

20 Sep

    MrFreake_PDX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Immortalis: Modders do not get early access as a rule. Some might, others might not, ultimately it is at Paradox discretion wether they want to give anybody early access.

Depending on how big the mod team is, how big the patch hits the mod (let's say you have a flag mod, it won't be affected by a remake of armies and ground combat, but a new method for creating those flags would wreak havoc) and how busy the modders are in real life, you could look at different scenarios and ETAs. Some mods might still work though so you'll need to check them individually and go for a few trial run.
We do signups every patch cycle for modders to apply to be part of early access. This patch cycle has around 45 modders... Read more

17 Sep

    MrFreake_PDX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Sounds like you're using out of date mods, or opted-into an old beta branch.

Right-Click Stellaris -> Properties -> Betas tab, the drop down should say "None"
Turn off all your mods, and verify your local game files
Right-Click Stellaris -> Properties -> Local Files, and Verify local files.

Reload the game and see if the issue persists, if it does go to and open a ticket, and Customer Support will be able to help you fix this problem.

15 Sep

Hallo, Stellaris-Community!

Heute sprechen wir über die neuen kostenlosen Funktionen und Verbesserungen von Update 3.5 "Fornax", benannt nach dem Sternbild Fornax[], das vom französischen Astronomen Nicolas Louis de Lacaille im Jahr 1756 ursprünglich als le Fourneau Chymique (Chemischer Ofen) bezeichnet wurde. Es ist ein sehr passender Name für den kostenlosen Patch, der mit dem Toxoids Species Pack[] einhergeht.

Das kostenlose Update 3.5 "Fornax" wird zusammen mit dem Toxoids Species Pack[ Read more
Hello Stellaris Community!

We have some videos here that we thought we would share, for those of you who haven't been keeping up with the Toxoids Dev Diaries. If you'd prefer text versions of these videos, you can find Overtuned here[] and Knights of the Toxic God here[].

The Toxoids Species Pack will feature:
  • 15 New Portraits (+1 Machine Portrait for owners of Synthetic Dawn)
  • New Toxoid Shipset
  • 2 New Origins
Read more

14 Sep

Hello Stellaris Community!

We have some videos here that we thought we would share, for those of you who haven't been keeping up with the Toxoids Dev Diaries. If you'd prefer text versions of these videos, you can find Overtuned here[] and Knights of the Toxic God here[].

Overtuned Origin Highlight with Colonel Damneders

... Read more

13 Sep


written by Mr. Cosmogone

Greetings squires!

Mr. Cosmogone here, on behalf of the Lord Commander Eladrin who gave me his blessing to tell you more about the mysterious Knights of the Toxic God.

“Pledge thy Life to Realm and Quest”

The Origin is content oriented, but it does come with some unique mechanics to support the narrative and put you in charge of an empire dedicated to a quest.

Starting with your Homeworld, which still bears the scars of the passage of the Toxic God in the form of five unique blockers:

... Read more

10 Sep

    MrFreake_PDX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by inquisitor19: Hi, I have this exact issue that's just started.

I have launched it within a window, re-installed, have no mods, have deleted Paradox Launcher v2 and reloaded, verified game files, attempted to alter game launcher settings as described above (I have no VSync, no idea what you're talking about). All I get is the loading screen with a completely frozen loading progress bar that just sits there.

go to and open a ticket. Customer support will be able to help you.

08 Sep


written by Alec Beals

Hey all!

My name is Alec Beals, one of the several concept artists who worked on the Toxoids Species Pack. Today I’ll be taking you on a very fashionable walk through the seriously expanded clothing component of this pack. In a later dev diary we will go into more detail examining the design process of a species, so this will be an informally focused look at our experiences creating the clothing of Toxoids.

A Quick History of Toxoids
At the end of our visual development process we found ourselves with a diverse array of species for the Toxoid pack. Our intention was to give around a third of them something to wear. By and large, we don’... Read more

07 Sep


Rise from the primordial ooze with the Toxoids Species Pack on September 20th for USD9.99/GBP7.19, and is available to preorder now![]

In Toxoids, you will gain the chance to detoxify toxic worlds, sacrifice the long-term survival of your species for short-term gains, and make the tough choices necessary to survive a hostile galaxy.

The Toxoids Species Pack includes:
  • 15 New Species Portraits (+1 for the owners of the Synthetic Dawn Story Pack)
  • 2 New Origins
    • Knights of the Toxic God
    • Overtuned
  • 3 New Civics
    • Toxic Baths
    • ...
Read more

06 Sep


written by Eladrin and Gruntsatwork

‘Sup, trash bangers?

Today we’ll be taking a look at some of the features coming in the Toxoids Species Pack. As we’re on an accelerated dev diary schedule, there’s no time to lose! Let’s jump straight into this and turn it over to Gruntsatwork.

One of our two new Origins for Toxoids, Overtuned is the grim but exalting reminder that a brief life burns the brightest. Through in... Read more

01 Sep


Rise from the primordial ooze with the Toxoids Species Pack on September 20th for 9.99 USD/7.19 GBP, and is available to preorder now![]

In Toxoids, you will gain the chance to detoxify toxic worlds, sacrifice the long-term survival of your species for short-term gains, and make the tough choices necessary to survive a hostile galaxy.

