

05 Jun


Originally posted by OoRicky92oO

Pretty much agree with everything. I still think they need to adjust the weapons base attack speed so that they feel good and delete the ability to modify it with cells. As for cascade i think it should go as a cell and become a skill for a "pet" like the drone. I'd really love to see the drone become a permanent pet which you can customize appearance wise and skill wise (like choosing between a support type that spawns buffs or a dps type like eidolons in escalations that damages behemoths)

For now, we're leaning towards turning the drone into its own Omnicell at some point.


Thanks for the post! We'll be gathering all of this feedback over the next few days and talking about the changes we want to make to Omnicells, attack speed, and overall balance over the next little bit.

If anyone hasn't had the chance to get into the ETR to give us feedback, please do so if you're able to. We really appreciate all of this feedback.

04 Jun


Originally posted by ironswiftman14

Personally I don’t care for lantern holds I only care about the the taps and completely removing I think isn’t going to go well

Is it specifically the input that is easier to use or you just like the abilities that happen to be on the taps?


Originally posted by Darthplagueis13

I feel like one issue with Stamina is that the attacks that actually cost stamina often don't feel all that rewarding compared to the other basic combos. Like, CB chain swings, or the repeated strikes combo with the axe.

I agree with the OP that there should be some kind of method of directly restoring stamina in combat because sometimes you find yourself low and are struggling to get back up because the Behemoth is just being spammy so you kind of just stumble from one dodge into the next which doesn't feel great.

Thanks. Yeah I can definitely agree that the "stamina dumping" moves are not in a great place right now.


Originally posted by recc113

I tried out bastion a little, just putting it in my full life crit chainblades build that I use to hard carry all escalations currently and it felt terrible. Mostly the tap ability eating all my shields felt really bad. I've been playing since closed beta and I have muscle memory for hitting the tap quite often and trying to keep the hold up as much as possible, so i found myself just instinctually tapping and eating all my shields.

Honestly I'd rather no tap over a tap that eats all my shields, but maybe that's just not how I'm meant to run a full life build. I was kind of hoping bonded skarn full life crit would have been the way to go with the shield spamming omnicell. I get wanting to spend shields for damage tho, maybe my mindset is just backwards using the shields mostly to be super tank and infinite crit.

Mobility looked like it could be interesting after the rework of mobility cells I read about somewhere here; until then I'm not really interested in it.

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Yeah the muscle memory issue is a downside when we change inputs.


Originally posted by kdr-

The 30 sec cooldown to lantern hold will be a massive nerf. Not just for the lantern effect, but for cells like cascade too.

I get you're trying to balance builds but the game is already difficult as is while navigating bugs. These nerfs will just push players away.

I'd rather other builds were buffed over nerfing half life builds for instance.

Maybe buff these omnicells a bit more to make up for the lost dps.

Our goal is to land in the same DPS range as the live game right now. We have increased lantern damage significantly to account for longer cooldowns, and the omnicell abilities are quite powerful.


Originally posted by WIIU_Awesome

Replace. But they said they will buff hold lantern abilities because of it

That's correct. We're going to be removing the lantern tap abilities, although some of the mechanics (but not all) are being combined into the hold ability. For example, the current prototype has the Koshai lantern hold teleport you and give you 15% lifesteal for 10 seconds, and the Skarn lantern does AoE Terra damage over 10 seconds and generates shields every second over the duration.

But for some, like the Drask lantern, we're dropping the damage boost entirely and making it just do way more damage on hold.

We want to simplify lanterns a little bit to make the cognitive load a little lighter because we want the Omnicell ability to take more of that space. All the Omnicell abilities are powerful and generally have an element of tactical decision making. Simplifying the lanterns also gives us more design space to make more lanterns, which we've wanted to do for a while.

But we'll be listening to the feedback closely to see what players think and we can alwa...

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Originally posted by Dauntless-stye

like they said it'd be nice if if the player dodges perfectly they don't lose stam or something, this makes it so those who learned to dodge efficiently get rewarded by not having to do the walk of shame as the behemoth relocates

maybe even boosting atk speed for like 5 secs after a perfect dodge so you can get back into doing combo's to the behe quick

This is purely me but I think some mobility cells are good (like one the reduces dodge cost or another the increase movement speed after a dodge to relocate) , but its not worth a build slot, would be nice if they'd just be moved to the slayer's path as a new branch (with some changes like the effects only apply after a perfect dodge and just clicking dodge does nothing) or something. I'm prolly the only one who thinks this would be nice, but tbh mobiliy cells are just weird, not worth enough in a fight to sacrifice anything but nice it there when maybe gathering stuff

Mobility cells are indeed not in a great spot right now. We are hoping to tweak them in an upcoming update for when we release the Windfury Omnicell that will synergize with all mobility perks.


