

07 Sep


Originally posted by facbok195

Curious question that’s tangentially related:

Do you need 115 Slayer as a base to get Magister assignments, or can it be boosted? I went to Death last week with a Wilder (Wild? The dragonstone one) Pie active, and got Reaper’s Choice, but the choice for Magister was still greyed out. Wasn’t sure if it was a bug or not.

Looks like Reaper skill requirements have always checked your base skill level. I didn't break that. :p


Originally posted by the_summer_soldier

Fantastic updates to the problem, thank you very much Mod Stu. Any chance you can convince your coworkers that this kind of communication would be well received and favorable when comes to other bugs. Hit boxes come to mind. Thanks again!

FWIW, one of my colleagues asked an engine developer about hitboxes this morning. Here's the verbatim response:

"920-2 had some changes to make picking better on things with large triangles (like the collision meshes for the vine bridge shortcuts in anachronia), but it had the side-effect of making picking on very small triangles less precise.

Should be fixed in 921-1"

921-1 engine release is currently scheduled for "late this month".

(As always, any statements referencing future, present and occasionally past events are highly subject to change, so please don't take this as an official confirmation.

In fact, if you could go ahead and pretend I didn't say anything, and also pretend that I didn't big-bada-boom Reaper for a week, that'd be grayyyyt.)


Originally posted by Nuhji

also to add, it seems some other things were also broken as I've seen people get raids as a task, and I myself just got a roll on ed3 boss 1 and ed1 boss 2, which shouldn't be possible, and this choice bug led to me rolling down to a 0, so I'm out a day of points I would've gotten

Rolling raids bosses is unfortunately a related issue. I'm fixing that at the same time so they'll be packaged together, but similarly I don't think we will be able to release it any sooner than a Monday game update.


Originally posted by Jagex_Stu

For visibility, an update about the Reaper's Choice bug:


My apologies that I didn't respond sooner. (Was AFK at a doctor's appointment yesterday afternoon.)

A further update: Unfortunately the clientscript fix I hoped we could release early isn't hotfixable.

So the Reaper Choice bugfix will unfortunately have to be released in a Monday game update.

Updating my reply accordingly.


Originally posted by Zoinke

It clearly didn’t pass QA the first time but was released anyway. Why wait this time?

That's on me. I didn't include Reaper's Choice in the acceptance criteria for QA to test.

I refactored the requirements code for Reaper tasks while implementing some QoL, which in retrospect was too far out of scope, and I should have requested further testing.


For visibility, an update about the Reaper's Choice bug:


My apologies that I didn't respond sooner. (Was AFK at a doctor's appointment yesterday afternoon.)

Thursday EDIT: This morning, Mod Easty magiced a temporary Reaper's Choice interface until we can (hopefully, if it passes RC testing) fix the proper one on Monday. Also Death was hotfixed to no longer assign raids bosses. More info here:...

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Thank you very much for compiling the threads on this topic. :)

Full disclosure...I made the mistake that introduced this bug in Reaper's Choice, and I apologise for the inconvenience it has caused you.

EDIT: Unfortunately I was overly optimistic and we cannot hotfix clientscript, only server script, and it's a logic error in the client code that builds that list of reaper tasks.

So unfortunately to fix this Reaper Choice UI bug will require a game update. So I don't think we'll be able to resolve it until Monday at the earliest. :(

I implemented a fix for it yesterday evening. It's awaiting testing.

Assuming it passes QA, and assuming it is hotfixable, it's a temporary fix that'll make all Reaper's Choice bosses available, to minimise the impact.

I started on a more thorough coldfix last night and intend to continue with it today.

Thank you for your patience while I addr...

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02 Sep


Originally posted by SerRikari

I am currently having this same problem.

This sprint we completed testing of a fix I implemented for this.

I'm happy to report the release team yesterday copied it into the next build. The fix might release on Monday if it passes release candidate testing.

I hope the above workaround provides a temporary solution to you in the meantime. :)

23 Aug


Originally posted by heidly_ees

Hey Stu, good to hear from you! I've posted a short review with a handful of screenshots here :)

Love the work you're doing as always

Thanks very much for your review!

I've made a note of your feedback in case I get to take another crack at The Restless Ghost in the future. :)


Originally posted by heidly_ees

Glad to see the Restless Ghost's been updated. May have to make a new account just to see it!

If you do, I'd love to know what you think! :)

I enjoyed this bugfix. Originally it was raised as a mobile dialogue bug in the Restless Ghost conclusion cutscene (it used to use a very old variant of NPC dialogue that didn't play nice with mobile's new NPC dialogue interface).

But there were so many issues with that cutscene after all these years (including a bunch of dependencies on the coffin's previous location), it was better to just start over.

Then I reused some assets that've since become available (the human ghost model from last year's halloween event is proper handy). Alas, had to keep his original hat as even the ghostly lederhosen hat had transparency issues when worn on a semi-transparent head.

Between this and updating the coffin back in 2013ish, when the Lumbridge catacombs got some love due to Blood Pact being the first of Gudrik's paths, and the skeleton warlock in the 2015 skeleton graphical update, Restless Ghost's dangerously cl...