The Toxoids Species Pack includes:
  • 15 New Species Portraits (+1 for the owners of the Synthetic Dawn Story Pack)
  • 2 New Origins
    • Knights of the Toxic God
    • Overtuned
  • 3 New Civics
    • Toxic Baths
    • ...
Read more

25 Aug


written by Eladrin

Hello again!

This week we’re going to look at some more things that are going into the upcoming Stellaris 3.5 “Fornax” release.

Megastructures in the Outliner
One of the things going into Fornax is something we’ve wanted for a very long time on PC - a Megastructure section in the Outliner.

As shown here, the Megastructures section will list all megastructures within your territory, including ruined ones as well as Gateway Sites (but not completed gateways, as that would be too much clutter).

Never again will you lose track of where you left that Gateway Site or Ruined Sentry Array!

Accessibility Improvements
We talk... Read more

18 Aug


written by Eladrin

Hi everyone, I hope you’ve had a wonderful summer.

Today we’ll start going into some of the things planned for the upcoming Stellaris 3.5 “Fornax” update.

New Difficulty Settings
With the improvements that have been made to the AI over the past few updates, we’ve noticed that new players are finding things a bit more challenging and there have been some requests for an easier difficulty setting. As such, we’re adding a Civilian difficulty setting, and making Cadet the default difficulty.

Civilian difficulty further increases the bonuses players receive in Cadet difficulty, with an additional bonus towards completing First Contact.

... Read more

02 Aug

PDXCON2022 returns to Stockholm this September! Join us on the road to PDXCON2022 with another Grand Campaign!

Watch our developers as they play through a customized game of Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis, Hearts of Iron, and Stellaris and follow laws passed by our Community-led Senate. Following the great tradition laid down last year for PDXCON, there may be familiar faces, returning arch-rivals, and maybe some new friends!

What is a Grand Campaign?
The story of a Grand Campaign is written in the senate, where Community-formed and led parties propose and vote on laws, that our developers have to follow on stream. This Grand Campaign spans the timeframe of four of our games, spanning several thousand years of alt-human history. Starting in the Crusader Kings era, all the way to Stellaris. In between games, we wil... Read more

25 Jul


written by Alfray_Stryke

Hey folks, and I hope everyone is having a fantastic summer/winter break (depending on your hemisphere). I’ve found some time between my other summer experiments and the work we’re doing for 3.5 “Fornax” to dive into the feedback/suggestions lists. Since Eladrin is still away, you’re getting another sneak preview of what I’ve been working on.

One of the frequent requests from the Unity rework that was part of the 3.3 “Libra” patch earlier this year was for us to return Culture Workers to the game. Currently, they exist only as jobs provided by some event buildings, but many in the Community felt we removed some flavor/roleplay aspect when we removed them.

Over summer, I’ve been experimenting with potentially adding them back in. For context, in the current version of the game Culture Wo... Read more

14 Jul

    MrFreake_PDX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Be sure you're using notepad++ or visual studio code to modify the defines file, as regular notepad will save text files in the wrong format.

Does the game crash without loading your modded defines file? If so, in the launcher go to video, and choose borderless fullscreen or windowed video mode.

12 Jul

Hello Stellaris Community!

We've got a special treat for you today! MaxTheCatfish is here with our Top 10 Beginner and Intermediate Tips and Tricks for galactic domination! Whether its your first game, or if you've played hundreds of hours, you never know what you might learn!

Top 10 Beginner Tips:

Top 10 Intermediate Tips:

What would you consider your #1 "Expert" Tip? Let us know in the comments!

07 Jul


written by Iggy

Hello everyone, Iggy here with a surprise dev diary! I am a Content Designer who has worked as a Custodian for the past year or so, bringing you content like Permanent Employment and the Leviathan Parades.

I know Eladrin said no more diaries until after summer… But he is not around to stop me!

I couldn’t wait to present the initial relic balance changes and to give all of you lovely folks a chance to voice your feedback. Summer is historically a time of experimentation when it comes to Paradox, and why not experiment with how we gather feedback?

So let’s get started with some of my biggest bugbears regarding how the relics currently work, what I have done to address the issues, and why.

Crisis Relics
The relics you get from defeating the various crises in the game are pretty... Read more
    MrFreake_PDX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by yuzhonglu: You sell 100 alloys a month for two months and debuff goes away.

The debuff goes down 5x faster if you go into positive income.
I came here to say this. Deficit situations resolve faster with a positive income than simply having a large stockpile, and the more positive your income the faster they resolve.

The deficit penalties hanging around after the deficit is resolved represents the time it takes for your industries, supply chains, etc. to correct themselves after they had their supplies cut off. -20% combat damage, for instance, could represent the loss of morale from your ship crews not getting paid for several months, or the lack of supplies caused by your empire unexpectedl... Read more

29 Jun

    MrFreake_PDX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Pudim713: I use steam and played with a friend who was using playstation. You just need to select Cross-Store in the Paradox Menu
This is not accurate. There is no crossplay between PC and the PlayStation Console. The crossplay in the launcher allows Steam players to play with players who bought the game on GoG/Microsoft Store. These people are still playing on PC.