This gives me life.
This gives me life.
'Tis bugged, will be fixed in the future, thanks for the feedback though. I agree, it can be hard to track what happened without the VFX it was designed to have.
Hah I appreciate people thinking we could nail the balance on the first real go, but more realistically it'll take some iterating from here. We are EXTREMELY ears-to-the-ground right now taking in all the data and feedback to iterate quickly on both the item system and individual champ/class balance. All the games you guys are playing and feedback you're giving is super helpful. In the meantime, enjoy the chaos!
Put on your reading glasses boys and girls
RE: Rageblade/Rageknife
Additional un-listed change, the on-hit per 20% crit strike was reduced from 50 to 45.
Have you guys given any thought to the big tank complaints -- lack of mana in tank mythics and legendaries, more varied and accessible penetration options than ever before, and no suitable replacement for Adaptive Helm? I've only heard these secondhand (no PBE access), but they seem fairly valid from what we've seen so far. There has already been work undertaken to address some of the other complaints (like the mythic resistance profiles), so I'm hopeful these will at least be discussed.
We are addressing the concerns with mismatch between shreds and resists available in the overall system.
We still have a tuning pass to do on the Lethality legendary item stats, but in the meantime these mythic active nerfs should get us some good mileage towards our goal.
Hey mind if I ask: why are you trying to just get the numbers to be like live? I guess I just don't see the point in reworking the items if your end goal is for it to be exactly like it is now
Not just like live, but similar so that there isn't an influx of new damage.
The point of the item rework isn't to change how much damage/tankiness there is, but rather give players new choices to make and new interesting item actives/passives to play with that enable healthier and/or more interesting play patterns
Love to see you guys active on reddit :) I'd like to piggyback this comment to address something I forgot on the OP and a lot of people pointed out: is ravenous hunter supposed to heal for the full amount on aoe spells and do you think that's alright or will it get changed?
Yeah I think it's supposed to heal full amount on aoe spells, but be a lower % baseline and (I think) less healing on minions. I'll have to follow-up because it's hard to track all these moving pieces myself.
Did you play Tristana today?
Thanks for the analysis! Lethality items are currently undergoing a pass to hit their overall power. Just by adding more potential lethality purchases, the overall stackability of the lethality is way up, which we are planning to address in a future PBE update before it hits live servers.
K6 specifically had his ult nerfed because of the invisibility issues with it.
To reiterate, KhaZix and other stealth champions stealth to create kills, Duskblade stealths once the kill is already secured. Very different levels of power.
Do you guys plan on just shifting power, since I'm assuming items are just balanced but power is skewed towards burst here. Unless they aren't
The item patterns are functional, we just need to tune the numbers to get it closer to live power.
What is your opinion on new Duskblade? Do you think it’s healthy for the game and fun/fair to play against?
Duskblade is interesting because it's the item that's power is most contingent on the Lethality system's overall strength. To clarify, the stealth is powerful, but is only on take-down, so if the overall damage of assassins is tuned properly, they should still have to work hard to get that first stealth reset, because if they don't get the kill then the stealth is actually a useless power-budget sink.
That said, on PBE assassins have been overtuned generally, so they are picking up their kills too reliably and therefore accessing the stealth more frequently than normal. I don't see a reason the stealth can't stay, but it is very reliant on us doing our due diligence on the rest of the system to ensure it's not too reliable.
Appreciate the feedback here~ I can only speak directly for Lethality Assassins (as I work on that system), and we are planning iterations to address some of the damage creep for that class now that we've validated that all the items are effective and valuable. Looking to drop damage considerably between now and live launch, especially on the scaling side.
Sick analysis, glad to see people picking the system apart more deeply even before it hits live servers.
Read moreI appreciate the response but I definitely disagree on most of those points. Galeforce seems like easily the worst mythic in the game. A 90 Second CD lucian Dash with 100-300 damage that requires you to dash at a target to even get the damage pales in comparison to a 45 second CD AOE slow/root.
Essence Reaver seems great on spell slingers, But Jhins Q CD is 5 seconds at max. A full build Jhin at level 18 has maybe 500 bonus AD, So 30/40% bonus AD is... ok. ~200 damage at absolute full build and full items.
Even Kraken slayer's AD ratio is decent enough that it's not always bad on him.
Like all of these things when looked at in a vacuum are fine, sure. But by comparison to all of the Marksmen that are getting AS on more items, which is only 25% as effective on jhin, and who will proc Krakaken slayer 3 times for every one time Jhin can, its bad. Jhin will fall significantly far behind in damage. Storm Razor lost AD, LDR lost AD. IE ...
I'll look into the point about the stack fall-off time, you make a good point. Maybe we can adjust to be closer to old Rageblade's 5 seconds.
Can you comment on the the state of Jhin, and specifically is inability to effectively use the stacking aspect of some of these items? Kraken slayer attack stacks fall off so quickly Jhin can only EVER proc it on his 3rd or 4th shot. If he ever has to reload, the stacks completely fall off. It is completely unbuyable on him. Similarly, the new PD passive is practically impossible to use on him, as it requires 4 attacks and the stacks fall off before he finishes reloading. It seems like Jhin will likely be forced into Lethality with this item update.
While I agree with your two points, that neither of those two items synergize well, Jhin has many other items that are super synergistic with him.
Galeforce and Essence Reaver have very generous bAD ratios, which scale very well with Jhin's multiplicative bAD. Even Kraken slayer's AD ratio is decent enough that it's not always bad on him. Outside of that, he is still very happy with RFC, Stormrazor, the better scaling Runaan, BT, IE, and LDR. We think he has more than enough options in the marksman system.
That being said, I'm sure he also likes a couple of the Lethality items, there's nothing saying you can't use a combination of them to adapt to what the game needs :)
Hey, slightly offtop but I hope I can provide you guys some feedback since there's a lot of confusion regarding Viktor in preseason:
It looks like he went from a scaling mage into a bigger scaling mage into the current version where... he seems to have lost his identity as a late game mage? Surrender@20 is giving different information from what is currently up on PBE. The current iteration(no bonus AP) looks sharply different from his established theme and caused a lot of discussion. Would you guys mind trying an alternative? There's a lot of good ideas floating around, PLEASE don't just leave him as a "normal" mage without anything special
Don't have much directional context to give except that we are still very actively testing his new pattern. Might see some updates going forward.