

02 Jun


Originally posted by Alexstr525

Will you guys be making a SCYTHE weapon at any point in the games life cycle? Huge fan of this style of weapon, would love to see it in Dauntless especially with the designs the team could concoct from the various behemoths.

I love the idea of a Scythe personally. That would be a really cool weapon. But it's not currently in the top 2 or 3 spots. If we added it, what would you like it to do?


Originally posted by origonal_name

Because we are getting a new behemoth, for the next hunting grounds island I assume, will there ever be a radiant escalation happening? Ive heard that the development team hasn’t forgotten about it but it would be nice to have confirmation about wether or not it’s happening.

We were discussing that today based on some community feedback. We'd like to do it one day but we don't have any current plans for it.


Originally posted by rainycakee

Any plans of removing glider stamina cost? If the answer is no, what if I said please?

No plans to remove it, but we'd like to add more glider upgrades to the Slayer's Path. We think there is a lot more room to improve maneuverability and amount of time you can stay up in the air.


Originally posted by XatuBuffPlz

I hope there is a healer class soon because I just want to help my teammates, not fight the actual behemoth.

We have been brainstorming ideas for healing or support focused subclasses. We’ll have to see if they work out in practice once we get done the first batch of subclasses.

28 May


Thanks so much for your thoughtful post. This was passed around the office today.

I definitely agree on the rewards front. We need to do a better job of rewarding players for engaging with harder content. This has been a big focus in our design for Heroic Escalation which we're working on now. I'm really excited to get this into the hands of players. We're currently leaning towards a big chunky reward for beating it once a week, along with improved regular rewards for doing it the rest of the time.

In terms of Trials, we do need to add more rewards in the store, and probably just more repeatable rewards because players will always outpace the rate that we can make unique rewards. This is on our radar but I can't promise when we'll get to it. I think that would help give players more reasons to feel like their time in Trials is worth it.

For elders and primals, I do think we missed the mark a bit on giving more rewards early. At least now with the Chronovor...

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21 May


Thanks so much!

10 May


Originally posted by MrHorris

The longer the cooldown of an ability the less that ability actually affects your gameplay. I don't care about the power level changing with increased cooldowns, I care that a tool used to (potentially) create a more varied moment-to-moment gameplay is being taken away.

Big flashy effects like the legendary abilities are kinda cool, but they don't change how we play.

To me this sounds like a further simplification of the core combat loop when one of the greatest problems with Dauntless's gameplay has always been how stale it got. I deeply hope that increased cooldowns on any form of anything is rethought. I have had a years long addition to the Koshai Lantern because it has an active and significant effect on my playstyle, it doesn't matter if there is a number-go-up, taking away a tool I use to deepen combat will directly decrease my fun.

Again, this isn't about numbers, it isn't about balance, increased cooldowns are a reduction to the potential variation...

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Our goal is definitely to increase the complexity of core combat and give players more tools to solve problems (along with increasing the variety and complexity of encounters). So I agree that simply reducing the cooldown on lanterns might seem to go against this goal, but this is only being done to give subclasses more room. We're currently prototyping a number of subclasses, and most of them have very short ability cooldowns, like 2 - 3 seconds for one, 15 seconds for others, and 2 minutes for others (when they are much more powerful and impactful). And these subclass abilities will be way more impactful than the lanterns are. One of our subclasses (the one with the super short cooldown) happens to be heavily inspired by the Koshai lantern ability :)

And I think there is a trade-off when it comes to an ability's cooldown. The shorter a cooldown, the more you can integrate that ability into your moment to moment, but since it can be done very often, for balance reasons it ...

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Originally posted by Scarbrine69

Are they gonna buff lanterns for this? The hold abilities aren't all that useful with the exception of pangar which relies on being spammed for it to be effective. There's also cells like conduit and cascade which depend on the hold ability. All of this is coming in the distant future right?

And yes we have to take a look at some of the cells that revolve around using your lantern hold often, like Cascade, and make sure they remain effective.


Originally posted by Scarbrine69

Are they gonna buff lanterns for this? The hold abilities aren't all that useful with the exception of pangar which relies on being spammed for it to be effective. There's also cells like conduit and cascade which depend on the hold ability. All of this is coming in the distant future right?

We have to do a big rebalance of lantern abilities because they are going on a longer cool down in the future and you likely won’t increase charge rate from damage unless you equip specific cells. We are currently testing a 45 sec cool down but nothing is set in stone.

