Originally posted by Brief_Ad_7105
I can understand rest of the changes, but W ap ratio revert to 0.55 again(Azir) is too harsh, i think.
If you guys want to take his early game performance, then you must provide proper reward in his late game. But now you cut his early game once more, and take even his attack speed passive(so it can't be told that his late game is pure buff), things you turn back are just 0.05 ap ratio buff in Q and 50 base damage buff in W? You really think this is acceptable exchange?
I really hope you reconsider about this. Please let W ap ratio remain as 0.6.
The goal is to get Azir into a state where he is buffable without being 100% pick/ban in pro. So far this year he's been a 50-70% pro presence mid laner, which means we don't have any room to buff him in the hands of everyone else. 13.4 buffed him 1-1.5% win rate. The goal was to do that without buffing pro play, but I'm pretty sure I missed the mark there.
So right now he's up 1.5% win rate compared to 13.3 but expected to also break pro play. If this change list preserves that win rate lift and brings his pro presence back down (again, expectation-wise), then the overall changes would have been successful.
W damage is strictly higher come midgame. The passive turret is substantially more usable. I expect his early game will be nerfed enough that there may be room to just buff him in the near future.
Overall, Azir has substantially better late game over the course of these two patches: Q, W, E, R, and passive are all stronger late game than they were in 13....
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