

26 Apr


Senna, personally


In addition to the points /u/EsterWithPants made, some champions just have higher winrates at lower elo than higher elos. For example, Aphelios is 50% winrate at masters and only 46% winrate at silver. This is due not only to the difficulty of the champion, but also the coordination burden of their playstyle. Taliyah is another example, her winrate at silver in mid-lane is 49% but goes up to 52% as you get to higher elos.

Inversely, Annie, a simpler champion, is higher winrate at lower elos than higher ones. That tends to make a compelling argument for why simpler champions should be played if you're intending to climb from bronze, silver, etc.

If you want to check these stats for yourself, check sites like ...

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12 Mar


Originally posted by skenged99

The power difference isn't that large, but toplane champions are generally useful regardless of the situation. Whereas ADC's are forced to rely upon your team to actually be useful.

Marksmen is the biggest coinflip role & there is nothing to compliment that as not only do you have no agency on the map or hardly any in the lane - you also have a random person in your lane who is 30% of the time autofilled.

'marksmen scale best off gold over gametime' Games don't last long enough for marksmen to get 3+ items

Not to mention the limited amount of marksmen viable right now.

D2 EUW btw

In Elite play (Diamond+) there are currently 9 Marksmen above the 50% winrate line, with all of the rest (except Kai'Sa) being above 48%. I'm not sure if you're conflating viability with playrate? Or maybe just their feel? But if your goal is to win games, you aren't losing them by picking marksmen.

11 Mar


Originally posted by BeepBoopAnv

Yeah, but when does that ever come up? I have a million points on anivia and can’t think of a single time where I was like “aw man, if the window for empowered e after being affected by my r was one second longer I would’ve gotten more damage!”

This feels like a placebo that doesn’t address Anivias real problems in that she’s too weak early and never gets to her strong points in most games. Perhaps giving her more roam capabilities or easing her mana issues early so she’s not gated into seraphs+rod of ages?

I don’t know a perfect solution, and maybe this was too much, but I’d like to see some more power given to her so she could have a presence in pro play besides just froggen once a split.

Appreciate the passionate response. I agree Anivia needs some wider work done (maybe QoL, power curve, or power budget shift), but that would require some more due diligence from us that we aren't ready to commit just yet (we swung too far with the CC immunity and were rightly called out for it). We will see what this change does for Anivia (if anything), and reassess after.


Originally posted by Ethanxiaorox

How is that pronounced?



Originally posted by Surybang1

1 lvl is almost 1k golds so if an Adc is underleveled by 4 lvl + They have bad base stats, can you explain how it’s not as large as we ( all adc players on this planet ) think????

Because the primary output of a marksman is damage (secondary being utility on some marksmen), neither of which are heavily impacted by level scaling, and are instead influenced by gold and base kit utility. Despite being down in levels, marksmen almost always serve their purpose of having the highest damage in the game, which is their most sought after output.


Originally posted by BeepBoopAnv

Is anivia going to get a different buff in 10.7 or is she just going to get the 1 second window that won’t affect anything.

She is getting the 1 second window increase on R for 10.6.


Statistically Amumu's best items are Abyssal Mask, Thornmail, and Liandries, however if you find yourself struggling to stay in range then Rylai's provides a lot of sticking power given that you land your first Q.

As for pathing, Amumu does pretty well when level 3 ganking (especially mid), so I tend to stick to the 3 camp->gank strategy.


Marksmen as a class are less dependent on levels (between stat scaling and skill point scaling) than other classes, and scale best off gold over gametime. So while it may be jarring to see you at a level disadvantage, the actual power difference between you and a toplaner is not as large as you'd think.


Hey! I'd love to give you some pointers sometime. If you're on NA, add me: Riot Ray Yonggi


Originally posted by RiotRayYonggi

Yup! Kalista's passive allows her to do a hop in between every auto attack if she issues a move command (right click the ground) once she has started an auto attack.

From the wiki:

Makes her 📷 dash in the target direction after issuing a movement command during a wind-up or right after casting 📷 Pierce.

  • The distance scales with her boots tier. The wind-up while dashing is only reduced by 0.66% per 📷 1% ...
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Yup! Kalista's passive allows her to do a hop in between every auto attack if she issues a move command (right click the ground) once she has started an auto attack.


Originally posted by Aaron1997

Just checked. Anivia's Ult is still uncancelable. Trying to get a response from King Cobra to put this to rest.

We've pulled the CC immunity for 10.6. Should be reflected on PBE soon.

18 Feb


Originally posted by Jozoz

If they just keep buffing Amumu's numbers without fixing his actual issues, he's just gonna show up as an aftershock Support champion.

It happened to so many other champions (relevant flair). Just throwing number buffs at him won't fix it, Riot.

Aftershock support Amumu!? Have we just discovered my new pocket pick!?

16 Feb


Very cool! Could be nice for aspiring high-level support players. I know that I get tripped up comparing cooldowns of abilities botlane (Tahm W, Leona E, Morg E, etc)


Originally posted by PostsDifferentThings

so, what, 2 months before shes nerfed again or...?

We'll see if she breaks any of our current balance constraints. So far so good on that front though. You can read more about some of our philosophy here:
/DEV: Champion Balance Framework


Originally posted by hiiplaymwmonk

I'm sorry if this has nothing to do with what you do or if it's a dumb question but has Riot considered changing Kalista's W? It's mostly useless as an active ability and pro players frequently don't bother putting a point in it even after the passive-buff

Sure we've had some thoughts about mechanics changes to Kalista to improve her QoL, nothing to talk about yet though.


Originally posted by yeovic

next time you nerf her. Can you make slows not mess with her AS to find a better balance? and try to nerf her E dmg on large monsters.. she is a fun champ that with all the gapclosing creep isn't as op as she used to be in terms of kiting. Also, does atk move still slow her DPS down? i remember it did once.

Yeah I agree that's a pretty frustrating quirk of Kalista. I'd love to see some mechanics changes done to her but nothing to talk about yet.


Buffed a few times in a row. Mostly in the durability/consistency stats which contribute heavily to winrate (SoloQ games are commonly lost due to being squishy/inconsistent in early-game).