

21 Nov

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Hey everyone, thanks for the continued reports of this over the weekend; we have a potential fix that will be going out with tomorrow night’s update and are working through some other possible avenues to help clear this up.

18 Nov

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Appreciate these reports! Will make sure they all get investigated

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Really interesting note that it’s only happening on one character. Thanks for reporting this!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Unfortunately when weapon skin chests are released before an advanced class is release, they will not be usable on that class. We will find a way in the future to re-release skins on the advanced classes that came to the game later on!!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Glad you got this resolved quickly!! If anyone else has this issue, please let us know.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

The weapon skins will also come with that sale – I don’t have the exact details and offerings in front of me, but that should roll out next week.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Lol, I stepped away for a bit, but appreciate the note about the official account as well. I think it’s something that’s helpful to have in general. It takes time to gather all of the info to keep folks as up to date as possible, so thanks for being patient while we worked everything this week!!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Trust me, we feel it. The feedback is heard loud and clear, at all times. You don’t need to make it harder on us – kicking the messengers when they’re making their deliveries doesn’t make those deliveries happen any faster.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for the note! This is a feature that has been in development for some time, I believe. I’ll see if I can get a status update.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I know it’s been a heck of a week. We’re hoping these Pheons help make up for the issues players faced this week. Thanks all for being patient!

17 Nov

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

LOL, the title.

The team thinks they may have found the cause of the issue and is working through a potential fix, but it needs to be tested and verified. My understanding is that it has something to do with network connections & communications, but as that’s not my forte take that note with a grain of salt.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there – this is currently intended, and will be removed in our next downtime. We are working on the next potential hotfix now.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey, unfortunately this is a hotfix which came in very quickly and is being deployed as soon as possible. I apologize for the inconvenient timing for some regions.

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Héros d’Archésia,

Nous devrons mettre les serveurs de Lost Ark hors ligne pour une mise à jour d’urgence afin de résoudre deux problèmes différents :

  • Les joueurs dont les phéons sont nuls ou négatifs ne peuvent pas utiliser l’hôtel des ventes.
  • Le mode Hyper express accorde une quantité excessive et non intentionnelle de recettes de gravure.

Jusqu’à cette maintenance, les recettes de gravure du mode Hyper express seront temporairement désactivées et les joueurs recevront une erreur « Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser ou équiper cet objet ».

Tous les serveurs de toutes les régions seront hors ligne pour la maintenance à partir de 9 h HNEC. Cette interruption durera environ 3 heures.

Une fois la maintenance terminée, les joueurs dont les phéons sont nuls ou négatifs seront en mesure d’acheter des objets comme d’habitude et la quantité de recettes de gravure sera ajustée à la quantité prévue, 40 recettes par coffre.

Cependant, le...

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Helden von Arkesia,

Wir müssen die Lost Ark-Server für ein Notfall-Update herunterfahren, damit wir zwei verschiedene Probleme beheben können:

  • Spieler mit null oder negativen Pheons können das Auktionshaus nicht mehr nutzen.
  • Der Hyper-Express-Modus liefert eine zu große und unbeabsichtigte Anzahl von Gravuranleitungen.

Bis zur Wartungspause sind die Gravuranleitungen aus dem Hyper-Express-Modus vorübergehend deaktiviert und die Spieler erhalten die Fehlermeldung “Du kannst diesen Gegenstand nicht benutzen oder ausrüsten”.

Alle Server in allen Regionen werden ab 9:00 Uhr gewartet. Diese Downtime wird voraussichtlich 3 Stunden dauern.
Sobald die Wartungsarbeiten beendet sind, können Spieler mit null oder negativen Pheons wieder wie gewohnt Gegenstände kaufen, und die Menge der Gravuranleitungen wird auf die geplante Menge von 40 Anleitungen pro Truhe angepasst.
Die Gravuranleitungen werden jedoch bis zur nächsten Wartung nich...

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Héroes de Arkesia:

Tenemos que desconectar los servidores para aplicar una actualización de emergencia que resoverá dos problemas:

  • Los jugadores con cero o negativo pheon no pueden usar la casa de subastas.
  • El modo híper Express otorga una cantidad excesiva e inintencionada de recetas de grabado.

Hasta que se realice esta desconexión, las recetas de grabado del modo híper Express se desactivarán temporalmente y recibiréis el mensaje de error “No puedes usar o equipar este objeto”.

Todos los servidores en todas las regiones se desconectarán para el mantenimiento a las 9:00 AM CET. Prevemos que esta desconexión durará unos 3 horas.

Una vez que termine el mantenimiento, los jugadores con cero o negativo pheon podrán comprar objetos de manera normal, y la cantidad de recetas de grabado se ajustará a la cantidad correcta, 40 recetas por cofre. Sin embargo, estas recetas de grabado no estarán disponibles hasta nuestro próximo manten...

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Heroes of Arkesia,

We will need to bring the Lost Ark servers down for an emergency hotfix to address two different issues:

  • Players with negative pheons being unable to use the Auction House.
  • The Hyper Express Event granting an excessive and unintended amount of Epic Engraving Recipe All-in-One Chests.

Until this downtime, the Engraving Recipes from the Hyper Express mode will be temporarily disabled and players will receive an error “You cannot use or equip this item”.

All servers in all regions will go into maintenance on November 17th starting at 12:00 AM PT / 8:00 AM UTC / 9:00 AM CET. This downtime is estimated to last 3 hours.

Once the maintenance is over, players with negative pheons will be able to purchase items from the Auction House as usual, and the amount of Epic Engraving Recipe All-in-One Chests earned from the Hyper Express Event will be adjusted to the intended quantity of 40 recipes. However, these Engraving ...

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are aware of this issue and are currently working to implement a hotfix to address this. More soon