Thank you for the feedback – I will be sure to pass it along, however at this moment in time there are not current plans to regionalize prices in the game. If this changes, we will be sure to let players know. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Thank you for the feedback – I will be sure to pass it along, however at this moment in time there are not current plans to regionalize prices in the game. If this changes, we will be sure to let players know. Sorry for the inconvenience!
To safeguard your account, you should not accept any gold sent to you by users that you don’t know (especially from suspicious usernames or in large quantities), and always reject any items that show up in your mailbox that you feel uncertain about.
I can’t look into player accounts, so if you need more direct assistance or have questions you should reach out to support: Lost Ark - Support | Amazon Games
Servers on North America West are back up and running smoothly – thank you for your patience!
Servers are back up and functioning, and we are all clear! Thanks for your patience
Our teams are aware of the issue involving server crashes and disconnects on a number of North America West servers and are working to resolve it now. We appreciate the reports, and will keep players updated on the situation.
Thanks for the server crash reports, the team is aware and working on the issue!
Thanks for the server crash reports, the team is aware and working on the issue!
It is 7 AM UTC – this has been fixed, thanks!
No, if you made a purchase you will be fine
No, no one is getting banned as a result of this system alone. It is an anti-fraud system, so if you are committing fraud, you will be banned, sure. But that is not going to be an issue for legitimate players.
Please refer to the patch notes: March 24 Weekly Update - News | Lost Ark - Free to Play MMO Action RPG
Read morePlayers who have a Steam account in good standing and have met the small purchase requirement needed to use Steam’s social systems shouldn’t be impacted. Players who have not met this ‘Trusted’ status through Steam or Lost Ark will have reduced access to a small number of social and economic systems. Specifically, these accounts will have smaller daily Steam purchase limits than ‘Trusted’ players and be pre...
A purchase within Lost Ark will work as well, but at this time those are the only ways. We are not putting these measures in place lightly, but we will be monitoring for player feedback and how it changes or impacts folks in game since we know it may cause inconveniences for some players
Hiya, I have verified with the team that a VAC ban on another game will not have any affect on players in Lost Ark. Since the system targets fraud, it is looking for issues with chargebacks or other fraudulent purchases, so if you aren’t doing those things you have nothing to worry about
Yep, will just take some time to clear (the idea is to prevent fraud, which means the system has to verify you are not charging back your purchase, which is why it will not be instant)
As far as I’m aware, there isn’t a way to check, but if you have met the purchase requirement needed to unlock Steam’s social features (~$5) or made a purchase within Lost Ark you will not be effected by these changes.
For VAC bans, I have the question out to our team to double check
You are, you should not experience any effects from this new system
We’re updating some systems in the back end, and wanted to ensure we have enough time to get everything done alongside getting the build up and running. If the servers come up sooner, we’ll let y’all know!
These are patch notes for our weekly update that is happening tonight. Information about upcoming content and classes will be shared in a separate communication.
It’s just a casual event with some different rules to shake things up a bit – you don’t have to participate if it’s not your jam. Things like new raids are much more sizable pieces of content that you can expect to come in major content updates.
As for honing materials, we are going to closely monitor the effects this has on player progression as well as feedback, but the feedback will be most critical once they are in-game and folks are playing.
Héroes de Arkesia:
En la carta que preparamos con Smilegate RPG la semana pasada, os comunicamos ciertos ajustes en los materiales de acabado, nuevos eventos y el comienzo de la temporada 1 de los campos de pruebas competitivos. ¡Todo esto llega con la actualización de esta semana, disponible el 24 de marzo! Los servidores se desconectarán a las 08:00 CET (07:00 UTC) y esperamos que el mantenimiento dure ocho horas. Más abajo tenéis la lista completa de actualizaciones y correcciones de este parche.
Héros d’Archésia,
Dans la lettre que nous avons dévoilé avec Smilegate RPG la semaine dernière, nous vous avons informé des ajustements à venir concernant les matériaux d’affinage, les nouveaux événements et le début de la saison 1 de l’Ordalie compétitive. Tout cela arrivera dans la mise à jour de cette semaine, qui sort le 24 mars ! La période d’indisponibilité commencera le 24 mars à 8 h HNEC (7 h UTC) et devrait durer 8 heures. Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste de toutes les mises à jour et corrections apportées par cette mise à jour.