Read moreoh really thats very interesting didn't know that. Do you know if Corruption shot/blast are impacted by it? As well as maybe Slaughter and Blood Tendrils?
I would add that Gconc is also relatively effected by this, less so than the above listed abilities but still noticeably so. Each hit of Gconc does ~ 47%, 53%, 60% average ability damage (my numbers are not precise this is from memory). Assuming 1800 ability damage thats
846, 954, and 1080 damage per hit (2880 total), if the overloads were adding a flat 84 dmg per hit. This extra overload boost was adding 8.75% extra damage to Gconc in this napkin math scenario. So by no means an insignificant amount of damage. I could also see similarly sized damage impacts to regular Fury, Piercing Shot, and MAYBE Greater Dazing shot (puncture stacks specifically)
Thanks for the response, I do agree that adding it to the tooltip sounds like a NIGHTMARE. I've had a hard time explaining it to alot of friends due to how c...
Corruptions / slaughter / tendies also wouldn't be affected by potion boost
Yeah would agree, depending on how/what the resolution is, i think the 'lost' damage from gconc could be better served somewhere else in mage if it keeps the same DPS for an overal rotation.
Personally I would lean towards removing it and adjusting the abilities that are heavily impacted by it, but maybe there is a better way?
This is the sorta thing we're looking at -find the best way to remove it with as little negative impact as possible.