

30 Nov


Originally posted by thrownawayzs

how low of a winrate does gp need before he gets looked at?

People are looking at him, hopefully the crit changes help some too. We will definitely keep our eyes on him before pre-season ends.


Originally posted by fabs777

Does Riot not want Morgana to be Midlaner? She is intended to be locked as a support only pick?

Nah she was just sitting above 55% win-rate, just a tiny bump to get her closer to most other champs.


Originally posted by jjhassert

community- fix adc

riot- nerf lethality and the only currently viable adcs

We are buffing Crit as well this patch (it's in the post), stay tuned.


Originally posted by bz6

is it scary to pump ability haste back into the system? the game feels SO good with cdr being "rare"

and do you think nerfin manamune mages and lethality for ranged is just gutting playstyles or?

thought the system would encourage creativity and such


We will nerf the items (manamune and lethality for example) if they are too good on the non-intended users, keeping us from buffing it for the intended users. For example, manamune would have to be nerfed because Cass and Orianna use it too well, even though the intended users (marksmen/fighters) are looking (mostly) balanced with it. It's not to stifle creativity.


Originally posted by ZedWuJanna

It's pointless to ask since we're gonna know it tomorrow anyways, but what is the planned change for lethality with ranged champions? Is it gonna be 50-80% as effective for them?

Something to make the effects less... effective on them like it was in 10.22 on Duskblade for example, or like the current eclipse melee/ranged split.


Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

Hi /u/RiotRayYonggi! Thanks for the awesome pace of preseason patching, its been great. Three quick questions for you:

What's your/the team's thoughts on Nunu's current state?

How is Maw of Malmortius performing? Any buffs in future so its a better pick up for marksmen?

Any thoughts on reducing mid game level differences between duo bot lane and solo roles?(lvl 10 behind adc vs lvl 13/14 solo lanes).

Nunu seems strong right now, the tank item nerfs should target him a bit.

Not sure about maw, I do know that it's not meant to be the primary MR pick-up for marksmen (Merc should be that), but not 100% if it's looking balanced overall.

Level differences duo lane vs solo lanes is a big controversy I see around a lot. I agree it can be drastic at times, but I know that before we changed it, top laners would have low chance to influence the game if too much of the battling happened bottom lane 2v2. The XP change kept the game from being decided too heavily just in bottom lane. It's possible it hasn't aged too well, not sure.


Originally posted by Gaboesh1

How is shaco not part of the ‘tiamat compensation buffs’ that makes absolutely no sence, he is the one that relied the most from it

Just at a glance, his win-rate is not nearly as drastic as the other champs listed here. If he's an outlier after these changes I'm sure we'll follow-up.


Originally posted by [deleted]


It's a change to make it more about your teammates proc-ing than just you doing the damage. But you can do whatever your heart desires sir


Big changes incoming. Squeezing as much as we can into each patch without sacrificing our ability to understand the effects of the changes.

25 Nov


The end of an era.

23 Nov


Originally posted by RiotRayYonggi

Overall I've found it to be a decent sized buff, the R reliability down is more pro-skewed as others have mentioned, but the refunding cooldowns leads to really high damage with abilities and W procs over the course of the fight. Overall a shift to Q+E max with normal crit/high AD builds from the traditional on-hit builds.

With that said, predicting the % winrate magnitude is pretty tough, especially in pre-season, so if it doesn't land favorably I'm sure we'll follow up.


Originally posted by alvrav

Varus changes seem... horrible???? Its a bigger nerf than buff wtf

Overall I've found it to be a decent sized buff, the R reliability down is more pro-skewed as others have mentioned, but the refunding cooldowns leads to really high damage with abilities and W procs over the course of the fight. Overall a shift to Q+E max with normal crit/high AD builds from the traditional on-hit builds.


Originally posted by Kotouu

Anything Sirhaian touches turns into gold so not too surprised.

He's a smurf

17 Nov


Originally posted by ElBigDicko

Thank god they are looking at Tear. They should look into Manamune. Stacking it takes literal years. Buying Manamune min 10-11 and having it transform at 22 is a joke.

Weird that Galeforce and crit in general isn't being looked at. Every crit ADC is in dumpster aside from Samira who is being individually nerfed. Also what the hell did Botrk do that it's being nerfed lol.

In regards to marksmen: Statistically Kraken is underperforming in comparison to the other two, so giving it a boost should help a bit, especially for crit marksmen who have the role of pumping out consistent DPS, which have been the largest losers of the first pre-season patch so far. Galeforce and Shieldbow are performing comparatively to each other though outside of a few edge case champs on the shieldbow side, which will get addressed as we arrive at more balanced items.


Originally posted by novayhulk14

I’m glad they’re buffing serpent’s fang, it felt terrible underwhelming, which is even worse considering it is a niche item

Yeah we recognize it's niche, but making it slightly more attractive will get people to buy it more often and interact with the (in my opinion) cool passive.


Originally posted by SCjaeger

That sounds reasonable I appreciate the answer. If I can ask one more question, is the nerf because of statistical over performance or because it’s monopolizing build diversity?

Both. It's highest winrate on most users, and it's the most broad as Assassins, Fighters, and Marksmen can take it. So it's gotta give some power somewhere.


Originally posted by SCjaeger

What part of eclipse are you hitting? 55ad 18lethality is underwhelming at its price point. I would rather lose the vamp and get 60ad 21lethality. Ad assassins get mileage out of their spells not standing autoing. It seems that prowlers claw is just going to be the next go to item if you aren’t khazix or talon buying duskblade. I would rather see the shield or vamp lowered before the damage

Probably proc frequency

16 Nov


It's happening! We have good lists being cooked up for all these items, feeling confident that we will make good progress patch-by-patch! Keep the feedback coming.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Looks very good for tank nerfs. Props here.

But where are the AP item nerfs? Demonic is one of the most OP 2nd items possible. Lich bane is still insane (down to 100% base AD I suggest) and there are many AP mythics that lack a clear line (Liandrys vs Ludens isn't really a choice but mostly based on whom you play because Liandries is actually pretty good agianst one tanks, too). But also that many of them are stupid strong. AP burst mages and AP assassins (in lane) do keep up with tanks.

I am just a bit disappointed because I expected a bit more.

As I said, we are doing a large patch on 10.24. It's been only ~5 days since the patch drops, we've hotfixed twice already, and normally we patch at a 2 week cadence. Just hotfix nerfing/fixing the most disruptive things in the meantime.


It's a start, expect much, much more on 10.24 patch, we are all focusing hard on getting the best first pre-season follow-up patch we can for y'all.