

22 May


Originally posted by Apollosyk

Yone E does show when it kills but i see ur point

Good point. Zed does as well. In Zed's case, there's not a lot you can do with that info, but Yone certainly does tell you to press E to escape early.


Originally posted by Tzeenht

Are crit adcs supposed to get their mythic as third item? Since if u go IE first or second u attack once every 2 sec? I dont find it very fun personally

You don't attack anywhere remotely close to once per two seconds on spawn, let alone with item 1 + zerks + runes.


Originally posted by Vertrixz

The only thing I can really add is that energise might be strong, but it doesn't feel good (for me at least). ADC is fun when I'm autoing a lot, and having just one auto with a big effect and then having to build it up again doesn't feel satisfying.

Could be different for others, but that's how it's felt for me. As a Kaisa player, the new on hit items are super fun and I like noonquiver pickaxe pickaxe for q evolve into kraken then either guinsoos or bork. I know loads of people go SR first but I don't like the style of the item so I don't build it. I do better with full on hit anyway.

Idk I think my point got muddled in the midst of that but I basically like the item changes but they could maybe use some satisfaction tuning or something like that. This is absolutely a huge step in the right direction though, making on hit its own viable thing with items supporting that identity directly. I have no idea how you'd find a way to make energise satisfying though.


Shiv of course came back as Shiv. Otherwise I wasn't trying to add any more Energize into the game. Just Stormrazor is an actually reasonably-priced item. You're not supposed to have to build it. It's just OP right now.

Feel free to go Kraken once items are fairly tuned.


Originally posted by Apollosyk

thnx for the insight! idk if its going to be broken or not but as a kalista player a nice quality of life change i would like to see was an indicator for when E kills. losing the fight cuz i miscalculated my damage so it then goes on cooldown feels quite bad. i dont think its going to be too big of a buff but im interested in ur opinion reggarding this change

Knowing when your abilities will kill is an important skill test. To my knowledge, the only times they show are when:

They are guaranteed to execute at x% health (Elder Dragon) or you have flat true damage (Cho'Gath, Pyke) that essentially doesn't have in-combat context.

For everyone else, that's the skill you have to learn.


Originally posted by charlielovesu


Any plans to buff Shiv at all? Feels underwhelming compared to stormrazor as a starting item.

Yeah Shiv appears to be undertuned.

21 May


Originally posted by Apollosyk

can i ask what is ur diretion for kalista? giving her the ap ratios for rageblade but then these changes on pbe suggest u want her as a crit marksman. just feels weird

Not specifically trying to push her toward crit, at least not very much. Her being a very AS-heavy champion based around Rend is unique and it's valuable to preserve that. Right now Rageblade, BotRK, and Hurricane are her best-performing items by far. I don't intend to change that. The builds might get closer, but that just means 1/10 games you can choose a different build and it's correct, instead of 0/10.

Largely the changes are around removing some of her punishing rules that we don't think she needs to be balanced any more and then shipping tuning changes to bring her up a bit in power.


Originally posted by space_acee

Phreak I’m a high gold / low plat player who plays crit adcs.

Right now the consensus seems to be building stormrazer first in pretty much all scenarios due to the high AD it gives while still providing some AS.

Maybe I’m just bad at the game but I feel more limited and pretty unsatisfied with my early build paths. It feels like there isn’t a great choice for first item aside from SR but it also doesn’t feel like it synergizes with the rest of the crit build without other energized items.

Basically I just feel like itemizing right now is less intuitive and more restrictive then before. I know you’ve said you wanted to nerf adcs but was this the intent?

Once again I know I’m low elo. If you could shed some light on how crit adcs should be looking to itemize early now I’d appreciate it :)

Stormrazor is OP and Shiv is underpowered from what I've seen of early data. We'll make final calls on Mon-Tues for the first big tuning pass.

Ideally I want all of the "starter" crit items (3x Noonquiver, Essence Reaver, Collector) to have at least 1 BiS user and try to balance them around parity for everyone else if possible.

Ideally, these items don't feel like wasted slots later on, which is why all of them scale pretty well. That said, I'm still thinking through how much of a champion's power budget should come from passives and actives: No one seems to really mind Deathcap, Void Staff, etc. But (tuning aside) Energize seems to get a bit of a different treatment


Most of the comments here already hit on the intent: there is a ton of attack speed in the system already via Zerks, Alacrity, and LT. There really isn’t any +AD. So I intentionally trimmed some stack speed because it was often a wasted stat from a mathematical perspective. Things like Tristana Q and Varus passive would overcap you quickly.

I made a point to still include a few very strong AS items: Kraken, PD, and Hurricane all provide substantial As so if that’s a stat you want, you can get it. It’s also why Kraken has an AP ratio and a total AD ratio: if you want to stack multiple AS items, Kraken keeps scaling. Even Nashor’s Tooth was meant to have some fringe consideration (again, the AP ratios)


Tbh I didn’t consider ARAM when doing this. We actually playtested Shiv Veigar on SR and the opportunity cost is quite high. Less so when enemies are forced to be by their waves at all times.

Anyway I plan on nerfing the AP ratio next patch.

This being remotely viable at all is intended. Finding champion-item interactions and feeling clever about them is an intended consequence of these changes.

