

13 Dec


Please refrain from licking the salty crablets in the future.

30 Nov


This is now my phone background

29 Nov


Originally posted by DruidWannabe

RSN is Zryxa , thanks C:


Is that definitely spelt correctly?

28 Nov


Originally posted by Seravail

Ohhhh it uses stored compost? Okay, I thought you just paid and that was that. Thanks for your help, sorry it was such a silly mistake!

All good - an easy mistake to make.


Originally posted by Seravail

I also had this - I paid for supercompost on release of the garden of Kharid, I just figured my farming cape was overriding it somehow. RSN Seravail


Had a talk with your leprechaun - you've paid for ultra compost not super, but you have no ultra compost stored with the leprechaun.


Hit me with your IGN I'll take a look

24 Nov


Hey send me over your IGN if you can & i'll take a look at what's happening.

Iirc if you attempt to plant with only a single seed in inv the patch will just auto plant that without any interfaces (is it possible you only withdrew 1 bloodweed & that resulted in you getting the 7)

21 Nov


Originally posted by 5-x

/u/jagexsponge Why is the unlimited teleport seed tradeable, and the one-time teleport seed untradeable? Logically, shouldn't it be the other way around?

Why don't they get the obelisk shard / portable obelisk treatment?

Let players trade the one-use seed. And you have to steal yourself the unlimited one. Let us alch the duplicates. Problem solved.

Let players trade the one-use seed. And you have to steal yourself the unlimited one. Let us alch the duplicates. Problem solved.

I can speak to the team about this - I'm not against changing it. When originally created I incorrectly assumed these would be balanced to be rarer than they are and it'd fall into the 'excessively expensive for a minimal buff' area.

I definitely think at a minimum the weak seed should be tradeable.


Originally posted by zenyl

Is there a theoretical limit for how many herbs you can get from a patch, or could it technically go on forever, assuming perfect luck?

If there is a limit, would you be willing to share it (provided it isn't a pain to calculate)?

So if your just picking herbs without bombs theoretically you could go infinite. (this is part of the reason patch bombs have the 75 cap because theoretically, you could have an excessive amount of code running from a single person getting 1/billion chance luck with a patch bomb that would attempt to run on a single server cycle)


Originally posted by Arckange

I realised that hops and allotment patches also work with the "harvest life" system. Do you know if those are affected the same way as herb patches or if the chance to save a life is exclusive to herb patches (and nightshades, I would assume?)

Yep they look to work in the same way (and nightshade)


Originally posted by Arckange

Thanks a lot for the clarification. I wouldn't have expected it to interact with herb lives like that considering it just gives +1 product on harvest on bushes and fruit trees. It also makes it much more powerful this way because saving a life means an extra chance for juju pot and aura to proc. Adding an extra (filtered) chat message when it happens could make it clearer I suppose, altho picking up herbs is already pretty spammy when the chat filter is off. In the meantime I'll try to add that info on the wiki, if that's okay with you.

Absolutely, cheers.


Originally posted by shakikoko

So I guess the 150 is the max with dwarven harvester?


Na you can get way more when you take into account things like juju pot / aura / farmers outfit.


EDIT: Grammarly messed some stuff up.
Regarding patch bombs - there has been no change to how they act - the only change was mentioning there existing behaviour on the items examines because i noticed that information wasn't playerfacing.

I wrote up a full patchnote but looks like it was missed:

Patch bombs have always had a maximum 'base' number of herbs they could give when harvesting, but this was never displayed to players, the maximum is now displayed in the items examine. (Note this is purely the 'base' amount of herbs excluding buffs/modifiers and it is rare that players hit this number even with the new plant power tiers)


Hey I took a look at this.

So it is actually working - it's just impossible really to visibly see it.

So the outfit says:

  • 10% chance to harvest more hops, herbs, nightshade and allotment crops.

What it's actually doing when you harvest from a herb patch is giving you a 10% chance to not lose a herb life.
So each time you pick a herb you either succeed or fail a herb life roll. (Base 3 lives, extra for compost / plant power etc) - If you fail a herb life roll you get the herb but the patch is now 1 life down (clearing at 0)

If you fail a herb life roll whilst wearing the outfit however, you then get a second 1/10 or 1/20 chance to save the life (depending on outfit tier) - you get the herb and the patch state doesn't change at all.

So from a player perspective, you don't actually see anything because you just keep picking herbs. We could add a message when your outfit saves your herb life so it's more appare...

Read more

15 Nov


Originally posted by Legal_Evil

Can you also fix the bug with the Het's Oasis cactus patch where the Desert task reward for doubling cacti harvested does not double when the farming cape noting effect procs on it?

I've asked QA to put a job in, i'll fix it yeah.

11 Nov


Originally posted by CleanDwarfWeed

Is it intentional, so if you plant more seeds at the same time, to harvest less herbs per seed planted? I remember before update, 7 herb patches would yield me 80-100 herbs. Now I plant 7seeds per patch, but only obtain like 5herbs/seed used.

Yeah it's diminishing returns, there's a table of the herb lives on the Garden news post.

10 Nov


Originally posted by This_is_my_phone_tho

Currently the patch bomb tells you how many produce your aura got you, and the farming cape does not.

So i just checked, it looks like this is purely a messaging thing, you'll still gain the bonus from the cape, you're just not told how much the aura gives.

Would it be preferred if the messaging was given like the bombs?


Originally posted by NexGenration

i agree that the dung scroll seems like an oversight. ill ping /u/JagexSponge

also personally i think the diminishing returns disincentivises players from using the "plant multiple seeds" feature, but i assume jagex has things worked out in terms of balancing the economy and they might rebalance things later as the economy restabalizes. things are super chaotic right now

Hey, I didn't make any changes to the scroll of life, we already had allotment seeds etc that use multiples but only returned 1 seed, so it is intended to still give 1.

Update: I've been informed that allotments can return their default amount of 3 seeds, - scroll of life code appears to just return whatever the default amount of seeds are for that plant. (either way i'll put a word in with skilling council and see what they think, but i don't see it as a high priority)


Originally posted by This_is_my_phone_tho

ou'll have messaging stating how many bonus you got from your potions.

can we add this to the farming skill cape as well? patch bombs currently inform you of your aura's contribution nd that'd also be nice for the cape.

I think it will do with this fix, as they share a lot of code.

09 Nov