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14 Aug


Full disclosure - I deved a fix for this Thu 12th after the first bug report was processed and repro'd, but that's past the mid-week cutoff for release candidate testing builds.

So a fix is in flight, but alas won't be in Monday's patch notes.


Originally posted by Lordrakard

Hi, thank you for your reply u/Jagex_Stu ! My in game name is "Jin Haise"

Well, the weird part is that I in fact already did To Lumbridge path, but the catacomb path never triggered for me, even with guidance on (I turned it off to not see the bugged path anymore)

Let me tell you the paths I did, I want to note that I didn't do much in the game after turning guidance off, beside doing one quest and one caper from thief guild, and crafting urns and other armour, so it shouldn't have impacted any of the following paths, also, turning it off didn't helped me, beside just fake completing buthorpe path, but it still don't make me trigger the catacomb path for example:

- In "Novice Explorer" I finished everything in game, but according to the wiki, there's some step that never showed to me, like the loyalty thing, and the fire steel arrow, enchanting or confusion spell.

- In "Archeoly Expert" I finished up to "Breaking the Seal"....

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Hi there. Following up with you about the issue you raised.

Thanks so much for taking the time to write out all your path details above. I was able to copy your exact state thanks to knowing your account name, and recreate the precise circumstances.

It helped me track down and refactor a broader issue with access to optional Burthorpe paths after completing the path to Lumbridge. Seems to resolve your corner case and it's with QA for testing this week.

In the meantime, looks like you've turned off guidance system hints and that's completed this problematic path for you.

Also, we removed the Lumbridge path book in this week's patch notes, so nothing unusual about your account there. :)


I appreciate this doesn't help you since you already went through the first time user experience legit, but all unique rewards from paths can be acquired without needing to complete the paths that present them as rewards.

You can get a dwarven army axe from Major Mary Rancour and baby troll from Corporal Keymans in the Burthorpe imperial guard camp, without needing to complete any content.

It's buried pretty deep, but also this'll toggle Turael's paths to complete and turn off contextual guidance intended for new players:

Settings -> Gameplay -> Interface -> Information Windows -> Untick "Guidance system hints"

13 Aug


Originally posted by Unratedex

Sorry mate OP hates it. But I like it well done.

Thank you! <3

You can please some of the people all of the time, and you can please all of the people some of the time.

But today you can please Unratedex, and that's good enough for me. ;)


Originally posted by mastebon

It needs a rework for sure.


11 Aug


Originally posted by Californ1a

The draynor manor skybox also needs some looking into, since it currently extends all the way over to the champion's guild ever since the Halloween update. Bit offputting every time I check the bush patch near there for it to suddenly turn dark around varrock.

Please submit a bug report, if you haven't already. :)


Originally posted by yuei2

Hey no problem Mod Stu! I appreciate you and all you do for the game, you are always really on top of things letting us know what’s up when you can. :)

Thank you!

On that note, here's a sneak preview... ;)


It's a scripted environment override that mimics the Paterdomus mapsquare (as the environment settings on the Silvarea mapsquare are the current sunny one from the bottom left corner) - so custom skyboxes won't overwrite it as it's already a custom skybox - and the dynamic shadows redraw when you cross the threshold into Paterdomus, but otherwise it appears to be pretty seamless, and quite spooky!


Originally posted by siccoblue

Credit to u/jagex_stu

Here's a more detailed reply than the one linked below. :)

My apologies for the inconvenience that your interface layout was reset.

Various mainland restrictions are applied to new players to more gently onboard them to the complexities of combat, the interface, and embedded sub-systems. These restrictions are eased as they progress through Turael's paths in Burthorpe.

On Monday, we removed a 100 total level check condition from the criteria that determined whether an account is classified as a new player, due to reports from players who unintentionally completed the paths by levelling up and weren't able to continue with them.

Unfortunately that means some players who were relying on that check to not have to complete the new player paths are now in a tutorial state.

If you're still experiencing this issue, to save you having to complete the new player paths in Burthorpe, ...

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Although, for the case of the helpbutton interface tutorial running when you first open the bank/forge/furnace/shop, completing the interface tutorial flags a variable on your account.

So this will only happen once for that interface if you go all the way to the end of the interface tutorial (ie press OK, or do whatever's required of you at that step).

But if you close the interface before doing so, the interface tutorial will restart the next time you open the interface. Have re-tested them to confirm.

So in this case, while the toggle above will fix it, I'd recommend just powering through and completing the interface tutorial.

Those calls will hopefully also be removed in the next game update (that fix is in the current release candidate build, but I shouldn't promise anything).


Originally posted by ThaFrenchFry

Details and a workaround fix? Stu-pendous reply!



Originally posted by yuei2

Hey Mod Stu! Sorry to bug you about this again but I wanted to check-in on if there had been any move to put a fix in for the Silvarea/Pat skybox being overwritten. I know you mentioned you would but I also know smaller things can be hectic and lost in this time.

To be honest, I raised this with QA in the episodic content team on the 20th and got approval to help out, but then we both got busy with scheduled projects again.

I'll work late tonight and get it done before it gets buried (appropriately enough!) again.