

19 Dec

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Gooooood morning. Very excited to see some folks got unbanned, but clearly a lot of this is still going on. Going to continue to work through this today to see what else can be done, but please be patient and bear with me as I have a couple hundred posts and messages to look through as one person (and note I won’t be able to reply to every DM directly because of the scale, but will be reading them and pulling what info I can).

That aside, we’ve re-flagged this problem with our anti-cheat partners and are already working internally to determine any other next steps we can take immediately!!

16 Dec

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have received a list of accounts that we believe were affected by these misplaced bans – we have a team working through this list one by one right now. Unfortunately this is a manual process, so it will take some time, but released players should see a notification in Steam once your unban has been processed.

If your ban persists through the weekend and you still believe you have been impacted by one of these incorrect cheating bans, please let us know and we will take another pass (but give the team today to get through this list). Thanks everyone for your patience!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Moving to support so you can get some direct assistance from the team!!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there – we put this question out to the team on the first day that the update launched, but have yet to receive a response. I will let you know when I get an answer.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’m not sure where the March 2023 statements are coming from, but there’s no basis there. I do not currently have an ETA for when this will be fixed, but will let folks know as soon as we get one. The latest update I have is that the team is still working on a fix, but not much else to share unfortunately.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

It is more likely you’ll hear for me first with whatever that update may be, and we’ll sort out how to deal with the bans from there depending on what update we get

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks everyone for staying patient. We’ve received a reply from the EAC folks that they are looking into the cause of the detection and are looking into potential unbans for false positives – from here we should be able to make some progress, and they said we should have a further update later today.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Looks like it’s booting back up; y’all should be good to get back in now. Thanks for the quick reports!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

The original maintenance was to flip around the way some data is stored, but this shouldn’t have caused an issue and it looks like the downtime may be related to something else; teams are investigating this now. I may have to step out as I have somewhere to be this evening, but folks are working on it now.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Here is a long post just for you. It is so long that it is twenty-one words long. You are welcome!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the report, looking into this now. There was a backend change happening tonight but this was not supposed to include any downtime, so I have escalated to the team.

15 Dec

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not too much of an update yet, but progress in the investigations have been made and we are currently in a place where we are waiting on a response from our anti-cheat partners. I apologize for folks who are currently stuck due to this issue, and those who are DMing me it is appreciated and I am taking note of these even if I haven’t been able to respond to each DM due to volume. Will provide an update as soon as we get that reply

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Now that this has been flagged as a bug, moving this over to the support section of the forums to see if the CS team can possibly assist you directly to free up that inventory space :crossed_fingers:

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’ll have a pretty stocked fever time event with some cool rewards, but most of the fun gifts are coming for the anniversary in February :slight_smile:

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We will be getting some new Mokoko emotes in soon, but unfortunately we won’t be able to get some of the player made ones into our version of the game due to cotract/partnership challenges :confused:

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Any weapon skins or subclass specific skins purchased before that class is released in the game won’t be available for use once it is released, however at some point we do want to do a rerun for skins like this that were missed for some classes!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Moving to bugs and localization feedback so the team can track this issue

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I hear and understand the feedback, however with a feature like this feedback is not the only thing taken into account. We are monitoring its effectiveness now that it is in place, and seeing how the AH limits change or improve bot/gold selling behavior. We can then assess the data around this.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

No, this has not happened yet and is separate from the ongoing potential issue with anti-cheat bans

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’m re-opening this thread as I did finally get an answer on this – unfortunately, any classes that are not out at the time of the Witcher collab will not get the opportunity to purchase or use these skins. Because this collaboration involves a partnership with another company, at this time we can only distribute those skins during the collaboration period, and at this time there is not a comeback for them planned. Sorry to deliver the bad news!