Read moreReally appreciate the technical insight, it helps to understand the scope of the challenge and understand what tough choices have to be made by the various dev teams. It's far more insightful than "It is technically infeasible to update old characters at this time." Dealing with old incompatible animation rigs seems like a big challenge in-particular (Quest cutscenes come to mind for one-off animations).
I can't speak for everyone, but I personally don't think the old fairy models are completely terrible (Though I'm somewhat biased because I remember when they were last overhauled, so they still feel "new" to me, especially since I have a fondness for RSHD 2008-2011 era graphics), so I think maintaining their individuality should be prioritized. Given that - as you said - they tend to be unique and individual characters with special defining traits: I'd personally rather have all the fairies remain "special-snowflakes," rather than become bland cut-and-paste Snowflakes. Tho...
Interesting question! Responding somewhat cynically, the cut-off tends to be when we get a strong negative reaction from players that a change has gone too far (it no longer matches the silhouette of a character), and are forced to revert back or put in a toggle. ;)
Though I'd boldly suggest we're a lot more mindful of being conservative where it matters the most nowadays.
So far from your feedback it's sounding like fairies are one of those sharp edges where it's best to wait 'til there's a library of fairy assets available to at least retain the most memorable elements, given they're largely self-contained to Zanaris.
Fortunately there's plenty of overworld mobs like the city guards that in the short term can provide a far-reaching visual upgrade with minimal loss of distinct character.