloaded that no one really knew how the formula worked, moving to a simpler model is better for the consistency and complexity of the game.


Originally posted by Terry_Dax

So for clarification, what about non-xp combat boosts? The ghost hunter outfit also increases damage against ghosts, will that work? What about the salve amulet?

In general, non-XP combat boosts will work. So long as they weren't style specific/make sense to do so.


Originally posted by TrimmingMasterwork

How certain are we on the numbers provided in the wiki tables? IE a Glacor gives 2k combat exp, but the Enduring, Sapping, and Unstable Glacytes it summons each give 3,333 combat exp. An HP value of 5k dictates they should give 250 exp.

Do we go with the new tables, or the 50 exp per 1k hp rule?

In general go with the 50 per 1k HP (then further halved for bosses).
(like Jayden said there are some cases that are now fixed on the wiki sheet though)

There are some cases that will deviate but they'll be rare/unique (such as quest bosses that have overridden values that won't use this (depending if it was supposed to be some form of reward for a one-time kill etc))


Originally posted by _Manks

With the changes to boss and mob hp, is the intention to get players bossing for levels more than camping 1 mob?

The idea behind low-level mob changes is to get combat feeling more 'normal' through a player's journey.
At a low level particularly in the live game, you one shot a large chunk of monsters, so there's no real need to use cool or interesting abilities as they _just_ also one shot them. Then you get to mid/late game and the gameplay of all of combat is just completely different.
We're hoping making it consistent will help ease players into combat rather than giving them whiplash when fighting different monsters.

Regarding XP / Bosses, right now XP for bosses is kinda 'whatever a dev feels like it should be' or they copy the previous thing, which often isn't great to interact with and results in unintended problems. So we've made a system that lets bosses have a consistent XP rate that isn't a trivial amount (you _could_ train there) but that also won't be the best place to go.