AYYYYY!!!! Game Designer /u/PhreakRiot @ the 4:44 mark! Wait a minute... 4:44! He must be a Jhin enjoyer.
It's me!
AYYYYY!!!! Game Designer /u/PhreakRiot @ the 4:44 mark! Wait a minute... 4:44! He must be a Jhin enjoyer.
It's me!
Read more10% slow on W is eating away whole tier of boots. Even at lowest MS it's minus 33 units moved each second, and her W lasts 2 seconds. 10 mana off means like 2 more rockets or 1 more cast of W during the laning phase which translates into like 100 more damage (post-mitigation).
AS is also more important stat for ADCs, cos it translates into mobility (you stand still for less performing an AA).
And that's not mentioning Jinx being able to outsmite junglers again (when the reason to up t3 Smite to 1200 was exactly that: it was too easy to outsmite junglers and you wanted to make junglers more important when fighting for objectives, that was one of the goals of jungle changes this preseason). Also old cap was 800, so still less than Smite, now it's 1200, just as strong as Smite, so relatively it's stronger.
Also-also: 13.7 Kalista vs 13.8 Kalista (buffed by +0.25 AD/lvl):
Kalista was buffed in 13.7, not 13.8. She gained about 0.6% win rate in 13.7 with a 10% (not percentage point) pick rate increase.
So... Looks like I'm right on the money.
Let me help you with some English lessons: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/placebo
I know that reddit knows balance is a meme for a reason, yet I can't help but think this is just Riot and you counting on the placebo effect and nothing else. There's been cases in the past where changes get put in the patch notes yet accidentally don't make it live but you still see a 1% increase or decrease in win rate.
-4 AD at lvl 18? Realistically how does this reduce a champion's win rate by 0.7% other than it being a placebo nerf?
Y'all really gotta stop calling things placebos that are by definition not placebos.
You also need to realize that numbers matter. Jinx's last DPS impacting buff was 0.36% attack speed growth. This change is the exact same size as that one. This is a 9 gold vs. 8.75 gold in terms of stat growth. I'm not saying these numbers are huge, I'm saying y'all are really bad at math.
The sum total changes from Jinx having 5% pro presence (13.3, 13.4) and 50% pro presence (13.6) are "placebo" changes and some W stuff.
So if you believe the AD growth means nothing, that means you think the AS growth also meant nothing. And it means you think -10 mana W and +10% W slow is worth 10x the pro presence and (paraphrasing other people) "the best ADC in the game." Because 13.5 was 1.5% win rate. So either W is carrying all the weight or the stat growth changes matter.
Which'll it be?
4 less ad at 18, it's so over for jinx /s
It's intentionally a small nerf. Should be ~0.7% win rate.
Azael is a pretty good guy.
Phreak, do you think there is a world where his ultimate removes his ability to shut off towers in favor of strength elsewhere?
What would it look like if he personally just took reduced damage from the turret or whatnot? I guess he would just kind of fall into the same territory of diving as Alistar.
Yeah that's possible.
Can you consider putting a per champion cooldown on Amumu Q to nerf double stuns combined with ult? Say you Q the same target twice, the second Q would slow or ground instead of stun again.
I really like Amumu as my primary jungler in high elo but his double stun is a huge power budget.
Double stun does a ton of heavy lifting for MMR skew
I don’t understand this. Your comment makes it sound like you’re passively observing that Volibear has no counter play, but you guys are in charge of balancing. If his kit is fundamentally broken shouldn’t he be in line for a rework then?
Yeah that's the direct implication. Not a rework per se.
What was the push back? Champ seems to be in rough shape in solo q.
Volibear has essentially zero counter-play from ahead. You can't even rely on your tower.
For now we have no intent of getting his top lane win rate to 50% without some extra work being done but he's at like 47%, so there's room between the two.
Amumu? Again? Since 12.4 he’s had 11 changes. This will be the 12th. They seem to be incapable of balancing this champ.
It's more that he usually sits near the top of the acceptable WR band for lower MMR play since he's an easy jungler to clear on, and we try not to run him all the way down to 50% since he's so low-MMR skewed. This means his changes tend to be pretty small in scope and thus overall jungle fluctuations bring him up past data-driven bounds or low enough that we choose to buff him.
I've personally picked up most of the Amumu changes this year and I've tried to very lightly reduce that skew while still keeping him as the de-facto new-to-jungling champion because I think that suits him very well. Mostly this has been making his early clear safer and lowering his scaling a bit.
I just want AD Twitch to be viable. Ranking up E increases the damage by 40... when you're at max stacks. Way more work for the same damage increase as other ADC's abilities. Some crit scaling on it, like a few other ADC's have gotten in the past couple years would be nice - and it wouldn't impact AP Twitch at all.
Support is unironically his best role which just shouldn't be the case.
AD Twitch is plenty strong.
There was actually a study done - and yes while champs are more likely to be mentioned when they are getting skins, they're actually nerfed more often than they're buffed. Either way I think it's mostly pure coincidence. The teams are much more separated than you think.
Hi I was just in the meeting where we decided we should definitely buff Volibear. I personally pushed through some pushback against buffing him.
At no point did his skin get mentioned. I also had no idea he was even getting a skin. I literally have no idea what skins are coming out in the next several months because I don't go and look for that info.
When you say playoffs level, do you mean for a 6 (Spring) or 8 (Summer) team bracket? I would assume 6-team; since with an 8-team bracket, being explicitly called not playoffs level carries significantly more weight than the opposite. But semantics.
Yeah I mean “reasonable for top 6”
A sidegrade at best imo. I thought Revenge had some decent games last split. I didn't feel like he was the problem on this roster.
I like revenge a lot but solo is a significantly better player than him.
IMT is maybe one player away from playoffs level now imo.
What’s wild is, not sure there’s ever been a coach who could just step into scrims and play up to par. They meme the picks but not LS play. Maybe Bjerg?
I mean they're playing academy teams and Berserker had to just 100% pick Jhin because he didn't have a mid or jungle.
At that point he's going to get better practice playing KR solo queue. How is that "up to par?"
Bump clearspeed aswell, she hardskews low elo and buffing ap scaling = buff lategame = buff more for low elo. Early clear is an early game buff that doesn’t shift tank/ap power.
Yeah that’s happening too.
is there a problem with lillia building ”ap-bruiser”? I feel like those builds fit her better and are more fun to play
Not necessarily. However, most players build her with Liandry's. And overall, saying that AP is the move fast draining version while building tankier is ignoring those facets is reasonable IMO
If you trade base values for AP ratio, reverse this (even partially):
Base health regeneration reduced from 7.5 to 2.5.
Health regen growth reduced from 0.75 to 0.55.
Otherwise Lillia top/mid players will have a horrible laning phase.
Yeah that’s pretty intentional. Top Lillia is roughly as strong as jungle already. No need to disproportionately buff top
Buffing lillia and making cosmic drive give MS……..I’m about to get run down by that laughing deer at 100 mph in soloq while she drain tanks everyone with that Jaksho build aren’t I?
Currently planning on shifting her healing out of base and into AP ratios. If she builds jaksho she should have less healing.