Originally posted by tehMorag

RIP Iceborne and Discipline combo 😭

That is a great combo but with the extra perk economy you get by making those cells Omnicells that are just a brand new added slot, we think you’ll have plenty of options to add defensive options into your build if you need it. But let us know what you think!


Originally posted by CheapPoison

Not being an ass here, right. But, are you kidding?

If not, little pointer ^

Being at limited health has great synergy with a ton of things that give you a ton of bonusses if you are below 50% hp. All the best build run a cell that already does that because the bonusses you can get from being permanently at 50% are better than anything else.

That is to say, this might work slightly differently, but it's likely that this is just pouring these options into arch types and letting players pick between them without much change.

The unique ability for each Omnicell should give you a fun new tool to use on the battlefield. That combined with an extra perk slot or two should open up more build options. Let us know what you think.


Thanks for sharing. We’ve been talking about stamina lately and agree that it’s not in the best spot right now. Would love more feedback from players. What would everyone like to see changed?


Originally posted by thwht

There's a visual reference for a monster killing scythe in a show called rwby. But in general, the idea i think would work is centering the weapon around gap closing. Having combos that work like Chain blade far cast for special or sword's hold primary fire. As every weapon combo keeps you in place, maybe the scythe could be a weapon with attack speed same as sword but with a ton of moves that revolve around slash dash

Sounds fun!

03 Jun


Originally posted by DaBoss-1095

Limited health and reduced healing? The Discipline-Omnicell's Tap Ability should be hella strong if the passive is this negative 😅 I mean, all the others have positive passives...

This is a bit out of date. We've been iterating on this and the Discipline passive will give you raw Crit Damage as well.

02 Jun


Originally posted by Alyx_Merlyn

Are there any ideas regarding a Supply Crate recharge? Having 1 single crate use with no recharge doesn't quite fit the "hunt as long as you like on this island" theme.

A long timer (10 minutes) or recharge based on behemoth kills (10 kills, minimum 20% damage for credit) would be beneficial to players that alternate builds or have high consumable use. Newer players often tend to use up their stims too quickly as well.

We definitely want to convert supply crates to a cooldown based system rather than 1 per island. Hopefully we can get to it soon.


Originally posted by Xardas_88

Those are extremely good news, we've been asking for exotics to be improved for a really long time. Thank you.

We're also going to buff the Molten Edict a bunch :)


Originally posted by Dauntless-stye

subclasses/Omnicells- what are they, mainly are they an extra layer of cells like how the avatars were an extra layer of amps? are they crafted? found from middle man? dropped?

thank you for all your hard work and have a great day

They will be crafted items in a new slot in your loadout.


Originally posted by Natte_Toni

Will elite fauna ever make its way out of the backlog?

I hope so! But no plans right now.


Originally posted by IntrospectiveTrash

Are there any that fall into that problem in your (team's) opinion? We know there's work going on for repeater's but whether or not that's just power shifting or gameplay changes is unknown. Any other weapons sitting weird? Personally would still love to see some more agile moves added to Pike, even if it takes a hit to DPS.

Next up we want to focus on Repeaters and Chain Blades. After that, I think the Hammer and Axe need a bit of love and more utility for more combos.


Originally posted by KeteX72

Will you change the exotic helms to active on behemoth kill? Tragic echo and prismatic grace of course

We've been talking about it. We'll see if we can fit it into the next patch or whether it will have to come later. But we did throw some new shiny things on exotics for this patch. We're adding a single Prismatic slot to the weapons and all exotics are getting a built in perk.


Originally posted by IntrospectiveTrash

Speaking in terms of design (IE: how fun/satisfying), not power/balance are there any sore points that anybody on the team would like to address about the current weapons? Example: Expanding Hammer moveset for less one-tricking.

In general, one of our goals with weapon reworks is making every combo useful to ensure that gameplay doesn't come down to doing a single thing over and over again.