

15 Feb

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone,

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We appreciate that you all want to play on a server and in an environment you feel comfortable and even welcomed and supported on. Doxxing and harassment are not welcomed on our platforms, in-game or otherwise.

I know some of you have already submitted reports on these players in-game and I encourage you to continue reporting any behaviour that goes against our Code of Conduct. The team is aware and actively investigating any reports that come through.

For anyone wishing to report a player within New World, please include any in-game screenshots and detailed information to help us investigate your report. These should be included in the support tickets as a first step. ...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

We do not have any server merges planned in the coming weeks. Please feel free to coordinate with your friends on choosing a world should you wish to move.

I mentioned this on another post but I’d also highly recommend checking out the worlds you plan to move to before you do, check out their playstyles, what they like to focus on, etc.! Or maybe there are players looking to move into your world that you’d love to play with. These tokens don’t expire so you are more than welcome to wait until you feel comfortable using the token.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all,

We do not have any server merges planned in the coming weeks. Please feel free to coordinate with your friends on choosing a world should you wish to move.

I’d also highly recommend checking out the worlds you plan to move to before you do, check out their playstyles, what they like to focus on, etc.! Or maybe there are players looking to move into your world that you’d love to play with! These tokens don’t expire so you are more than welcome to wait until you feel comfortable using the token.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Grüße Abenteurer,

Diese Woche gibt es zwar kein Update, aber wir geben die zweite Runde kostenloser Transfertokens für alle mit einem bestehenden Charakter in New World frei. Wir werden diese Token ab 2022-02-15T22:00:00Z bereitstellen.

Wenn es am Valentinstag mit eurer aktuellen Aeternum-Welt nicht geklappt hat, könnt ihr diese Transfermarken für einen Neuanfang in einer anderen Welt nutzen!

Die Details:

Jeder aktive Account erhält ab 2022-02-14T23:30:00Z, ein Server-Transfertoken.

Diese Token sind accountbasiert, d.h. wenn ihr mehrere Charaktere habt, könnt ihr dieses Token nur für einen eurer Charaktere verwenden.

Diese Token laufen nicht ab. Wenn du bereits ein ungenutztes Token auf der Shop-Seite hast, hast du nach der Verteilung der zweiten Token zwei.

Ihr solltet euer Token spätestens am 22. Februar im Bereich “Welttransfer” des S...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Salutations aventuriers,

Bien que nous n’ayons pas de mise à jour cette semaine, nous lançons la deuxième série de jetons de transfert gratuits pour tous ceux qui ont un personnage existant dans Nouveau Monde. Ces jetons seront distribués à partir de 2022-02-15T22:00:00Z.

Si la Saint-Valentin n’a pas fonctionné avec votre monde Aeternum actuel, utilisez ce jeton de transfert pour une rupture nette ou un nouveau départ dans un monde différent !

Les détails :

Chaque compte actif à partir de 2022-02-14T23:30:00Z recevra un jeton de transfert de serveur.

Ces jetons sont basés sur votre compte, ce qui signifie que si vous avez plusieurs personnages, vous ne pourrez utiliser ce jeton que sur un seul de vos personnages.

Ces jetons n’expirent pas. Si vous avez déjà un jeton inutilisé sur la page de la boutique, vous en aurez deux après la distribution des seconds j...

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14 Feb

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

While we do not have an update this week, we are releasing the second round of free transfer tokens for everyone with an existing character in New World. We will be rolling these tokens out starting at 2022-02-15T22:00:00Z (in your local timezone).

If Valentine’s Day didn’t work out with your current Aeternum world, use this transfer token for a clean break or fresh start with a different world!

The Details:

Every active account as of 2022-02-14T23:30:00Z (in your local timezone) will receive a server transfer token.

These tokens are account-based which means that if you have multiple characters, you will only be able to use this token on one of your characters. You will only be able to use these tokens within the same region.

These tokens do not expire. If you have a previously unused token already in the store pag...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry, I don’t have an update right now on this but the team is considering this request.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Moving this over to Support but I will forward this to the team.

13 Feb

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We are holding a 2 hour (~120 minute) downtime on 2022-02-14T07:00:00Z to implement the following fixes.

  • Fixed an issue where house taxes would not deposit into owning company’s treasury.
  • Fixed a server crash that affected skins

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

12 Feb

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We have deployed a fix to improve performance and stability on all worlds. This does not require any downtime but please let us know if you experience any additional “lag detected” issues.

In addition, you may see your achievements and titles in game are temporarily blank as a result of this service change. Do not fear! If this happens, log out for more than 5 minutes and it should show up the next time you log in.

Thank you!

11 Feb

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

US-East is now good to go. All worlds slated to merge during this downtime should be back up and ready. We hope you enjoy your new worlds in Aeternum and we’ll see you there!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are aware. Please keep an eye on our Official News post for updates.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Posted an update here.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Moving this over to Support so the right eyes can get on it. Just to help our CS agents out, I assume verifying game files did not help?

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are investigating an issue that occurred when merging US-East servers but all other regions are up. For the sake of keeping all of the updates related to this in one place, please refer to the Official News post.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are investigating an issue that occurred when merging US-East servers but all other regions are up. For the sake of keeping all of the updates related to this in one place, please refer to the Official News post.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are investigating an issue that occurred when merging US-East servers but all other regions are up. For the sake of keeping all of the updates related to this in one place, please refer to the Official News post.