This might be seen as a nerf to lanterns but we are introducing subclasses which will add a lot of power into the game because subclasses come with a very powerful passive and active ability that doesn’t take any perk economy. So we likely need to take a bit of power of out cells and lanterns so that we don’t make everything trivial. We are also introducing harder heroic content next season so we have tons of stuff changing and we have our work cut out for us on the balance front. We hope to get a bunch of public testing on this stuff before it goes out.

07 May


Originally posted by Matt--Reddit

Ah, that's a welcome change for sure. Definitely appreciate that, but I typically receive 4-5 sparks per event, so I'm wondering how much 10-15% would affect that (adding 0.4-0.75 sparks). Either way, this is a step in the right direction for sure! I love to see the drop rate buffed and quite frankly still wish Escalations offered sparks or at least a chance at sparks.

Yeah the 10-15% is an estimate overall since we drop a single spark sometimes in certain waves. In some cases those went to 2 and in some cases it didn't change. Overall you should be receiving the 10-15% increase across many events.


Originally posted by Kahinh

/u/Proteus505, could you please clarify the "public events" ? Does that mean we need to queue in public islands to benefit from this 10 15% upgrade ?

Just the special island events in the Hunting Grounds. Works in public or private queues.


One change that was missed in our patch notes was increasing the drop rate of Aethersparks, Rams, and Mertis by 10-15% in public events in the Hunting Grounds. Later islands received a bigger increase than earlier islands. We'll continue to keep an eye on the Aetherspark drop rate until we find the right balance.

29 Apr


This is something we’ve wanted to do for a while. We definitely want to add ways for players to use their spare parts. We have some good ideas for solutions but haven’t been able to prioritize them yet.


Originally posted by Adrakhan

I was hoping for a Primal version in a "4 broken pillars" permanent state for events, because I find them fun to fight in these conditions (Trials player here), as long as they aren't on islands linked to the leveling loop. Which bring me to ask : Can we expect some sort of "Heroic Island" in the near future? I really think that an island populated only with boosted behemoths would be fun for endgame players and be a nice addition to the game.

Yep it’s coming!

27 Apr


Originally posted by Scarbrine69

When they get moved to the radiant island are we gonna have the four pillars back?

I believe the current thought is that the 4 pilllar version might just become a new public event and the behemoths you find on island will just be the 1 pillar version.


In this week's patch, we're changing the Primal behemoths to only have a single pillar instead of all 4. We realize these encounters made the game much harder for newer players and that wasn't the intent.

26 Apr


Originally posted by Hellrider_28

  1. I'm guessing this Heroic Hunting Ground is gonna try to solve the issue of the very slow XP gains at levels 17+, as well as offering a serious challenge to the best players (although Twilight Sanctuary does a pretty good job at that)
  2. Iceborne and Discipline being subclasses huh... this is a very interesting concept, because both cells are undeniably meta-defining (and extremely powerful), although for different reasons. I wonder how you guys are gonna work around the "damage = good" formula skill-based games have (aka games where you can mechanically take 0 damage in)
  3. I believe stagger-locking is an issue because of how easy and rewarding it is to break parts. Part breaks inflict a serious stun in Behemoths which allows for skilled Slayers (specially when equipped with the Overpower cell) to chain-break and annihillate Behemoths on the first stun. I'll be patiently waiting for more insights in these topics.

Yes one of the goals of Heroic Hunting Grounds is to give players max XP efficiency when close to level 20, so exploring adding behemoths higher than level 20 on those islands.


Thanks for the in depth analysis! We passed this around the office for discussion. I agree that these are real problems in the game and it's something we've been trying to address for a while, without a ton of success. But we have some exciting features planned for the Heroes of Ostia season that I think will address a lot of this - at least a lot better than in the past. These features are:

  1. Harder content: we want to release Heroic Escalation and a "heroic" Hunting Grounds island (final name pending) to give skilled players much more challenging content.
  2. Meta changes: the introduction of subclasses will be the biggest meta shift the game has had for a while. Our goal is to provide more diversity for players, especially the highly skilled players. We're also planning a lot of cell balance changes as part of this release, and some cells are even going to be converted into subclasses. We're currently thinking that both Iceborne and Discipline will become fully-...
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23 Apr


Originally posted by Warfarrer77

do u take into consideration that build with 4 same element armor parts gain some special perk?

It's something we've talked about a bunch.