

16 Mar


Originally posted by Positive_Ball_9689

A 'nerf' always leaves a sour taste in the mouth, I think the best way to go about it is buff the other styles to be able to compete with the numbers that FSOA puts out.. (it's not restricting future content its actually giving you a good path to go down for other combat styles and a good ballpark number to have other weapons put out similar numbers and get the dopamine you get with a FSOA)

The main issue with AD is that there is only one style of armour that benefits from it properly, Typeless damage is not the issue it's the fact that at certain bosses you don't even need to worry about the attacks as by the time you notice it you have soul split all the damage back as health, For now i think making it work for all 3 combat style attacks is good but we need more armour similar to cryptbloom for the other combat styles. (like asap)

Also with updates you need to consider ironman mode more, It was not viable at all to use a FSOA on an ironman unless you were want...

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I think the best way to go about it is buff the other styles to be able to compete with the numbers that FSOA puts out.. (it's not restricting future content its actually giving you a good path to go down for other combat styles and a good ballpark number to have other weapons put out similar numbers and get the dopamine you get with a FSOA)

The issue isn't wholely with the damage fsoa was currently able to put out (whoever it was VERY) strong, but rather that any future upgrades pushed that number way higher, essentially roadblocking us on what we can do with mage.
Other things absolutely could do with buffs, however I don't think just flat-line buffing everything up to FSOA's level is the way forward and just leads to more issues further down the road.


Originally posted by ImRubic

Overall changes seem well thought out for why they are being changed and modified. I'm not well versed in combat so I can't really comment as much as I'd like on the exact balance of the changes.

But I do have a few concerns moving forward:

  • Will tank armor viability be forever tied to Animate Dead?
  • Will future rewards be beneficial to players who may not utilize near or at the best combat gear?
  • Will old bosses be modified to be more consistent with any design themes?

Finally what other combat equipment are up for consideration of being changed (buffed, nerfed, or modified)? For example the Ring of Death has been a big focus of discussion by the community yet we've seen very little of that from Jagex.

Will tank armor viability be forever tied to Animate Dead?Will future rewards be beneficial to players who may not utilize near or at the best combat gear?Will old bosses be modified to be more consistent with any design themes?

Finally what other combat equipment are up for consideration of being changed (buffed, nerfed, or modified)? For example the Ring of Death has been a big focus of discussion by the community yet we've seen very little of that from Jagex.

It's absolutely not the plan for AD to be tied to all tank armor viability going forward. A large part of this going forward in my personal opinion is making defensives and other styles tank gear more satisfying/reasonable to use. We've got a lot of defensives right now that are... underwhelming, and I think improving tank from the bottom up is the way to go there.

As for gear that's up for consideration to changes, I don't want to promise anything but I'd say theres a...

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Originally posted by PM_ME_YOUR_BANKS

fsoa is going to use alot less runes is there any plans to make ranged ammo cheaper aswell

fsoa is going to use alot less runes is there any plans to make ranged ammo cheaper aswell

So there's nothing concrete right now. However it's definitely something that's near the top of the list - in particular, runes/arrows only being drained through autos.

An example would be if we can get to a nice, reasonable drain rate for runes/arrows through abilities we could remove the dinarrows custom consumption, making a consistent drain rate for all ammo from lv 1-99


Originally posted by Wiz_Tot

Would it be possible to allow magma to critically strike again with these FSOA changes? /u/JagexSponge

Would it be possible to allow magma to critically strike again with these FSOA changes? /u/JagexSponge

It's a good question.
Part of the issue I personally had with magma crits was the huge swing in adrenaline from tsunami.
I'm not going to say it's a no - it's something I'd want to re-look at more for consistencies sake than anything.


Originally posted by Rarycaris

Will the new FSOA hits be affected by Sunshine?

Will the new FSOA hits be affected by Sunshine?

Yep, it'll be affected like any other standard ability.

08 Mar

07 Mar


Hey, just jumped in to let you guys know this was resolved by Mod Fowl this week. Going forward there will be a toggle to have bladed dive pick-up scenery or not so you can have it active as/when you need it. I'm not certain if it'll be in Monday's build, but I'll try to expedite it, as I know this issue is particularly annoying.

22 Feb


Originally posted by IAmFinah

Waiting for /u/JagexSponge to confirm 😭


20 Feb


Hey feel free to dm me over details and I can pass the details over so someone can investigate if this is a legitimate issue.

08 Feb

03 Feb

13 Dec


Please refrain from licking the salty crablets in the future.

30 Nov


This is now my phone background

29 Nov


Originally posted by DruidWannabe

RSN is Zryxa , thanks C:


Is that definitely spelt correctly?

28 Nov


Originally posted by Seravail

Ohhhh it uses stored compost? Okay, I thought you just paid and that was that. Thanks for your help, sorry it was such a silly mistake!

All good - an easy mistake to make.


Originally posted by Seravail

I also had this - I paid for supercompost on release of the garden of Kharid, I just figured my farming cape was overriding it somehow. RSN Seravail


Had a talk with your leprechaun - you've paid for ultra compost not super, but you have no ultra compost stored with the leprechaun.


Hit me with your IGN I'll take a look

24 Nov


Hey send me over your IGN if you can & i'll take a look at what's happening.

Iirc if you attempt to plant with only a single seed in inv the patch will just auto plant that without any interfaces (is it possible you only withdrew 1 bloodweed & that resulted in you getting the 7)

21 Nov


Originally posted by 5-x

/u/jagexsponge Why is the unlimited teleport seed tradeable, and the one-time teleport seed untradeable? Logically, shouldn't it be the other way around?

Why don't they get the obelisk shard / portable obelisk treatment?

Let players trade the one-use seed. And you have to steal yourself the unlimited one. Let us alch the duplicates. Problem solved.

Let players trade the one-use seed. And you have to steal yourself the unlimited one. Let us alch the duplicates. Problem solved.

I can speak to the team about this - I'm not against changing it. When originally created I incorrectly assumed these would be balanced to be rarer than they are and it'd fall into the 'excessively expensive for a minimal buff' area.

I definitely think at a minimum the weak seed should be tradeable.