17 May


Originally posted by Ovedius

Correct I did not know the reference

U dumb.


Originally posted by Grand-Garlic

Thought you misspelt Phreak

He and I talk about this roughly once a month.

16 May


Originally posted by UniversityTrade

Vayne spotting, what an ancient meme lol

Ardent Censer

We’re putting more power into the passive and adding movement speed
into Ardent Censer so that it’s easier to keep up with the teammates
you’ll be enhancing. Vayne spotting just got a little bit easier.

Kudos for remembering that one. IDK who wrote that into the patch notes, but 10/10 reference.


Originally posted by TamamoCat

That's fair, it's interesting to see how it'll turn out. But, IMO, if your character needs 250% damage bonus against monsters on every single ability, maybe jungle was never meant to be a thing in the first place.

Nah, jungling is first and foremost a DPS check and then a play-the-map check.

Support can be a lot of things but it's primarily about setting up teammates. That usually doesn't also come with high DPS. So it tends to be really true that supports can't jungle and vice versa.

Obviously there are some real outliers. Ivern is Ivern. Pantheon is a damage support. Taric actually has an AS steroid so he does both "legitimately" but either way I'm personally a big fan of monster mods to open up roles.


Originally posted by Supreme_Gubzzlord

Many years ago? Whatever do you mean? Rell is like, brand new-

Wait.. I cannot be reading this right. Release date: 2020-12-10

Rell is 3 years old?

👴 I should start writing my will.

If we're aging her like people, she's 2.


Originally posted by Solash1

Now she can properly STEEL the enemy jungle camps ;)))))))

That was a joke.


I enjoyed it.

15 May


Originally posted by Masalar

So, the way I've felt that adcs warp the meta is things like: How tanky tanks are is based on how well they survive adc damage, how effective assassins are is how reliably they kill adcs, how effective supports are is how well they peel/engage on adcs, how abusable econ strats are is how much adcs can abuse them...

It's not that other champs/roles can't have value, but that the value is almost always measured around adcs.

Counter-point: The game is based around tanks. ADC exist to kill tanks because tanks have too good of MR itemization. If your K'Sante (or Malphite, etc.) can't die, he'll solo kill the entire enemy team. So now how do we prevent Aphelios from killing K'Sante? OK how do we stop Vi from stopping Aphelios? OK how do we handle Lulu shutting down Vi? Etc.

Suddenly if Force of Nature is weak (or just not overpowered), it only takes a Viktor or Azir or Ryze to kill K'Sante. Now it's a Jhin + Ashe meta because it's much easier to allow a Viktor optimal DPS uptime than it is a Jinx.

I'm not saying that either your or my post are "the way" League is played. But one can make up a cyclical argument from any start point and it usually works.


Originally posted by DARIF

If the defensive team comp is defending then you need to attack somewhere else. The ADC has to show up on waves. You accomplish stuff where they aren't.

Very good Phreak, what do I do when the game revolves around dragons and baron?

Do something with your early prio to set your team ahead and take their turrets when they do dragon setup. And if they do dragon setup lazily just kill one of them before the fight.

To be clear, playing assassins against coordinated teams is hard but Akali was a Worlds-winning pick in the previous major int’l tournament.


Originally posted by papu16

Wanted to ask - your thoughts about nerfing exhaust/ghost on ranged champs? Feels like that in mid/high elo every marksman just runs one of that summs and just becomes unkillable.

Ghost ADC is pretty OP.

Exhaust is clearly really sharp against burst champions but I think that one is more OK


Originally posted by YouSuck225

Legit question don't you feel it weird that an entire class (assassin) is barely played or even though about in proplay ?

Like for a solid 2 years (maybe three but im not sure) the only assassin that has ever been took sometimes was leblanc. And she wasn't even assassinating people she would just dominate lane too hard with aery or poke people repeateadly with QR.

Kassadin had a 3 week or so meta at start of the year.

But i can't remember the last time in draft phase any team would fear X player assassin pool. How come that even assassin like fizz, that technically have the possibility to full by pass stuff like lulu polymorph, can't even be played in pro cause they will not kill an adc

Akali and LeBlanc have frequently been popular pro champions.


Originally posted by Phr33k101

But in pro play we can assume that most, if not all, top laners are capable of playing sidelaners at a high level. Some, like Zeus, even made a name for themselves in this way. Even so, the pro play meta is pretty much just a deathball vs deathball affair, despite what you are saying about playing the cross-map and splitting the enemy team. So if the counter to deathball comps is making them split up, and top laners are presumably capable of playing these more split-oriented champions and strategies, why are we not seeing that at the highest levels? I dont pretend to be a league expert by any means, but it seems like objectives are just too important to give up in a cross map, and ADCs are so important to getting those objectives that funneling everything into them is the way to go in the upper echelons.

With full respect therefore, saying "ADC isnt that game-warping, just play the cross map and split them bro" sounds like the game-dev equivalent of the "Olaf is ...

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I mean we have years of pro play that has shown many years of ADC not being meta-defining including seasons with the current dragon soul system.

This thread is largely people calling the structure flawed when it’s evident there aren’t really structural issues. Tuning ones maybe.