

15 May


Originally posted by GA_Deathstalker

The problem though is that the game is now dragon-centric. There's only so much you can achieve while giving up 3 dragons. Most games nowadays are centered around dragon fights compared to season 2018, 2019. Splitpushers aren't played at all. I know it's an incredibly difficult task, but it feels like the variety died with Dragon Souls and the shift got more and more apparent over the years.

Btw just to add that: I appreciate that you're in the comments and your youtube content to add more context to the decisions even if I and others might disagree with some of them. Thank you for that breath of fresh air :)

We just had Worlds dominated by Sylas, Aatrox, Akali. That was before the dragon nerfs this year. LCK dominated that tournament and their teams all had ultra low dragon prio.

History says that the doomer comments in this post are wrong.


Originally posted by pippo_sella

Yea, i Remember those and personally liked them more; but i think that split pushing Is not as rewarding as grouping as 5 and walk down mid as of today.

Also on a side note, can i ask why whit the adc items rework u guys are putting AP damages almost everywhere? I didnt do the match but from next patch almost every adc Will do Hybrid damage no?

Not very much. Little of it scales with crit and only some of it scales with attack speed. Physical crits will be significantly larger.


Originally posted by pippo_sella

But also doesnt seem Fair that both are Building damage items but one gets 500-800 shield while having a lulu/Leona/rakan/nautilus and other 3 role peeling for him

If every other champion's job is peeling for a damage dealer, make them do something else.

Plenty of pro tournaments have been played where winning top and mid meant more than winning bot. Very little has changed about the game since last Worlds.


Originally posted by l9shredder

so whats the counterplay and counter to adcs if not assassins lmao

I mean, specifically picking peel is the counter to an assassin. Lmao, or something.

If the defensive team comp is defending then you need to attack somewhere else. The ADC has to show up on waves. You accomplish stuff where they aren't.

Not all the teams have good top laners and not all the teams pick champions who are good on side lanes but generally speaking if one team is making a deathball then you either make a better deathball or you split it apart. Picking a worse deathball comp and complaining that you lose to their deathball is just kinda obvious.


Originally posted by EkkoIRL

What happened is that phreak reduced the adc spike by a whole f**king item and called it a power neutral change

No I didn't lmao there are tapes and everything. I've been extremely communicative about our changes and specifically said more or less, "ADC is already strong but they need satisfaction wins right now, we'll nerf when we can."


Originally posted by Blank-612

Blame phreak, he gave into reddit whining and made adc shielding and enchanters gigabusted in higher mmrs so that low elos can feel good about adc.

TIL I buffed enchanters? Are we even reading the same patch notes? You know, the ones where I buffed a bunch of engage tanks?

How to people upvote directly obviously wrong stuff like this?


Originally posted by rengomoment

Thats not true.

If adc wasnt broken then there would be answers to these teamfighting comps.

Assasins like Zed would be picked so that they can eleminate the ADC and render the Tank comp worthless.

But its not happening Because with BT overheal ADcs have a billion ehp.

Zed has zero chance to kill an ADC with a Lulu attached, whether or not they go BT or Shieldbow. Whimsy will always shut that down way too hard. Replace Lulu with Rakan or Nautilus or Leona and the result is still the same. If someone's job is dedicated peel, an assassin will never win in a team fight.

08 May


Originally posted by goku332

Do you think Infinity Edge giving 25% crit chance and 5% crit chance on every legendary as it's mythic passive would be broken ?

Yeah, generally players didn't like having to skip a crit item by the end. People would rather buy a Bloodthirster than a Wit's End. Not saying they're right, but feels are important.

07 May


Lmao they pick someone else for group draw and this happens. SMH Riot

06 May


Originally posted by Ocarina3219

I would love to be wrong about this but I think “item diversity” is Riot’s white whale and the constant item overhauls have done basically nothing to achieve it so far.

I'm honestly pretty convinced that even for players "item diversity" is actually just seeing different things on the scoreboard every game, not making really specific choices on an individual champion.

It's really hard to have 10 nearly-equal power items for any individual champion. Getting a couple of swaps is largely going to be the best we're going to get.

What's nice is things like "This is the defensive option" is a pretty obvious axis. As is the item that's good in longer fights (Kraken) or shorter fights (Stormrazor).

I think in general, it's correct to chase unique outputs. Shiv has the best wave clear and it's not close. It's up to you to realize if you want wave clear or not. Something's going to have a generic win rate advantage. That's just going to happen. But that doesn't mean it's the best in every case. That'd be like saying only Swain is viable in bot lane.

05 May


Originally posted by Guest_1300


Don't leak the 2024 script smh


I've read your feedback and have elected to ignore it. 👍

03 May


Just fixed this bug.

It's not Yone-specific. I also really had no good way of knowing this would exist without some fairly involved testing.

tl;dr Yasuo and Yone have scripting in their passives that say, "Hey, if you have an item that converts your crit chance, turn off the bonus crit chance functionality." Cuz it turns out that when two things at the same time try to modify crit chance, unpredictable things happen. Shocking.

Of note, this tends to not break when buying items. I can spam-buy cloaks of agility and we're chilling. It's when items get removed that stuff gets weird.

Anyways, Yasuo and Yone have now added Seething Sorrow to their list of, "When you see this, don't give me free crit chance." Not that either tended to buy the item anyway.

02 May


Originally posted by DogAteMyCPU

ty for shaking up the adc meta. should be easier to kill the adcs since there should be less shieldbow and no more bt shield

That’s the intent.


Originally posted by daebakminnie

These are way too small to turn them into hybrids or alter their playstyles like ap Twitch. It really just boils down to making ap from ragablade not completely wasted

Reddit users doing math before outrage posting challenge level impossible

28 Apr


Originally posted by WeroReyes

I hope the Rageblade mythic changes will be like old Rageblade. Especially having crits again. As in not having that on hit converted Crit thing that it has.

Long-term it's better if Rageblade doesn't turn off critical strikes but that requires having meaningful crit tie-ins that make on-hit users feel good about it.

Testing without the conversion, Rageblade users felt like half of the marksmen items no longer worked for them since they didn't tend to have much AD to crit with.


Originally posted by MorbidTales1984

Whats the most arousing sentence you’ve ever heard and why is it ‘Statikk Shiv is coming back’

You're welcome :)


Originally posted by bruichladdic

Kayle finally having a mythic too

Very excited for that :)


Originally posted by Javonetor

when Brightmoon was talking about bots i liked i thought he was gonna say we are bringing back doom bots

i really hope they are considering it

also, 4:45 hi Phreak



Originally posted by Proxnite

Who’s that Diglett in the background at 4:50? He looks familiar.

It's Azael.